Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...

Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...

Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...


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Opportunities• Setting up industrial parks within PHARE2000: Industrial technological Park, Iasiand IT Park, Hemeiusi, Bacau;• Presence of the National ProgramINFRATECH to support and developspecialized companies in innovationinfrastructure and technologic transfer;• Faster development of electroniccommerce and generally e-businessmarket;• Financial support to SMEs on e-commerceprojects, support to e-commerceapplications developers (as the oneprovided by UK within the Stability Act forSouth-<strong>East</strong> Europe);• Free telecommunication market startingJa.01, 2003;• Development of IT society bycommunication channels convergence, e.g.integration into a single channel of voiceservices, interactive TV, videoconferencesand data transmission;• Presence on the market of European andUS IT providers promoting the mostadvanced technologies.Risks• Inappropriate and/or unstable lawbackground concerningtelecommunications and informationtechnology;• Migration of qualified and specializedlabor in research-innovation to otherregions but mainly to other countriesoffering higher motivating salaries;• High rate of IT piracy (about 70%)endangering the development of thissector;• High cost of access to technology thatcould generate new gaps between<strong>North</strong>-<strong>East</strong> region and other countries;• Lack of basic elements for ITdevelopment such as freedom ofinformation, data protection, applicationof copyright law;• Low availability of enterprises forresearch-innovation and technologictransfer outputs mainly due to financialresources.RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND MODERNIZATION OF AGRICULTURE<strong>Strong</strong> points<strong>Weak</strong> points• Highest input to national farming value –19.52% in 2002;• Input of forestry, wood processingwildlife preserve, fishing and fishfarming to regional gros added value of1.26% higher than the national one –0.55% - year 2001;• <strong>North</strong>-<strong>East</strong> region is provided with14.36% out of national farming area and18.49% forests –2002;• The highest provider of wood forprocessing 32.83% out of the nationaltotal – 2002;• High tourist, cultural, historic andlandscape potential in rural areas;• Presence of collecting and processingcenters of farming products in VatraDornei, Bacau, Piatra Neamt;• Presence of very good centers fororchards (judets Iasi and Suceava) andvineyards (judets Iasi, Vaslui and• Agriculture input to regional GDP (18.70)higher than the national (13.37%) and tothe gross regional added value 20.96%compared to national of 14.97% - 2001 –showing the regional economydependency on agriculture;• High population percentage concentratedin rural area: 59.23% out of the regionpopulation;• Out of total active population 51.12% isoccupied in agriculture – 2002;• Lack of a redistribution of activepopulation from agriculture to servicesand industry sectors;• Farming is performed on small lots ofabout 1-3 ha;• Low rate of association (8% for lands and3% cattle stock);• High erosion of (out of 325.000ha ,200.000ha are eroded);RDA NE <strong>SWOT</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> RDP 2007-2013 PAGE 7

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