Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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National <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers AssociationCode of EthicsPREAMBLEOne outstanding characteristic of a profession is thatits members are dedicated to rendering service tohumanity. Also, they are committed to the improvementof standards of performance. In becoming a member ofthe athletic training profession, the individual assumesobligations and responsibilities to conduct himself inaccordance with its ideals and standards. These are setforth in the Constitution and By-Laws, and are emphasizedin the CODE OF ETHICS. Any athletic trainer whodoes not feel that he/she can or does not deem it necessaryto comply with the principles set forth in the CODEshould have no place in this profession.The members of the athletic training profession mustadhere to the highest standards of conduct in carryingout their significant role in athletic programs at all levels.It is for this reason that the Board of Directors of theNational <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers Association has continuallyrevised the CODE which has been in effect sinceJune, 1957.*In approving the Code, the Board of Directors recognizesand believes that unless the standards and principlesthat are set forth in this document are accepted ingood faith and followed sincerely, it will not be effective incontinuing to improve the contributions of the professionand its members to athletics and sports-medicine.Ethics is generally considered as conduct in keepingwith moral duty, and making the right actions relative toideal principles. Let it be understood that all members ofthe National <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers Association will understandand apply the principles set forth in this code andmake every effort to do the right thing at the right time tothe best of their ability and judgment.*1971,1973,1974,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980.PurposeThe purpose of this CODE is to clarify the ethical andapproved professional practices as distinguished fromthose that might prove harmful or detrimental, and toinstill into the members of the association the value andimportance of the athletic trainers' role.ObjectivesThe stated objectives of the National <strong>Athletic</strong> TrainersAssociation in its constitution are:1. The advancement, encouragement and improvementof the athletic training profession in all itsphases, and to promote a better working relationshipamong those persons interested in the problemsof training.2. To develop further the ability of each of its members.3. To better serve the common interest of its membersby providing a means for free exchange of ideaswithin the profession.4. To enable the members to become better acquaintedpersonally through casual good fellowship.Article I — Basic PrinciplesThe essential basic principles of this CODE are Honesty,Integrity and Loyalty. <strong>Athletic</strong> trainers who reflectthese characteristics will be a credit to the association,the institution they represent and to themselves.When a person becomes a member of this Association,he/she assumes certain obligations and responsibilities.A trainer whose conduct is not in accordance with theprinciples set forth in the following sections shall beconsidered in violation of the CODE.<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong> 33

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