Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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For example, the blind team members are divided intotwo groups. Class A athletes are those athletes who aretotally blind or possessing light perception only. Class Bathletes are those athletes possessing a visual acuity ofnot better than 20/400 (6/120m).The International Sports Organization for the Disabled(ISOD) has accepted the offer by the United States to hostthe 1984 games. This event will require not onlyorganization of facilities, transportation, and officials butalso involvement of the sports medicine community.Although there has been individual involvement byphysicians, nurses, physical therapists, athletic trainers,and other medical personnel, to my knowledge no sportsmedicine group has established a committee within theirorganization to deal with this group of very fine athletes.It is hoped that through the preparation for the 1984games, progress will be made in this area also. As abeginning step in this direction the USABA SportsDevelopment Committee has established a SportsMedicine Committee. Dr. David M. Wilson of the MayoClinic, and Larry Leverenz, Western Illinois University,were appointed co-chairpersons of this committee. It ishoped that through this effort sports medicineinformation can be disseminated to local coaches and somebasic areas of possible research and data gathering can beestablished.District NewsDistrict 2—Update on Licensure in PennsylvaniaNegotiations are continuing with the PennsylvaniaPhysical Therapy Association concerning the statecredentialing of athletic trainers. A special credentialingtask force, as established by the State Board of PhysicalTherapy Examiners, was expected to introducelegislation to the State House and Senate in January,<strong>1982</strong>. Certification by the State Physical Therapy BoardDMSO Continued from page 29Structure of Chromatin, Journal of Molecular Biology 87:137-162,1974.19. McCann J, et al: Detection of Carcinogens as Mutagens inthe Salmonella/Microsome Test: Assay of 300 Chemicals,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 72:423-427,1967.20. Maibach HI and Feldman RJ: The Effect of DMSO on PercutaneousPenetration of Hydrocortisone and Testosteronein Man, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 141:423-427,1967.21. Mollet P: Toxicity and Mutagenicity of DMSO in 2 Strains ofDrosophila Melanogaster, Archives of Genetics 47: 184-190,1974.22. Mollet P: Lack of Proof of Induction of Somatic Recombinationand Mutation in Drosophila by Metyl-2-Benzimidazole Carbonate, Dimethyl Sulfoxide and AceticAcid, Mutation Research 40: 383-388,1976.23. Perlman FW and Wolfe HF: Dimethyl Sulfoxide as aPenetrant Carrier of Allergens Through Intact Human Skin,Journal of Allergy 38: 299-307,1966.24. Percy EC and Carson JD: The Use of DMSO in Tennis Elbowand Rotator Cuff Tendonitis: A Double Blind Study,Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 13: 215-219,1981.25. Rachun, Alexius, Standard Nomenclature of <strong>Athletic</strong> Injuries,American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1966,157 pp.26. Sams WM, Jr, et al: Effects of Dimethyl Sulfoxide onIsolated Innervated Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac Muscle,Proceedings of the Society for Experimental BiologicalMedicine 122: 103-108,1966.will be administered by an Advisory Committee of threecertified athletic trainers appointed by the governor. Theproposed state credentialing will have two levels of certification.Full implementation is hoped for by July, <strong>1982</strong>.allowing Pennsylvania to join Georgia, Texas, Kentuckyand Oklahoma as states with some system of legislationregulating the practice of athletic training.Flashbacks in NATA <strong>History</strong>ORIGIN OF ATHLETIC TRAININGMike O'Shea, ATCUniversity of MiamiThrough research, it appears that athletic training hadits beginning during the days of primitive man and theearly civilization of Greece. The primitive man could notlet minor injuries keep him from hunting game, thus,someone had to care for these injuries, which were usuallythe shaman or the medicine man.<strong>Athletic</strong>s were a large part of the life of the Greekpeople. The Greeks had athletes as well as athletictrainers. They called the trainers paidotribes or "boyrubbers", aleiptes or "annointer", and gymnastes or onewho had knowledge of the effect of diet, rest, and exerciseon the development of the body. All of these suggestedthat massage was an important part of the duties of thetrainer.The greatest of all Greek trainers was said to beHerodicus of Megura who was considered a physician aswell as a trainer.Claudius Galen was considered as one of the firstathletic trainers and team physicians. He consideredhimself one of the greatest physicians and trainers of thisperiod. Galen and Hippocrates, "father of modernmedicine", both wrote on the values of physical training.ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES Continued on page 5627. Scherbel AL, et al: Alteration of Collagen in GeneralizedScleroderma (Progressive Systemic Sclerosis) After Treatmentwith Dimethyl Sulfoxide, Cleveland Clinical Quarterly32: 47-50,1965.28. Shealy CN: Physiological Substrate of Pain, Headache 6:101-102,1966.29. Smith RE and Hegre AM: The Use of DMSO in Allergy SkinTesting, Annals of Allergy 24: 633-635,1966.30. Stecher PG, The Merk Index 8th Edition, p. 745.31. Sulzberger MB, et al: Some Effects of DMSO on Human Skinin Vivo, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 141:437-440,1967.32. Weismann GD, et al: Effect of DMSO on the Stabilization ofLysosomes by Cortisone and Chloroquine in Vitro, Annals ofthe New York Academy of Sciences 141: 326-332, 1967.33. DMSO: No Proof of Miracles, PDA Consumer, pp. 29-39,September, 1980.34. Yee B, et al: Biological Effects of Dimethyl Sulfoxide onYeast, Biochemical Biophysiological Research Communications49: 1336-1342,1972.35. Richard Lebovitz, Chief Counsel's Office, Drug EnforcementAgency, Washington, D.C. 202-633-1141.36. William P Powell, RPH, Community Medical Center, MarsHill, NC 28754.37. David, Norman A, MD: Use of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)In Acute Musculoskeletal Injuries and Inflammations,presented at the National Coaches Clinic, June 17,1965.48 <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong>

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