Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal


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listenup!Chapter 5 | 37Support @ The Junction offered regulararomatherapy sessions to young people; ‘familyrelaxation’ classes, which involved relaxationtechniques and yoga; and a drumming workshop.Young people commented that aromatherapyin particular had helped to alleviate anger andstress. However, staff noted that young peopledid not always attend sessions that they hadsigned up for and said that it would be useful inthe future to evaluate with young people whythis was. Staff at Support @ The Junction foundthat once young people were engaged with thearomatherapist they often came along regularly.Those that attended the appointments were askedto evaluate their experience at the end and theyreported that they found it a useful way to relaxand learn relaxation skills.“It is a useful form of health promotion, even earlyintervention.”Project worker, Support @ The Junction,The Junction, Colchester<strong>Social</strong>ising and fun activitiesAll the services in the project recognised the needto work with young people in a range of ways.“Our desire to respond to the basics of life suchas food, warmth, play etc. can be interpreted assimplistic and not meeting the clinical needs ofthe young person… but we know providing theseare as important to the young person and theirdevelopment as the therapeutic intervention theywill also receive.”Project worker, Community Links, Canning TownThe Marlborough Road Project in Cardiff used playand fun in their approach as they had found this tobe an important way of engaging young people.Young people were clear on how having ‘fun’opportunities had been able to help them. Oneyoung person told us how this had enabled them tochange their perspective on a pattern of behaviour:“It’s really helped to go to social activities like playingpool in the pub… It made me realise I can go to thepub and enjoy myself without getting messed upwith drink – it’s a big shift for me.”Young personCase Study“The project is highly successful in engaging young people in unusual and creative ways that donot place focus on reiterating to the young person that they are unwell. Service users who are incontact with many professionals from different agencies have often become blasé about servicesand this approach can be useful in winning back their attention.”Project worker, Caterpillar Service, Barnardo’s Marlborough Road Partnership, CardiffIn March 2007, the project held a ‘fun’ day for 30 young people. A range of activities were offeredincluding yoga, making fruit smoothies, playing drums, making cards and others. By having fun itis hoped that the young people will feel more relaxed about returning to the service and that trustwill begin to build with the staff.

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