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STEPHEN MAGEEJesus Falls, South AustraliaThe sight and sound and feel of gardens after dawneven in summer silencewet on the grass.But most of all the air -a ghost of afternoonscutting clear through muggy years of work and money.Bent around decisions and the edges of historythe air beams to light on your mouth. Liesare forgotten, and love is something minor,buried with the day ahead.96WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989

STEPHEN MAGEERespublicaLovers' plans are the plots of angelsraging against formulae. After schooland after law, 0 what is left of angelsand their lovers.Corruptionand decay in childhood manners rise together,angels hold above it for a while - they talkof crises, meaning love, and the irrelevance of fugues.'Til one day there is a lease more real than love,your day in court more satisfying than a kiss.The illegality of loving angelsis understood;the punishment is peace and worse with years.WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989 97

STEPHEN MAGEERespublicaLovers' plans are the plots of angelsraging against formulae. After schooland after law, 0 what is left of angelsand their lovers.Corruptionand decay in childhood manners rise together,angels hold above it for a while - they talkof crises, meaning love, and the irrelevance of fugues.'Til one day there is a lease more real than love,your day in court more satisfying than a kiss.The illegality of loving angelsis understood;the punishment is peace and worse with years.WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989 97

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