Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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Editor's RemarksAn Appeal....Ken Wolfert, ATCThe National Office is in search of back issues ofATHLETIC TRAINING, The Journal of the National<strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers Association. The years 1958 through1970 are not on file. National Office staff members arecurrently attempting to set up a central source ofinformation for interested members and affiliatedpersonnel, but without the full Journal collection, thisathletic training information library is incomplete. Fromtime to time members write in search of informationnecessary for their research or presentations. TheNational Office staff is frequently unable to assist thesepersons with their requests for materials from pastJournals even though their citations for specific articleswere taken from the index in the <strong>Spring</strong> 1981 issue of theJournal.Herman Bunch, a 1980 Twenty-Five Year Awardrecipient and District Three member, has recentlydonated his entire Journal collection (1958 to date) to aRaleigh, North Carolina library. If you have made asimilar donation, or know of anyone who has, please notifythe National Office of its location so interested personsseeking material may be directed to the nearest Journalcollection. The NATA would find a donation of thecomplete library to the National Office an invaluablecontribution. Please consider this appeal with theknowledge that your action will benefit the entireAssociation.Address Change Reminder....The Journal staff endeavors in every possible way tomake sure that every issue of ATHLETIC TRAINING isreceived by Association members and subscribers;however, this goal is quite difficult, in some cases impossible,when the National Office is not apprised of addresschanges before publication dates.When a Journal is mailed to an incorrect address, thatparticular issue is thrown away by the addressee's localpost office unless prior arrangement has been made withthe post office for forwarding second class mail. Inasmuchas only a specific number of each issue is printed, backissues are frequently unavailable. So even at the $5.00cost per back issue, sometimes the National Office can notfurnish a missing issue because the supply is exhausted.There is a very simple way to avoid this problem andkeep your volumes of ATHLETIC TRAINING intactwhile paying no additional charges: When you changeyour address sign a second class mail forwardingagreement with your local post office. You must requestthis form. If you agree in advance to pay forwarding costs,the post office will forward your second class mail (usuallymagazines) and not throw it away.Do it and keep it safe ... ,(KW) +Electrostim 180Dramatically increasesmuscle strength andendurance, without pain.Now, you can administer the samepain-free, muscle-strengthening electrostimulationtherapy once enjoyedexclusively by elite soviet athletes.The newly-introduced Electrostim 180delivers a unique combination of currentand frequency, producing more intensemuscle contractions and an afferentnerve block that checks pain.THE SOVIET RREaKTHROUGH1IN ELECTRO- STIRIUUTIOnTHER3PY IS FinaiLY HERE!ClinicalmodelThe results areequally stimulating.Builds muscle strength and size.Increases muscular endurance. Preventionand loosening of adhesions. Improvesvenous and lymphatic drainage. Increasesvelocity of muscular contraction.Decreases subcutaneous fat. Relievespain. Re-educates muscle action.Facilitates muscle contraction. Trainsnew muscle action. No burning orirritation.Learnmore about thisphenomenal breakthrough.Get the facts on the amazing benefits ofElectrostim 180 ... You'll understandwhy this giant leap forward in electrostimulationtherapy has the westernsports medicine community so excited.Write today for complete details:NU-MED; 333 North Hammes Avenue,Joliet, IL 60435. Or call (815) 744-7060.NATA ConventionJune 13-16 Booth 607NU-MEDExclusive U.S.Sales & Distribution of Electrostim 180.4 <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong>

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