Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.

Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.

Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.


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80 molecular dynamicsmagnitude and opposite sign that spreads out ra<strong>di</strong>ally fromthe point charge up to a cutoff <strong>di</strong>stance with a Gaussian<strong>di</strong>stribution. The interaction is separated in two contribution:the short-range, representing the screening interactionbetween neighboring charges, is calculated in the realspace, while the long-range, representing the cancellingcharge <strong>di</strong>stribution of the same sign as the original charge,is calculated in the reciprocal Fourier space where the convergenceis faster [60]. By using the Ewald summation, thecomputational workload scales as N log(N) instead thanas N 2 .a.3 methodsIn this section we describe the specific technicalities use<strong>di</strong>n the symulations of the present thesis.The MPMD calculation performed in chapter 2, chapter3 and chapter 4 have been performed by using theDL_POLY code [123], while in chapter 5 we used the Lammpscode [124].The protocol for the relaxation of the systems consistsin low temperature annealings (0.1 ns at 1K) followed byatomic forces relaxations based on standard conjugatedgra<strong>di</strong>ents algorithm [125]. The calculations at room temperaturehave been performed by using the NVT or theNPT ensemble, in particular the Nosé-Hoover thermostatand barostat [117, 118].Interactions within ZnO have been described as the sumof Coulomb and a Buckingham-type two-body potential[72, 126]. As for P3HT, the THF and the ZnPC we adoptedthe AMBER force field [62], inclu<strong>di</strong>ng both bon<strong>di</strong>ng andnonbon<strong>di</strong>ng contributions. For hybrid interactions, we useda sum of Coulomb and Lennard-Jones contributions [42].The velocity Verlet algorithm [115] with a time step of 1.0 fshas been used to solve the equations of motion. The atomicpartial charges has been calculated accor<strong>di</strong>ng to the standardAM1-BCC method [127]. A mesh Ewald algorithm[122] has been used for the long-range electrostatic forcesand the Van der Waals interactions have been cutoff at 9.5Å.In chapter 3, first-principles calculations for the transportproperties have been performed within Density Func-

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