Ending Abuse—Improving Lives - Florida Department of Children ...

Ending Abuse—Improving Lives - Florida Department of Children ... Ending Abuse—Improving Lives - Florida Department of Children ...

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“Floridians have demonstratedtheir commitment to end domesticviolence in our state throughcoordinated community efforts.We can help victims of domesticviolence by continuing to promoteand support programs thathold offenders accountable fortheir crimes.”Governor Jeb Bush

State of FloridaDepartment of Children and FamiliesJeb BushGovernorLucy D. HadiSecretaryDear Colleagues,The Florida Department of Children and Families is once again proud to present tothe Governor and the Florida Legislature the 2005-2006 Domestic Violence AnnualReport as mandated by s. 39.904, Florida Statutes.The Domestic Violence Program is committed to supporting the department’s visionto “deliver valued services to our customers” by developing partnerships with communityand faith-based organizations throughout Florida. We take seriously the need topromote ideals that support the wise use of resources the Governor and Legislature hasentrusted our agency to expend in order to prevent domestic violence.This year’s annual report features many achievements of the Department of Childrenand Families in supporting our community–based partners’ activities and programsaimed at assisting victims of domestic violence. The department demonstrates the corevalues and strong leadership necessary to maintain our ethical responsibility to victimsof domestic violence by providing public awareness and education, funding for Florida’s41 domestic violence centers, and technical assistance to our customers. Throughoutthe past year, we were able to provide emergency shelter to 14,087 women and children,138,961 individuals received counseling services, and the statewide DomesticViolence Hotline received 136,663 calls. Through generous funding from state andfederal revenue, Florida received more than $28 million, spearheading the department’sgoal of providing services that enhance the opportunity to provide safe shelter and appropriateservices for victims of domestic violence.The department has long been committed to serve the needs of the less fortunate,and as we know, the aftermath of hurricanes Dennis, Wilma, Katrina and Rita haveleft an indelible mark on Florida’s families, heightening our awareness of thosevictims already vulnerable to domestic violence. I sincerely wish to thank the Governor,Legislature and partners for your continued financial support and dedicatedleadership as we unanimously resolve to protect and support strong and self-sufficientfamilies in Florida.Sincerely,Lucy D. HadiSecretaryDepartment of Children and Families1317 Winewood Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700Mission: Protect the Vulnerable, Promote Strong and Economically Self-Suffient Families, andAdvance Personal and Family Recovery and Resiliency

“Floridians have demonstratedtheir commitment to end domesticviolence in our state throughcoordinated community efforts.We can help victims <strong>of</strong> domesticviolence by continuing to promoteand support programs thathold <strong>of</strong>fenders accountable fortheir crimes.”Governor Jeb Bush

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