Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES Continued from page 48Following this period and up until the 19th centurythere was a lack of professional training and research.There did exist athletic trainers, and the first recordedprofessional athletic trainer associated with aneducational institution was James Robinson of Harvard in1881.Prior to 1860, most athletes cared for themselves, if anycare was given at all, but in the middle 1800's came thebeginning of intercollegiate sports and with them cameinjuries. The athletic trainer, if there was one, was seldommentioned because the team physician and the coachwould take the responsibility. It can be seen why theathletic trainer took the title "water boy" or "rubber" inthe early 1900's.During the 1900's, until 1940, the athletic trainer lackedprofessionalism and education, but mostly lacked anassociation for the sharing of ideas. Although thestandards of the trainer were low and the trainer wasseldom mentioned, there were men who were trying to upgradethe profession to strive for unity among all athletictrainers.People such as Dr. S.E. Bilik, the "father" of Modern<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>, Oliver J. DeVictor, a dean of athletictraining, Matt Bullock, Herb Patchin, Jack Heppinstalland Henry Schmidt are all responsible for paving the pathfor this profession and giving ideas for a nationalassociation.The people who have as much as anyone to do withathletic training reaching the high standards of today andwho should be given long overdue credit are Frank andCharles Cramer of the Cramer Company of Gardner,Kansas.Correction:In the Fall 1981 issue of <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong>, an NATAPostgraduate Scholarship was described as being sponsoredby the National Basketball Association. The actualsponsor is the National Basketball Trainers Association.Reminder...This column of the Journal is intended to summarizemember credits, district news, historical flashbacks,liaison affairs, international news, and awards. In order tobe comprehensive and effective, information andacknowledgments must be submitted by the NATA membership.All members are invited to forward news and information,of themselves or others, to:Dr. David G. YeoMontgomery County Community CollegeBlue Bell, PA 19422Phone: 215-641-6510 +MOVING?Please notify the NationalOffice of your newaddress as well as yourold address.Don't Miss Out!!!Subscribe now to<strong>Athletic</strong> Tra in in gand get in on thelatest developments insports medicine!RTHLETIITRBinmcP.O. Box 1865Greenville, N.C. 27834Please enter my subscription for <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> magazine:( ) $15.00 for 1 year subscription*( ) $25.00 for 2 year subscription*( ) $35.00 for 3 year subscription*Name _Address.City .....__.—._-* Foreign subscribers add $5.00 per year for postage.(Please enclose check or money order.)State_______ .Zip.56 <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong>

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