Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.

Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.

Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.


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4.3 electronic and optical properties of the system 554.3 electronic and optical properties of thesystem4.3.1 Electronic level alignmentIn this section we report a review of the electronic andoptical properties of the generated ternary ZnO/ZnPc/P3HT,as in [6]. The morphology and structural properties of thesystem found resulting by MPMD, have been used as startingpoint for a DFT+U optimization. The methods used aredescribed in section A.3.The system <strong>stu<strong>di</strong></strong>ed by DFT is composed by a smallerP3HT oligomer (four thiophenes) and a portion of the previouslydescribed ZnO/ZnPc surface in properly perio<strong>di</strong>cboundary con<strong>di</strong>tions.In Figure 4.6 the electronic calculations are summarized.As for the the ZnPc/ZnO and P3HT/ZnO binary systems,both are able to separate the e − h pair with the electrontranferred on the metal oxide and the hole localized inthe organic molecule. This behavior is confirmed by theoccurence of charge transfer as a result of the interactionbetween the ZnPc and the substrate, found by <strong>stu<strong>di</strong></strong>ng theelectronic ground states of a ZnPc/ZnO systems [4].The charge transfer induces a polarization of the interfacelowering the HOMO and the LUMO of the moleculewith respect to the non interacting cases (compare the columnsA and B and G and H in Figure 4.6). Furthermore, in theZnPc case, a splitting of the LUMO orbitals and a mixingwith the ZnO conduction band can be observed [100, 4],resulting in a favourable injection of electrons in the substrate.The electronic properties of the ZnPc/ZnO and P3HT/ZnOsystems can be further investigated by performing a openshellKohn-Sham (ROKS) calculation [101]. By this calculationwe can obtain an approximate description of the lowestexcited state of the systems by keeping fixed the occupationof the Kohn-Sham levels, in order to force the hole inthe HOMO and the electron in the LUMO [4]. The resultsare shown in columns C (for the ZnPc/ZnO system) and F(for the P3HT/ZnO system) in Figure 4.6), and confirm thepresence of the electrons within the ZnO conduction bandminimum while the holes are in the ZnPc or P3HT layers.

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