Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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Section 1 — <strong>Athletic</strong>s in GeneralAn athletic trainer shall show no discrimination inhis/her efforts while performing his/her duties.Section 2 — DrugsThe membership of the National <strong>Athletic</strong> TrainersAssociation does not condone the unauthorized and/ornon-therapeutic use of drugs. The Association recognizesthat the best and safest program is comprised ofgood conditioning and athletic training principles.Section 3 — Testimonials and EndorsementsIn any endorsement in which the trainer's nameand/or reference to the athletic training profession isincluded, the wording and illustration, including anyimplications of the endorsement shall be such that nodiscredit to the training profession may be construed.(Any endorsement that is not in keeping with the highestprinciples and standards of the athletic training professionshall be considered unethical). The NATA name, logo,trademark and/or insignia may not be used in any testimonialsand/or endorsement service products, programs,publications and facilities, by individual membersor groups of members of the Association.Section 4 — SportsmanshipMembers of this Association shall not condone, engagein or defend unsportsman-like practicesSection 5 — Fellow TrainersAny trainer who by his/her conduct or comments, publiclydiscredits or lowers the dignity of members of hisprofession is guilty of breach of ethics.Section 6 — MembershipIt is unethical for a member to sponsor a candidate formembership in the National <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers Associationwho does not know the candidate and his/herqualifications.Section 7 — Solicitation of Patients for FeeIt is unethical for a member that is actively engaged inthe profession, and/or teaching in an approved EducationCurriculum to solicit or use any form of advertisingfor the purpose of acquiring for fees, "outside" patients.(See last page for definition of actively engaged.)Article n — Educational Preparation & CertificationAny certified member of this Association must be consideredan educator if he/she is involved with the professionalpreparation of students pursuing National <strong>Athletic</strong>Trainers Association Certification through any of theapproved certification routes.Section 1 — Educational StandardsThe athletic trainer-educator must adhere to theeducational standards and criteria set forth by thisAssociation.Section 2 — Selection of StudentsThe athletic trainer-educator is responsible for theselection of students for admission into a professionalpreparation program, must insure that policies are nondiscriminatorywith respect to race, color, sex, or nationalorigin.Section 3 — Publication and RepresentationPublication and representation of the professionalpreparation program by the athletic trainer-educatormust accurately reflect the program offered.34 <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong>Section 4 — Evaluation of StudentsEvaluation of student achievement by the athletictrainer-educator must be done in a prudent manner.Section 5 — Recommendation for CertificationIt is unethical for a member to knowingly recommend acandidate for the national certification examination whohas not fulfilled all eligibility requirements as specifiedby the Board of Certification.Section 6 — Confidentiality of National CertificationExaminationIt is unethical for any member to reproduce in writtenform, or reveal in any other manner, any part of thewritten or oral-practical examination for the purposeof aiding certification candidates in passing theexamination.Article m — EnforcementSection 1 — Reporting of Unethical ConductAny member of the Association who becomes aware ofconduct that he/she considers unethical and that he/shebelieves warrants investigation, shall report the incidents)in writing to the President and the ExecutiveDirector of the Association, who will in turn initiateinvestigation through the Ethics Committee. He/sheshall include in the communication all pertinent data.Section 2 — Investigation and ActionIn accordance with the By-Laws of the Association, theEthics Committee investigates reported incidents ofunethical conduct and if, in the judgement of a majorityof the committee members, it finds that the accusedperson has violated the National <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers AssociationCode of Ethics, it communicates its decision tothe accused and to the Board of Directors in writing andrecommends to the Board one of the following disciplinaryactions:1. Letter of CensureCopies to immediate supervisor and DistrictDirector.2. Period oj Probation: (This shall be determined bythe Board of Directors.) During the period of probationthe member shall not be eligible for any of thefollowing:a) Hold an office at any level in the Association.b) Represent NATA in the capacity of liaison withanother organization.3. Initiate ProcedureJor Cancellation oJMembershipSection 3 — Action by the Board of DirectorsThe decision of the Board of Directors in Code of Ethicsis final, except that if the decision is to initiate cancellationof membership, this shall be done as prescribed inArticle VI, Section 1 and 2 of the Constitution.The National <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers Association definitionof "ACTIVELY ENGAGED" is as follows:A person must be an employee on a salary basis, not afee for service or vendor contract basis of an accreditededucational institution (public, private or parochial elementaryor secondary school or a degree granting collegeor university) or of a professional athletic organizationfor the duration of the institution's school year or theprofessional athletic organization's season and who performsthe duties of athletic trainer, and is recognized assuch, as a major responsibility of his or her employment.NATA approved Clinical Instructors whose responsibilityis teaching or supervising in a NATA approved athletictraining curriculum is considered an Actively Engaged<strong>Athletic</strong> Trainer. +Revised 810408

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