Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History

Spring 1982 - Athletic Training History


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ACUPUNCTURE POINTLOCATIONSB59B60B6I BG.2Figure 4Ant.TibialisExt.HallucisS4Isequently, blocking the pain may lead to a dangeroussituation in which the athlete may not recognize the signsof exacerbation of an injury and the result may be furtheror even permanent damage. The therapist must use somediscretion when applying electroacutherapy as a modalityfor injury rehabilitation. Thus, electroacutherapy as atherapeutic modality is best used in the treatment of postacuteand chronic injury. By using acupuncture charts,specific points are selected which are described as havingsome effect on the area of pain. In the case of an inversionsprain of the ankle, pain is usually located in the area ofthe lateral malleolus. The acupuncture points used torelieve pain in this area are identified in Table 1. Figure 4shows the relative locations of these points schematically.It was suggested that impedence at acupuncture pointstended to be lower than the surrounding skin. 24 Severalmodalities (Neuroprobe, Staodyn PLS/mini® ) areavailable commercially which are not only capable oflocating specific areas of lowered resistance but whichalso electrically stimulate these points. An ohm metermay also be used in place of these more expensive devicesto locate acupuncture points. Once located, points may bemarked with a felt tip pen to save time in subsequenttreatments.Selection of a specific type of current for stimulation ofacupuncture points is variable. Frequencies ranging from50 cycles/minute to 200 cycles/second have been reported.4 12 23 Most of the literature seems to indicate thatbest results in pain relief are obtained by using lowfrequency (1-5 Hz) current. 5 8 1T A longer treatment isrequired to produce any beneficial effects; however, theanalgesic effects seem to last longer than with highfrequency stimulation. Treatment time is reduced withhigh frequency stimulation. Treatment time is reducedwith high frequency current, but the effects do not last aslong. 18The current of choice seems to be pulsed galvanic. 12 23The Microdyne® , EGS® , Mettler® Electrical Stimulatorand the Staodyne Vara/pulse® are each galvanici>TABLE 1ACUPUNTURE POINTS USED FOR INVERSION ANKLE SPRAINMeridian andPoint Number Name Location* Stomach (5)41Gall Bladder (GB)34*Gall Bladder (GB)39*Gall Bladder (GB)40Bladder (B)59Bladder (B)60Bladder (B)61Bladder (B)62Bladder

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