Chestnut Hill Baptist Church/Baptist Church in Exeter - Rhode Island ...

Chestnut Hill Baptist Church/Baptist Church in Exeter - Rhode Island ...

Chestnut Hill Baptist Church/Baptist Church in Exeter - Rhode Island ...


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_______Forr.No 1 0-300aHey 10.741 -Ii NIl El. SlAt 1:5 RIMI-NI if Fill-. I NflRIOR FOR NPS USE ONLY- NATIONAL PARK SERVICE -: - - - - -- RECEIVEDNATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESINVENTORY--NOMINATIONFORM -CONTINUATION SHEET 1 ITEM NLJMBEFI 7 PAGE 2audience room see -Photo 3. Orig<strong>in</strong>ally, two separate doorwaysopened from the vestibule to the audience room. These have beenclosed up and a wide, central double doorway cut through.The sanctuary is a square, high-ceil<strong>in</strong>ged room, illum<strong>in</strong>atedby three large, square-head, double-hung, 12/12 w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>in</strong> eachside wall. The present ceil<strong>in</strong>g, which arches slightly from sidewall to side wall, is f<strong>in</strong>ished with fiberboard panels supportodby th<strong>in</strong> wood battens. This ceil<strong>in</strong>g, whose arched design followsthe form of the orig<strong>in</strong>al plaster one, was <strong>in</strong>stalled <strong>in</strong> 1929, atthe same time that the church was electrified. The small, threestep-highpulpit platform is located at the back of the build<strong>in</strong>g,opposite the entrance to the sanctuary. Two aisles subdivide thelevel floor of the room <strong>in</strong>to four tiers of pews, two side-by-side<strong>in</strong> the center of -the floor between the aisles, and one on eitherside between the aisle and side wall. -The orig<strong>in</strong>al flat-topped pews, possess<strong>in</strong>g pla<strong>in</strong>, unpaneledends and sta<strong>in</strong>ed -rails, survive, although they now lack doors.The present pulpit platform, <strong>in</strong>stalled <strong>in</strong> 1882, replaces theorig<strong>in</strong>al small, high pulpit entered by staircases on either sidesee Photo 2. In the mid-l9SOs the platfotm was converted <strong>in</strong>toa chancel. The small, simple Late Victorian paneled desk was movedto one corner, and a Colonial-style altar, with a dossal hang<strong>in</strong>gand built-<strong>in</strong> seats, <strong>in</strong>stalled. The pews, chancel furniture, andall <strong>in</strong>terior trim are now pa<strong>in</strong>ted white.

0 SIGNIFICANCEPERIODAREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE--CHECK AND JUSTIFY BELOW_PREHISTORIC _ARCHEOLOGY-PREHISTORIC _XOMMUNITY PLANNING _LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE RELIGIQN_1400-1499 _ARCHEOLOGY-HISTORIC CONSERVATION _LAW SCIENCE_1500-1599 AGRICULTURE ._ICONDMICS _LITERAIURE _SCULP[UHE_1600-1699 XAHCHITECTURE EDUCATION _MILITARY SOCIAUHUMANITARIANx-1 100-1799 _ART ENGINEERING _MUSIC ._THEATERXlBOO-1899 _COMMERCE _EXPLORATION/SETTLEMENT PHILOSOPHY -. _TRANSPORTATION_900. COMMUNICATIONS LINOUSTRY _POLITICS/GOVEFRNMENT _OTHER ISPECIFVI- - _INVENTION -SPECIFIC DATES 1838 - BUILDER/ARCHITECT -STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCEIn architectural terms, the <strong>Chestnut</strong> 11111 <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> mustbe judged to be one of <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>’s f<strong>in</strong>est Greek Revival countrychurches. In local terms, it is significant as the home of <strong>Exeter</strong>’soldest congregation. -The <strong>Chestnut</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Church</strong> ws founded <strong>in</strong> 1750, only eight yearsafter the <strong>in</strong>corporation of the town, as the "<strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Exeter</strong>."Like many another <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> church founded <strong>in</strong> the wake ofthe Great Awaken<strong>in</strong>g of the l740s, the congregation took at first aliberal position on the question of baptism and church membership.By 1776, however, it had adopted- the more typical Calv<strong>in</strong>is-tic <strong>Baptist</strong>practice of admitt<strong>in</strong>g as members only those who professed their faithand were baptized anew.The church, which served the eastern part of <strong>Exeter</strong> and surround<strong>in</strong>g areas, experienced a rapid expansion of membership <strong>in</strong> its earlyyears, probably as a result of the growth of population <strong>in</strong> thisrelatively late-settled agricultural district. In 1776 the congregation had 77 members; by 1783 the number stood at 210. In 1825,numerically the peak year, the membership reached 758, and must have<strong>in</strong>cluded a large proportion of the area residents.Until 1829 the <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> rema<strong>in</strong>ed the only church group <strong>in</strong>the eastern part of <strong>Exeter</strong>. In that year, however, a controversyregard<strong>in</strong>g the moral character of the pastor, Elder Gershom Palmer,resulted <strong>in</strong> the expulsion of Palmer and his supporters. This group,although reconciled with the parent church <strong>in</strong> 1845, cont<strong>in</strong>ued tomeet separately, and <strong>in</strong> 1856 built the still-stand<strong>in</strong>g Liberty <strong>Church</strong>several miles to the south. By 1858 the <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Exeter</strong> -possessed only 188 members.The church has never rega<strong>in</strong>ed its early numerical strength. Itsvitality was sapped <strong>in</strong> -the late-n<strong>in</strong>eteenth and early-twentieth centuries by the gradual decl<strong>in</strong>e f the rural population a commonphenomenon <strong>in</strong> New England generally and <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>in</strong> particular.- --- -- I, - - - ---C

Form Jc l0-300aHey 10-74 -uN tiLl SlAtES tIPAI IMENI UI- FIlE INIt-:IIott FOR NPS USE ONLYNATIONAL PARK SERVICE - -RE CE IVEDNATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES - -DATE ENTEREDINVENTORY-- NOMINATION FORMCONTINUATION SHEET 3 ITEM NUMBER- 8 PAGE 2However, the congregation cont<strong>in</strong>ues to hold weekly services, and looksto a more prosperous future with the gradual suburbanization of thearea. -Despite the simplicity of its Greek Revival detail<strong>in</strong>g, the<strong>Chestnut</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> is one of the more elaborate <strong>Rhode</strong><strong>Island</strong> country churches of its day. With its paneled pilasters - -and Greek-key-pattern fretwork panel over the doorway, it is a naive,.country exemplification of the southeastern New England regionalGreek Revival mode developed by prom<strong>in</strong>ent area architects such asRussell Warren and James- Buckl<strong>in</strong>. Discussed by Talbot Haml<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>Greek Revival Architecture <strong>in</strong> America and pictured by Henry-RussellHitchcock <strong>in</strong> <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Architecture, the <strong>Chestnut</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Church</strong> isa local and state landmark. - -

flMAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES - -Arnold, WiI,let 11. Historical Sketch of the <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Exeter</strong>,R.I. Central Fails, R. I. E. L. Freeman Co., 1883<strong>Exeter</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Records, Mss. 2 vols. and unbound sheets.Haml<strong>in</strong>,. Talbot. Greek Revival Architecture <strong>in</strong> America. New York:Oxford University Press, 1944. - -CGEOGRAPHICAL DATA -ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY 1 / 2 a creUTM REFERENCES-Al 1191 L..I 161618101 I46 L0,6V10Qi BIZONE EASTING NORTHING -c111[111,IjI1111,,Iol, IZONElI I I I I [._L.iEASTINGNORTHINGIliLtIllIllIl!VERBAL BOUNDARY DEScRIPTION --IIFrom the southeast corner the property l<strong>in</strong>e runs west along the northside of Ten Rod RQad for fifteen rods 247.-S feet, then north forten rods 165 feet, then east for ten rods, then south for five rods82.5 feet, then east for five rods, then south for five rods, to thepo<strong>in</strong>t of beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g. See <strong>Exeter</strong> Land Evidences, XI, 336.LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERL APPING STATE ORCOUNTY BOUNDARIESSTATE CODE COUNTY CODESTATE CODE COUNTY CODEmFORMPREPARED BY -NAME / TITLERobert Osborne Christensen, Survey ConsultantORGANIZATIONSTREET& NUMBERCITY OR TOWN<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Historical Preservation Commssion April.DATETELEPHONE150 Benefit Street 401-277-2678STATEProvidence <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>1978ESTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER CERTIFICATION -- THE EVALUATED SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS PROPERTY WITHIN THE STATE IS:NATIONAL....... STATEJL. LOCAL_As the designated State Historic Preservation Olficer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 PUblic Law 89-6651.1hereby nom<strong>in</strong>ate this property for Inclusion <strong>in</strong> dNationaI Register and certily that it has been evaltiated accord<strong>in</strong>g 10 thecriteria and procedures set forth by the Nation I Park ervice. -FEDERAL REPnESENTATIVE SIGNATUREj-TITLE State Historic Preservation Officer DATE June 21, 197-8F0RNpsUSE0NLY -I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PROPERTY IS INCLUDED IN THE NATIONAL REGISTERDATEDIRECTOR. OFFICE OF ARCHEOLOGY AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION .ATTEST:DATE-KEEPER OF THE NATIONAL REGISTER -

Form No 1O.300aHey. 10-74 -I..JNII It St,- I 1:5 !t:I’.RIMI.NI UltIlt. INIEHI’jIt FOR NPS USE ONLYNATIONAL PARK SERVICE -- - - -NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESINVENTORY-- NOMINATION FORM- RECEIVEDDATE ENTERED -CONTINUATION SHEET 4 ITEM NUMBER 9 PAGE 2J-Jitchcock, Henry - Russell. <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Architecture. New York:Da Capo Press, 1968.Hul<strong>in</strong>g, Mary Kenyon. Historical Sketch of the <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>in</strong><strong>Exeter</strong>, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Chestnut</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>. Private pr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g, 1938.

- - - - - .,*_1.. -.. -. ‘. -. ‘ -"- I 4 -- - ‘ -- ‘-i_v S 9<strong>Chestnut</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Ten Rod Road, <strong>Exeter</strong>, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>Robert 0. ChristensenJanuary, 1978Negativefiled:<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> HistoricalPreservation CommissionExterior from the southeast#1

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,<strong>Chestnut</strong> 11111 <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Ten Rod Road, <strong>Exeter</strong>, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>Robert 0. Christensen January, 1978Negative filed: <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> HistoricalPreservation Commiss ionFront of audience room from the south#2I-’’

F’.I.*1<strong>Chestnut</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Ten Rod Road, <strong>Exeter</strong>, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>Robert 0. Christensen January, 1978Negative filed: <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> HistoricalPreservation Commission- Detail of gallery front#3- -*-‘-"H ‘‘- -.‘k-- -

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__________________________________- -..<strong>Chestnut</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Ten Rod Road, <strong>Exeter</strong>, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>Robert 0. Christensen January, 1978Negative filed: <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> historicalPreservation CommissionExterior from the southwestPost card view c. 1910- #4- ..

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