Ending Abuse—Improving Lives - Florida Department of Children ...

Ending Abuse—Improving Lives - Florida Department of Children ... Ending Abuse—Improving Lives - Florida Department of Children ...

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of open and honest communication between providersand the courts. Rose Thelen and Chuck Derry from theGender Violence Institute in Clearwater, Minnesota, conducteda thought provoking presentation on the event’ssecond day focusing on the accountability of battererintervention programs to victims of domestic violence,referral sources and to Florida’s communities as a whole.In addition, certified batterer intervention programs andassessors are notified of various training events on domesticviolence and other related topics throughout the year.EnrollmentThe department requests that all certified programs providedemographic, enrollment, and discharge information oncourt ordered perpetrators of domestic violence. The dataprovided in the table “BIP Participant Demographics” reflectstatewide enrollment from 85 percent of the state’s certifiedprograms during the fiscal year.During the FY 2005-2006, 7,936 individuals participatedin the program with 46 percent completing the programand 54 percent terminating from the program for variousreasons. The number of individuals completing theprogram is up six percent from FY 2004-2005. The medianage of participants was 35 years of age, with a range of 17to 83 years of age, and a mode of 25 years of age. Pleasenote that the entry of “unknown” on the following table isdue to incomplete responses to survey questions filled outby program participants.24 Domestic Violence Annual Report 2005-2006

BIP Participant DemographicsNEW ENROLLMENT - 7936DISCHARGETerminated 4320 54%Completed 3616 46%EDUCATION1st - 8th Grade 521 7%9th - 11th Grade 1739 22%12th Grade or GED 3227 40%Some College/A.A. 1272 16%College Graduate 396 5%Post Graduate 87 1%Unknown 694 9%EMPLOYMENTFull-time 4779 60%Part-time 863 11%Retired 72 1%Unemployed 1136 14%Disabled 591 7%Active Military 87 1%Unknown 408 6%INCOME$0 - $4,999K 1526 19%$5K - $9,999K 848 11%$10K - $14,999K 1004 13%$15K - $19,999K 1069 14%$20K - $24,999K 872 11%$25K - $29,999K 427 5%$30K - $34,999K 306 4%$35K - $44,999K 258 3%$45K + 345 4%Unknown 1281 16%AGE18-21 320 4%22-25 1056 13%26-30 1344 17%31-35 1236 16%36-45 2059 26%46-55 982 12%56-65 208 3%66-75 41

<strong>of</strong> open and honest communication between providersand the courts. Rose Thelen and Chuck Derry from theGender Violence Institute in Clearwater, Minnesota, conducteda thought provoking presentation on the event’ssecond day focusing on the accountability <strong>of</strong> battererintervention programs to victims <strong>of</strong> domestic violence,referral sources and to <strong>Florida</strong>’s communities as a whole.In addition, certified batterer intervention programs andassessors are notified <strong>of</strong> various training events on domesticviolence and other related topics throughout the year.EnrollmentThe department requests that all certified programs providedemographic, enrollment, and discharge information oncourt ordered perpetrators <strong>of</strong> domestic violence. The dataprovided in the table “BIP Participant Demographics” reflectstatewide enrollment from 85 percent <strong>of</strong> the state’s certifiedprograms during the fiscal year.During the FY 2005-2006, 7,936 individuals participatedin the program with 46 percent completing the programand 54 percent terminating from the program for variousreasons. The number <strong>of</strong> individuals completing theprogram is up six percent from FY 2004-2005. The medianage <strong>of</strong> participants was 35 years <strong>of</strong> age, with a range <strong>of</strong> 17to 83 years <strong>of</strong> age, and a mode <strong>of</strong> 25 years <strong>of</strong> age. Pleasenote that the entry <strong>of</strong> “unknown” on the following table isdue to incomplete responses to survey questions filled outby program participants.24 Domestic Violence Annual Report 2005-2006

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