Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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some time during the four yearsimmediately preceding themeeting at which nominations aremade. Two candidates shall benominated at the meeting in Juneone year before the end of theterm of the current President. Thebiography of each candidate shallbe published in the fall issue ofthe Journal of the N.A.T.A.ATHLETIC TRAINING followingthe nominations.The membership voting shall beby mail. A ballot shall be mailed toeach voting member at his/her addressof record by November 15thand the marked ballot must bereturned by mail to the ExecutiveDirector at the designated addressand be postmarked no later thanDecember 1st.The term of the President shall betwo years and he/she may notserve more than two consecutiveterms. The term of office shallbegin at the business meeting ofthe Association at the AnnualMeeting and Clinical Symposiumfollowing the election.(b)Vice President: The District Directorfrom one of the ten districtsshall be elected to the office of VicePresident by the Board of Directors.One or more district directorsmay be nominated by membersof the Board and election shallbe by majority vote.The Vice President must be aDistrict Director, also..If the VicePresident ceases to be a DistrictDirector a new Vice Presidentmust be elected.The term of office of the VicePresident shall be one year andhe/she may be reelected.If the office of President becomesvacant before the end of the termfor which the President was elected,the Vice President shallbecome President immediatelyand shall serve as President forthe remainder of the term forwhich the previous President waselected. In the event that thePresident-elect is unable toassume the office of President, theVice President shall become thePresident-elect and then becomePresident at the beginning of theterm for which the originalPresident was elected, and servefor the full term. It is thereforepossible that a vice-presidentcould serve a partial term asPresident followed by a full term.In such a circumstance a Presidentshall be eligible for nomination and32 <strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong>election for one consecutive termfollowing the first full term.The Vice President has no constitutionalduties other than toassume the office of President orPresident-elect as prescribed.Section 4Removal of Officers: All nationalofficers may be impeached andconvicted on the following grounds:embezzlement, malfeasance in office,and actions contrary to or in violationof this Constitution and its By-Laws.Before impeachment proceedings canbe instituted, a brief, containing thecharges shall be drawn up and presentedby a board member to theBoard of Directors sitting in executivesession. The aforementionedbrief must then be adopted by amajority vote prior to the formal presentationof the charges. Impeachmentof any officer shall require atwo-thirds vote of the voting membershipof the Association present atthe annual meeting.ARTICLE IX - POWERS AND DUTIESOF OFFICERSSection 1The officers are the President, Vice-President, Board of Directors andExecutive Director.Section 2All powers and duties of officersare as prescribed in the By-Lawsand Article VIII Section 3 of theconstitution.ARTICLEX - COMMITTEESAll committees, except themembership committee, shall beappointed by the President with theapproval of the Board of Directors.ARTICLEXI - MEETINGSSection 1The annual business meeting shall beheld each year at a time and place setby the Board of Directors.A quorum for the annual meetingshall consist of one-fifth of the votingmembership of the Association,excluding Certified Retired membersin figuring the one-fifth.Section 2The Board of Directors may submititems of association business tothe voting membership for a vote bymail. Approval of items so submittedshall require a "yes" majority ofa respondence of at least one-fifth ofthe voting membership of the association.Section 3The Board of Directors shall meet atthe National Convention and at anyother time that the Presidentdetermines it necessary to call aBoard meeting.A quorum for a Board of Directorsmeeting shall be six (6).The President may submit appropriateitems of association business tothe Board of Directors for a vote bymail. For such a voting procedure thePresident shall first secure a"second" to the proposal and thensubmit the proposal to each memberof the Board by mail with a request tomail a "yes" or "no" vote on the proposalby a definite date not soonerthan ten (10) days after the mailing ofthe proposal. Board approval of itemssubmitted shall require a "yes" voteof at least six members of the Board.The President may submit emergencyitems of Association businessthat are appropriate for Board actionto the Board of Directors for a vote bytelephone. For such a voting procedurethe President shall firstsecure a "second" to the proposal andthen call each member of the Boardfor his vote on the proposal. Boardapproval of items so submitted shallrequire a "yes" vote by at least sixmembers of the Board.ARTICLE XII - AMENDMENTS TOTHE CONSTITUTIONSection 1All proposed amendments to theconstitution shall be submitted inwriting to the Executive Director atleast six weeks prior to the annualbusiness meeting. The ExecutiveDirector shall distribute copies of theproposal to all voting members atleast three weeks prior to the annualbusiness meeting.Section 2A proposed amendment to the constitutionthat has been properly submittedshall be read at the annualbusiness meeting and a two-thirds(2/3) majority vote of the votingmembership present shall be necessaryfor the adoption of the saidamendment.ARTICLE XIII - AMENDMENTS TOTHE BY-LAWSThe By-Laws may be amended atany official meeting of the Board ofDirectors by a majority vote.By-Laws may not be added, deletedor amended by a vote by mail ortelephone. +

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