Accessibility guide - V/Line

Accessibility guide - V/Line Accessibility guide - V/Line


Luggage assistanceIf you have difficulty carrying your ownluggage on board you can book yourluggage through to some destinationswith V/Line’s checked luggage system.Phone us on 1800 800 007 to check ifthis is available on your service.Free TravelThere are several concession andfree travel passes available and listedbelow:• Access travel pass (free travel)• Scooter and wheelchair travel pass(free travel)• Companion card (free travel forcompanion only)• Assistance animal pass (free travelfor animal only)Concession• Vision Impaired travel pass(free travel)• Victorian health care card(concession)• War Veterans/War Widows(concession)• Asylum seekers (concession)• Victorian Senior card (concession)• Interstate Senior card (concession)• Australian Pensioner card(concession)For more information and conditions,contact the PTV Pass Office on(03) 9619 1159 or visit

On boardAll V/Line trains are wheelchairaccessible. Conductors will providea portable ramp to assist access.If you need assistance, wait in themiddle of the platform and makeyourself known to the conductor.Space on trains can sometimes belimited and passengers using mobilityaids may be restricted to particularparts of the train. Conductorsand station staff are available toassist customers.Wheelchair accessible toilets areavailable on all Sprinter and VLocityrailcars. Limited accessible toiletfacilities are available on locomotivehauledservices.During your journey, listen toannouncements made prior to arrivingat the next station stop. Let theconductor know where you’re gettingoff so they can help you get from thetrain to the platform.Getting helpIf you need assistance at anystage of your journey, please speakto the conductor when your ticketis being checked or before yourjourney departs.There are also passenger assistbuttons in selected carriages on ourlong distance trains (Z carriages).9

Luggage assistanceIf you have difficulty carrying your ownluggage on board you can book yourluggage through to some destinationswith V/<strong>Line</strong>’s checked luggage system.Phone us on 1800 800 007 to check ifthis is available on your service.Free TravelThere are several concession andfree travel passes available and listedbelow:• Access travel pass (free travel)• Scooter and wheelchair travel pass(free travel)• Companion card (free travel forcompanion only)• Assistance animal pass (free travelfor animal only)Concession• Vision Impaired travel pass(free travel)• Victorian health care card(concession)• War Veterans/War Widows(concession)• Asylum seekers (concession)• Victorian Senior card (concession)• Interstate Senior card (concession)• Australian Pensioner card(concession)For more information and conditions,contact the PTV Pass Office on(03) 9619 1159 or visit

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