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50 Domestic Violence Annual Report 2005-2006

Other Statewide ProgramsAttorney General’s OfficeThe Attorney General’s Office Division of Victim Servicesand Criminal Justice Programs operate two programsthat provide services to domestic violence victims: theDomestic Violence Relocation and Address Confidentialityprograms. These two programs enable victimsof domestic violence to provide for their own safety.Additionally, continuing in FY 2005-2006 Charlie Crist,Attorney General sponsored a Cut Out Domestic Violenceinitiative that provides domestic violence training tohair-care professionals.Address Confidentiality ProgramThe 1998 Legislature found that many victims of domesticviolence who were fleeing from domestic violencesituations were establishing new addresses to preventtheir abusers from finding them. The Address ConfidentialityProgram “enables state and local agencies torespond to requests for public records without disclosingthe location of a victim of domestic violence, to enableinteragency cooperation with the Attorney General inproviding address confidentiality for victims of domesticviolence, and to enable state and local agencies to accepta program participant’s use of an address designated bythe Attorney General as a substitute mailing address.”(See ss. 741.401-741.409, F.S.)financial assistance to domestic violence victims escapingfrom a domestic violence environment. (See s. 960.198,F.S.) For victims to be eligible for the benefit there mustbe proof that a domestic violence offense was committedpursuant to s. 741.28(1), F.S.; the incident must be reportedto the proper authorities; and the victim’s need mustbe certified by a state certified domestic violence center.The Domestic Violence Relocation benefit is fundedthrough the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund (CCTF) andadministered through the Bureau of Victim Compensation.According to the Attorney General’s Office, 3,811victims of domestic violence filed claims and a total of$3,262,611 in domestic violence benefits were approvedfor payment during FY 2005-2006.Information regarding the relocation benefit can be obtainedby calling the Attorney General’s Information andReferral Line at (800) 226-6667. Compensation application,brochures, and other program information can beaccessed on-line at:http://myfloridalegal.com/victimsFurther information may be obtained from GwenRoache, Bureau Chief, or Julie Elliott, Assistant Chief, at(850) 414-3300.The Address Confidentiality Program provides a substitutemailing address for relocated victims of domestic violence;serves as legal agent for receipt of mail and service of process;trains and certifies application assistants statewide toassist victims in the registration process; and prevents publicaccess to information regarding clients through votingrecords and state and local governmental agencies. Theprogram is administered by the Bureau of Advocacy andGrants Management, which reports that 125 participantswere certified during FY 2005-2006, making a cumulativetotal of 530 participants as of June 30, 2006.Information regarding the Address Confidentiality Programcan be obtained by calling the Attorney General’sInformation and Referral Line at (800) 226-6667 or bycontacting Debbie Smith at (850) 414-3300.Domestic Violence RelocationThe Domestic Violence Relocation benefit was createdby the 1999 Legislature and established in the AttorneyGeneral’s Office in January 2000 to provide immediateCut Out Domestic ViolenceContinuing in 2005-2006, the Office of the AttorneyGeneral sponsored a program to raise awareness aboutdomestic violence and to provide hair-care professionalswith information on how to help if they have a clientwho is being abused. Training for the program includestopics about the condition of domestic violence in Florida,recognizing the signs of domestic violence, and how todiscuss domestic violence with clients. Participants inthe program received referral information on domesticviolence programs in Florida, and a certificate of attendance.In addition, attendees received Cut Out DomesticViolence palm cards and flyers, pens, stickers and emeryboards publicizing the Florida Coalition Against DomesticViolence toll free hotline (1-800-500-1119) and website(www.fcadv.org) to make available to their clients. Thisis the third and final year of this campaign. Looking backat the results of this successful initiative, seventy salonsand cosmetology schools received training and more than1400 hair-care professionals and nail technicians participatedin the trainings.Domestic Violence Annual Report 2005-200651

50 Domestic Violence Annual Report 2005-2006

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