Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal


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listenup!42 | Chapter 6Delivering a successful service:Providing accessible servicesOne of the most importantelements of the services offeredby the partner sites was theiraccessibility to young people.The organisations offered verydifferent services and approachedthe accessibility issue in differentways, but all sought to offer fastand easy access to their services.How young people heard about theorganisationsMany young people heard about the organisationsthrough word of mouth such as friends or family;often, young people feel more encouragedand reassured to access a service when it isrecommended through their peers.The organisations also undertook some advertising.Distributing leaflets and posters was the mostcommon method, and these were most oftenplaced in GP practices, schools, colleges andcommunity centres.The organisations also raised awareness of theirservices through other channels, such as throughcampaigning, or having meetings or open days andinviting professionals from other agencies to givethem information about the organisation’s services.Some organisations also visited schools to informstaff and pupils about their work. Community Linksservice in Canning Town ran the ‘Teenage HealthProject’, which worked with schools:“When Community Links runs presentationsin schools, workers use these opportunities toeducate young people and raise awareness ofwhat emotional wellbeing means. This aims to helpyoung people to understand their physical, socialand mental health needs and the close relationshipbetween all those.”Project worker, Community Links, Canning TownAll the organisations had websites which providedcontact details and information on the type ofservice available, written in language designed to beaccessible to young people.Young people also heard about the service throughother professionals such as GPs, social workers, youthworkers, teachers etc. and from other services whomay formally refer the young person onto the serviceor informally suggest that they contact the service.

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