Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...

Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...

Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...


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<strong>Strong</strong> points• High young population percentage -32.87% in 2002;• Positive natural population growth (singlein Romania) – 0.6% per 1.000inhabitants – in 2002;;• Presence in the region of 18,75% out ofthe total number of schools and 19,48%total number of student in Romania(school year 2002-2003);• Highest number of art and vocationalschools (32.94% out of the nationaltotal), including 20.22% of the nationalstudent population – school year 2002-2003;• Presence of university centers Iasi,Bacau and Suceava where there isresearch (a quarter of the national total)including 75.399 students as 12.64% outof the national level – school year 2002-2003;• Social assistance cafeterias are 18% inthe region out of the national total.Capacity provided by these units is20.66% out of the national total (2002);• Presence of the Counseling Center forWomen and Children suffering fromDomestic Violence.<strong>Weak</strong> points• High population percentage concentratedin rural area: 59.23% out of total regionalpopulation (2002);• Highest poverty rate out of all regions +40,7% (2001);• High rate of population occupied inagriculture - 51,12% and low in servicesector 28,88% – year 2002;• High unemployment rate in the region10.6% compared to the national rate –8.8% and judet Neamt reaching 14.1% -year 2001;• Unemployment BIM young people rate(age 15-24) is 2.25 times higher that totalBIM unemployment – year 2002;• Young population (age 15-34) is thehighest unemployed BIM out of totalpopulation – 14,8% in 2002;• Lack of a redistribution of activepopulation from agriculture to servicesand industry sectors;;• Lack of appropriate training units mainlyfor vocational and apprenticeship, lack ofequipment keeping the pace with thepermanent changing requirements onlabor market;• Highest infant mortality rate of all theregions: 20.6 deaths to 1.000 living births- 2002;• Low number of counseling centers forwomen and children suffering fromdomestic violence;• Low number of counseling integratedservice centers for self-sustainedpersons.Opportunities• Design of the Regional Action Plan forEducation (PRAI) 2004-2010;• Presence of the regional ContinuousFormation Center for PublicAdministration in Iasi;• Setting up the <strong>North</strong>-<strong>East</strong> Consortium forProfessional and Technical EducationDevelopment -TVET;• Presence of the National Plan for LaborOccupation;• Presence of National and Judets Antipovertyand Social Inclusion Plans;• Decrease of income tax rate;Risks• Migration of qualified labor to otherregions and countries;• Poor capacity of consultancy companiesin the region with negative effects onattracting and spending EU, WB andother international donors funds;• Increase of the crime rate due to lack ofeducation.RDA NE <strong>SWOT</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> RDP 2007-2013 PAGE 9

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