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231A vague terror underlies the most obviously expressionistic surface <strong>of</strong>Long Day ’s Journey Into Night . A sense <strong>of</strong> doom pervades the action;symbols emerge; the fog that enshrouds the action; the lust for land, forrootedness, <strong>of</strong> the father; the mother ’s nostalgic return to her weddinggown; the consumption eating up Edmund. But the sadness and frustrationthat envelops the characters are to be considered as stepping stones toreality, not as indications <strong>of</strong> man ’s doom. The characters face their dilemmaand determine to go on trying to understand themselves. O’Neill expresses ,in the play , his understanding <strong>of</strong> man ’s position in relation to his creator.O’Neill ’s rejection <strong>of</strong> the tradition and the experiments with drama insubject -matter and <strong>technique</strong> gave new direction to the American dra ma. Hisportrayal <strong>of</strong> new themes and delineation <strong>of</strong> new ideas, and indiv idualism, hispreoccupation with spiritual values, and his concern with the tragic visionhave enriched his plays. John Gassner has rightly evaluated his dramatictraits,Combined with a deeply felt (if also fashionably Bohemian)rejection <strong>of</strong> Victorian ge ntility, Puritanical prissiness, dollary -idolatry, and the entire cult <strong>of</strong> go-getting opportunism.O’Neill ’s l<strong>of</strong>ty individualism placed him in the fore -front <strong>of</strong>those who began to modernise the content <strong>of</strong> American dramano less than its form. His response t o the vogue <strong>of</strong> depthpsychology led him to modernise further both dramatic formand content by attempting to manifest subconscious tensions.(166)In order to probe the abysmal depths <strong>of</strong> the human psyche , O ’Neillfinds the existing mechanical devices highl y unsatisfactory. He has devisedhis own radical methods. The inner struggle <strong>of</strong> modern man , and the tragicintensity cannot be depicted in the traditional manner. He evolves hismethods , and they are characteristic <strong>of</strong> his genius. His achievement isoutstan ding , and he introduces a sense <strong>of</strong> modernism and novelty in hisplays.Expressionism thus is a <strong>technique</strong> <strong>of</strong> expressing that inexpressible,i.e. the unconscious in which the conscious lie inextricably mixed up, and

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