Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal


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listenup!Chapter 8 | 67Case StudyThe young people at Experience in Mind developed a way of helping others to understand what itis like to hear voices in your head.At the training session, trainees were asked to undertake a number of activities such as adding upnumbers and answering questions, while a CD of voices saying things, often negative, was playedcontinuously. The recording was based on the voices some of the young people themselveshad experienced. When the CD was stopped, the trainees were also asked what the voices weresaying. The purpose of this exercise was to show how difficult it can be to undertake tasks, at thesame time as listening and recalling information accurately.Following the exercise, trainees were asked to talk about how it felt, and to ask young people whohad experienced hearing voices what it was like for them.“Often, not only do young people with schizophrenia struggle with their own inner world, theyalso have a struggle with social networks, relationships and lack of understanding and prejudicetoward their diagnosis.“The reason we are sharing these experiences is because communication and understanding fromthe world around young people with schizophrenia is ineffective, and this can impact severely ontheir mental wellbeing.”Experience in Mind, Mind in Brighton and Hove, and Hove YMCA,Brighton and Hove, Training pack (to be published in July 2007)The project worker explained that in addition tothese, the peer support element of this work wasimportant:“… being part of Experience in Mind allows theyoung people to gain a greater understanding oftheir own mental health, having built relationshipswith others who have had similar experiences.”Project Worker, Experience in Mind,Mind in Brighton and Hove, and Hove YMCA,Brighton and HoveThe young people were clear about what the projectcould offer to help improve services for other youngpeople, and this could be remarkably simple:“It feels like such basic things – just the way peoplecommunicate can make such a difference, and we’veall been there.”Young personAnother young person reflected upon the currentproblems for young people using services, and theiraspirations for the future. They hoped they couldcontribute to changes that would mean that:“… in 10 years’ time, people won’t be having theproblems we’re having.”Young person

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