Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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Guide to Contributors<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>, the Journal of the National<strong>Athletic</strong> Association, welcomes the submissionof manuscripts which may be of interest to personsengaged in or concerned with the progressof the athletic training profession.The following recommendations are offeredto those submitting manuscripts:1. Seven copies of the manuscript should beforwarded to the editor and each pagetypewritten on one side of 8'A x 11 Inchplain paper, triple spaced with one Inchmargins.2. Good quality color photography is acceptablefor accompanying graphics but glossyblack and white prints are preferred.Graphs, charts, or figures should be ofgood quality and clearly presented onwhite paper with black ink. in a formwhich will be legible if reduced for publication.Tables must be typed, not hand written.Personal photographs are encouraged. 4-All art work to be reproduced should besubmitted as black and white line art(either drawn with a Rapldograph [technicalfountain pen] or a velox stat or PMTprocess) with NO tonal values, shading,washes. Zip-a-tone — type screen effects,etc. used.All artwork to be reproduced In black plusa second (or more colors) should be submittedas black and white line art (seeabove paragraph), with an Amberlith® orsimilar-type overlay employed for eacharea of additional colorfs). Also, all areas oftonal value, shading, "washes", etc. shouldalso be supplied on a separate clear orfrosted acetate or Amberlith® overlay. Inaddition, all areas to be screened (a percentor tint of black or color) should besupplied on an Amberlith® overlay.3. The list of references and citations shouldbe in the following form: a) books: author,title, publisher with city and state of publication,yean b) articles: family names,initials and title* of all authors, title ofarUdeJoumal title, with abbreviations acceptedas per Index Medicus, volume, page,year. Citations In the text of the manuscriptwill take the form of a number inparenthesis, (7), directly after the referenceor name of author being cited, Indicatingthe number assigned to the citationbibliography. Example of references 5.to a journal, book, chapter In an editedJournal DeadlinesIn order to avoid confusion anddelays for any contributions youhave for the Journal the deadlines forvarious sections of the Journal areprovided below.Send all materials for any selectionof the Journal other than formal articlesand "Calendar of Events" to:Ken Wolfert111 Buckeye StreetHamilton. OH 45011This includes sections such as"Tips From the Field," "Announcements,""Case Studies," "Letters tothe Editor," etc. The deadlines are:Journal DeadlineFall Issue June 15Winter Issue September 15<strong>Spring</strong> Issue December 15Summer Issue March 15Deadline for "Calendar of Events":62 <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong>book, and presentation at a meeting areIllustrated below:a Knight K: Preparation of manuscriptsfor publication. <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>11(31:127-129, 1976.b. KlafsCE.ArnheimDD: Modern Principlesof <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>. 4th edition.St. Louis. CV Mosby Co. 1977 p.61.c. Albohm M: Common injuries In womensvolleyball. Relevant Topics In<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>. Edited by ScriberK, Burke EJ, Ithaca NY: MonumentPublications, 1978, pp. 79-81.d. Behnke R Licensure for athletic trainers:problems and solutions. Presentedat the 29th Annual Meetingand Clinical Symposium of the National<strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers Associaton.Las Vegas, Nev, June 15. 1978.In view of The Copyright Revision Act of1976, effective January 1, 1978, all transmlttalletters to the editor must containthe following language before manuscriptscan be reviewed for possible publication:"In consideration of the NATA takingaction in reviewing and editing mysubmission, the authoris) undersignedhereby transfers, assigns or otherwise conveysall copyright ownership, to the NATAIn the event that such work is publishedby the NATA." We regret that transmlttalletters not containing the foregoing languagesigned by all authors of the manuscriptwill necessitate return of the manuscript.Manuscripts are accepted for publicationwith the understanding that they are originaland have been submitted solely to<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>. Materials taken fromother sources, including text, illustrations,or tables, must be accompanied by awritten statement from both the authorand publisher giving <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>permission to reproduce the material. Photographsmust be accompanied by asigned photograph release form.Accepted manuscripts become the propertyof the Journal. For permission to reproduce'anarticle published In <strong>Athletic</strong><strong>Training</strong>, send requests to the Edltorin-Chief.Manuscripts are reviewed and edited toimprove the effectiveness of communica-Information on upcoming eventsshould be sent to:Jeff Fair, ATC<strong>Athletic</strong> DepartmentOklahoma State UniversityStillwater, Oklahoma 74074Fall IssueWinter Issue<strong>Spring</strong> IssueSummer IssueJune 15September 15December 15March 15Manuscripts must be sent to:Glint ThompsonJenison GymMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, Michigan 48824(517)353-4412The Editorial Board will then revieweach paper and work with authorsto help prepare the papers forpublication. Each is handled on anindividual basis.tlon between the author and the readersand to assist the author in a presentationcompatible with the accepted style of <strong>Athletic</strong><strong>Training</strong>. The initial review processtakes from six to eight weeks. The timerequired to process a manuscript throughall phases of review, revision, and editing,to final publication is usually six to eightmonths depending on the timeliness ofthe subject. The author accepts responsibilityfor any major corrections of themanuscript as suggested by the editor.If time permits galley proofs of acceptedpapers will be sent to the author for correctionsprior to publication. Reprints ofthe article may be ordered by the author atthis time.6. It is requested that submitting authorsinclude a brief biographical sketch andacceptable black and white glossy photographof themselves. Please refrain fromputting paper clips on any photograph.7. Unused manuscripts will be returned,when accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressedenvelope.Address all manuscripts to:Glint ThompsonDepartment of <strong>Athletic</strong>sMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, Michigan 48824The following recommendations are offeredto those submitting CASE HIS­TORIES:1. The above recommendations for submittingmanuscripts apply to case studies aswell but only two-copies of report need besent to the Editor-in-Chief.2. All titles should be brief within descriptivelimits. The name of the disability treatedshould be included in the title if it is therelevent factor if the technique or kind oftreatment used is the principal reason forthe report, this should be in the tide. Oftenboth should appear. Use of subtitles isrecommended. Headings and Subheadingsare required in the involved reportbut they are unnecessary in the very shortreport. Names of patients are not to beused, only 3rd person pronouns.3. An outline of the report should include thefollowing components:a. Personal data (age, sex, race, maritalstatus, and occupation when relevant)b. Chief complaintc. <strong>History</strong> of present complaint (Includingsymptoms)d. Results of physical examination (Example:"Physical findings relevant tothe physical therapy program were. . . ")e. Medical history - surgery, laboratoryexam, etc.f. Diagnosisg. Treatment and clinical course (rehabilitationuntil and after return tocompetition) use charts, graphswhen possibleh. Criteria for return to competitioni. Deviation from the expectedj. Results - days missed4. Release FormIt is mandatory that <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>receives along with the submitted case asigned release form by the individual beingdiscussed in the case study injurysituation. Case studies will be returned ifthe release Is not included.The following recommendations are offered tothose submitting material to be considered as aTIP FROM THE FIELD:1. The above recommendations for submittingmanuscripts apply to tips from thefield but only one copy of the paper need besent to the Editor-in-Chief.2. Copy should be typewritten, brief, conslse,in the third person, and using high qualityillustrations and/or black and whiteglossy prints.

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