Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.

Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.

Documento PDF - UniCA Eprints - Università degli studi di Cagliari.


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List of FiguresxiiiFigure 2.15 Initial and relaxed configuration of aP3HT 4x16 crystal and correspon<strong>di</strong>ngS(q) in the inter<strong>di</strong>gitation <strong>di</strong>rection. 30Figure 3.1 ZnO wurtzite structure. 32Figure 3.2 Trench grooves (T.G.) and row of <strong>di</strong>mers(R.D.) in a portion of ZnO. 33Figure 3.3 Interaction and adhesion of a P3HTmolecule on a ZnO surface. 34Figure 3.4 Assembling of P3HT layers on the ZnOsurface. 36Figure 3.5 Final configuration of the LDR systemat low temperature. 37Figure 3.6 Structure factor in the three crystallographic<strong>di</strong>rections for the LDR interfaceat low (top) and room temperature(bottom). 38Figure 3.7 Final configuration of the LDR systemat 300 K. 38Figure 3.8 010 HDR system before (upper panel)and after (lower panel) the relaxationat low temperature. 39Figure 3.9 Structure factor in the three crystallographic<strong>di</strong>rections for the 010 HDRinterface at low and room temperature.40Figure 3.10 Final configuration of the 010 HDRsystem at 300 K. 40Figure 3.11 100 HDR system before (left) and after(right) the relaxation at low temperature.41Figure 3.12 Structure factor in the three crystallographic<strong>di</strong>rections for the 100 HDRinterface at low and room temperature.42Figure 3.13 Final configuration of the 100 HDRsystem at 300 K. 42Figure 3.14 Structure factor in the xy plane forthe HDR 100 (left) and 010 (right) systems.43

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