Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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Constitutionof theNational <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers AssociationRevised June 19782/1/81Article I -- NameThe name of this organization shallbe the National <strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers'Association.Article II -- ObjectivesThe objectives of this associationshall be:(1)The advancement, encouragement,and improvement of the athletictraining profession in all itsphases, and to promote a betterworking relationship among thosepersons interested in the problemsof training.(2)To develop further the ability ofeach of its members.(3) To better serve the commoninterest of its members by providinga means for a free exchange ofideas within the profession.(4)To enable members to becomebetter acquainted personallythrough casual good fellowship.Article III - MembershipSection IThere shall be eight (8) classes ofmembership as follows:(1) Certified(2) Associate(3) Retired(4) Student(5) Affiliate(6) Advisory(7) Allied(8) Honoraryand no individual shall be eligible formore than one (1) class ofmembership at the same time.Section 2Qualifications for membership andthe rights and obligations of membersshall be as indicated in the By-Laws.Article IV -- Election of MembersSection 1Application: Each applicant for anyclass of membership shall sign anapplication stating his desire andintention to become a member of theassociation, to advance its bestinterests in every reasonable mannerand to accept as binding upon himselfits constitution and By-Laws.Section 2Membership in the National <strong>Athletic</strong>Trainer's Association is based on approvalof each District's membershipcommittee, the National <strong>Athletic</strong>Trainers' Association membershipcommittee, in addition to completionof requirements for membership aslisted in the By-Laws.ARTICLE V- DUESSection 1The dues of all classes of membersshall be as prescribed by the By-Laws.ARTICLE VIMEMBERSHIPSUSPENSION OFSection 1Membership cancellations may berecommended by any member of theassociation for a cause and themembership of any member becaused to cease by a two-thirdsmajority vote of those memberspresent at the annual businessmeeting.Section 2Appeals: A person whose membershipis cancelled in accordance withSection 1 shall be allowed, either inperson or through some member ofthe association, to appeal to the NationalMembership Committee for reconsideration.Information in theappeal shall be presented to theBoard of Directors and the Boardshall, by a majority vote, decidewhether to submit the question of themembership cancellation to the associationmembership for another onein accordance with Section 1.ARTICLE VII - - VO TING PO WERSection 1Certified and certified retired membersshall be entitled to one vote uponall questions submitted to the associationfor decision.ARTICLE VIII - ORGANIZATIONSection 1National: The governing body of thisorganization shall be The Board ofDirectors.Section 2Regional: Each District <strong>Athletic</strong>Trainers' Association will be selfgoverningas per its own specificConstitution and By-Laws. Nothingin a District Constitution and By-Laws shall be contrary to the NationalConstitution and By-Laws. Inits relations with the National Organization,the District Association willbe under the jurisdiction of the National<strong>Athletic</strong> Trainers' AssociationConstitution and By-Laws.(a)For the purpose of facilitating thework of the National <strong>Athletic</strong>Trainers' Association the UnitedStates and Canada shall be dividedinto ten (10) geographic areas andeach district organization shallhave district jurisdiction throughoutone of the areas. District areaboundaries shall be set by theBoard of Directors, and the districtsshall be designated and identifiedby the numbers one (1)through ten (10).(b)Each District shall elect a DistrictDirector who must be a Certifiedmember of the National <strong>Athletic</strong>Trainers' Association. Each DistrictDirector shall serve as amember of the Board of Directorsof the national organization andact with full authority for the districtin carrying out the functionsand responsibilities of The Boardof Directors.Section 3(a)President: The president shall beelected by a majority popular voteof the voting membership of theNational <strong>Athletic</strong> TrainersAssociation. The Board of Directorsshall be the nominating committee.Candidates must have servedon the Board of Directors<strong>Athletic</strong> <strong>Training</strong> • <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>1982</strong> 31

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