Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...

Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...

Global North-East SWOT Analysis Strong Points Weak Points ...


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• The three regional airports could becomeby appropriate modernizing the connectionin between NE region and potentialinvestors.TOURISM DEVELOPMENT<strong>Strong</strong> points<strong>Weak</strong> points• Presence of cultural, religious andnational and international importantmonuments (UNESCO);• Low rate of operational accommodation(28.90%) compared to other regionsand national (34.00%) – year 2002;• Presence of appropriate circumstances todevelop religious, wildlife and historicaltourism;• Lowest rate of stay over night of all ofthe regions (2.7 nights per tourist),lower than national(3.59 nights per• Presence of health resorts;tourist) year 2000;• Development of the leisure resort inPiatra Neamt through PHARE 2000;• Poor regional infrastructure (as perchap.2);• Lack of a regional private tourism body.Opportunities• Improvement of utilities and physicalinfrastructure;• Rehabilitation of tourism on Agapiamonastery within PHARE 2002;• High support for community tourismprograms;• Encouraging new tourism (religious,wildlife);• Setting up tourism workgroup Siret-Prut-Nistru Euro-region.Risks• Gaps in between Romanian and foreigntourist services fees;• Tourist migration to other countriesand/or regions.SUPPORT TO R&D, INNOVATION and IT, CREATION of IT SOCIETY<strong>Strong</strong> points<strong>Weak</strong> points• Presence of three university centers withcore business as: R&D, invention,technological innovation, IT and IT societypromotion;• Presence in <strong>North</strong>-<strong>East</strong> region of 73 unitsactive in R&D, technological development(about 12% out of the national total);• Presence in the region of 607 innovationenterprises (15.3% out of the national);• Presence in the region of software and ITservices providers.• RDA NE participation into community cofinanceSAIL and PARTNER programs ininnovative development and academicregion development but also cooperationwith industrial sector to facilitateinformation exchange;• Low funding rate of research-innovationsector (60% of the resources areRomanian government);• Regional R&D costs are 5% out of thenational level during 1998-2002;• Enterprises R&D costs are only 0.07%out of the regional turnover – 2002;• Low cooperation in between academic,research and business sectors on usingthe research outputs and technologictransfer to the economy.RDA NE <strong>SWOT</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> RDP 2007-2013 PAGE 6

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