Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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President's MessageDear NATA Member:I hope you are making plans to attend the <strong>1982</strong> Annual Meeting andClinical Symposium in Seattle. There are numerous discount fares offeredby the various airlines and if you thoroughly investigate these, yourattending our meeting will become a reality for you.One of the long standing problems of our National Office, particularlywith our growth, is getting information to each of you. It is important thatyou continue to get updated information and this is possible only if yourcorrect mailing address is on file with the National Office in Greenville.Also, the correct recording of your CEU's is extremely important and forthis your correct mailing address is essential. Please notify the NationalOffice when there is a change in your mailing address. It's yourresponsibility to do this.I want to encourage you to continue to support the NATA ScholarshipFund. The support for this important aspect of the Association that comesfrom each of you is essential. Our Association is fortunate to be able torecognize students in athletic training that have excelled academically anddemonstrated exceptional skills in the training room. The key to the futureof our profession is through quality education of our students. An excellentway to promote and support this is by making a contribution to ourScholarship Fund.As we continue to grow, increased demands are put upon each of us andour Association. It is important that we take a methodical approach to thechallenges we continually face. There is a vast difference between trainingfor a sprint and training for a marathon. It means very little to a marathonrunner if the first 100 yards is covered in ten seconds. A burst of speed isgood .... but in the long run it is the ability to stick with it mile after milethat counts. Steadfastness, not merely fastness, determines the winner. Itis important that you keep this in mind when asking why this or why that isnot done as fast as perhaps you think it should be. In making decisions,your officers concern themselves with NATA's future and the thought thateach of us will be spending the rest of our lives with that future.The continued communication between the membership and officers isappreciated. Please continue to express your concerns and ideas.Warm regards to each of you.Cordially,William H. ChambersJ<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong> 3

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