Street Naming & Numbering - Shore Road, Innellan PDF 2 MB

Street Naming & Numbering - Shore Road, Innellan PDF 2 MB

Street Naming & Numbering - Shore Road, Innellan PDF 2 MB


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is over two miles long and the largest postcode runs for half a mile this is notunexpected.3.6 Property numbers have been allocated to <strong>Shore</strong> <strong>Road</strong> in the past but not allresidents display the number on their property and many do not use thenumber at all when quoting their address.3.7 The lanes off <strong>Shore</strong> <strong>Road</strong> and terraces on <strong>Shore</strong> <strong>Road</strong> are well signpostedwith council name plates but they are treated differently by Royal Mail. One ofthe smaller lanes, “Ferns Lane”, has its own postcode but all of the others arelumped in with <strong>Shore</strong> <strong>Road</strong> postcodes.3.8 The inability of delivery drivers to find an address may be an inconveniencefor the delivery company and the resident but in an emergency situationwhere the driver is, for example, a new ambulance driver or a locum doctor itcould be a life threatening delay.3.9 For all of the above reasons the council must use its powers under the CivicGovernment (Scotland) Act 1982 to improve the situation and alleviatepotential problems for residents.CONSULTATION3.10 A letter detailing the proposed numbering was sent to the owner/occupier atall addresses held in the Corporate Address Gazetteer for <strong>Shore</strong> <strong>Road</strong> andthe adjacent lanes on 13 January 2012 and representations requested by 3February 2012. A full report was also prepared and made available toresidents on request. Only one request was received for the full report.3.11 7 letters were returned undelivered as the properties were unable to receivemail – 5 vacant properties plus the Public Hall and Scout and Guide Hall.3.12 A copy of the letter and report was emailed to all Dunoon Ward councillors,South Cowal Community Council, Royal Mail Major Address Change teamand DABVJB.RESPRESENTATIONS3.13 From the 292 delivered letters representations were received from 15residents – 11 in favour and 4 objections.3.14 Site visits took place to look at the objections and the Corporate AddressGazetteer Team met with the residents to address the issues raised. Arevised address acceptable to the council and the objector was achieved in allcases.3.15 Royal Mail are happy with the proposed changes as it will improve the qualityof the Postcode Address File (PAF). Royal Mail queried several individualaddresses and a satisfactory response was provided for each query.3.16 Royal Mail also advised that Ardyne Terrace and McLennan Cottages wouldremain on their current postcodes.Page 2

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