Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal

Listen Up - Social Welfare Portal


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listenup!Case Study 7 | 113Streetwise – Holistic Service TreeLinks withexternal servicesCAPACITYBUILDINGAccess to selfhelpmaterialsLeaflets/accessto self helpmaterialsStaff consultation/advisory roleAccess to resourcesand informationfor staff and youngpeoplePOSITIVE HEALTH& WELLBEINGPromotingyoung people’sawarenessPolicy andproceduresdevelopmentArt materialsin counsellingroomsStaff traininginternal andexternalCrisis cardChill out CDand DVDART &CREATIVITYHOLISTIC APPROACHCreativeexercises withyoung peopleFace-to-face/online/telephonesupportEase ofreferralOpenaccess tonotesSelf-harmconsultationSTRATEGICWORKIntegrativeapproachPromotion ofStreetwise to thestatutory sectorOngoingindividualand serviceaccreditationCounsellingin schoolsINDIVIDUALSUPPORTSelf referral/joint referralVolunteercounsellorsService easilyaccessibleLeaflets in otherlanguages; accessto interpretersSupporting staff need through providingsupervision and reassurance as well asinformation and the opportunity to develop skillsYoung people presenting with problemsin their mental health and emotional andbehavioural difficultiesProactivelychallenging stigmaPromoting messages of optimism, recovery andchange with an emphasis on personal responsibility

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