1 Introduction to Psychology (PSY 1001 – 32) - Department of ...

1 Introduction to Psychology (PSY 1001 – 32) - Department of ...

1 Introduction to Psychology (PSY 1001 – 32) - Department of ...


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Keeping track <strong>of</strong> your gradesYou may use the following table <strong>to</strong> keep track <strong>of</strong> your grade in this course.Assignment Date Due Points earned Points possibleEssay 1 15-Sep 5Essay 2 22-Sep 5EXAM I 1-Oct 55Essay 3 13-Oct 5Essay 4 20-Oct 5Essay 5 27-Oct 5EXAM II 29-Oct 55Essay 6 10-Nov 5RRP 12-Nov 40Essay 7 17-Nov 5EXAM III 24-Nov 55Essay 8 1-Dec 5Essay 9 8-Dec 5FINAL 15-Dec 55TOTAL 250**lowest test score isdropped8

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