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JOHN WINTERThe Bird ManIn wooded, pitted, Lawrence country,Our windows stayed always open:Robin, chaffmch, thrush and woodcockFed daily from our table.Our sideboard gathered droppingsAs proud neighbours' never gathered dust.No bathroom ever stank as oursWhen butcherbirds hung their prey.In twilight evenings you gathered friendsTo sit and talk of birds, always birds.Old Matt the poacher satWith Detective-Sergeant Brand -The lion and the lamb.(But who was lion, who was lamb,When each had lost an eye to shot?)I sat beneath the stuffed white owlsListening to Bevis read as slowAs all those birds must have died.I grew to hate your crueltyAs much as the love you gaveTo anything that flew.You gave nothing to our mother,Save intimations of life's meaningFound in pits of rooks' stomachs.Once only did I love you:High in rheumatic fever,Your collier's arms held meThree black shifts through.Now, forty pheasant-seasons later,Brought blind to this new landWhere every bird's accent puzzles you,Longing for the beat of wings under eaves,You let me carry you, child-light,In silence to your bed, your last kickA refusal to die on anything but feathers.78WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989

JOHN WINTERPrinting James McAuleyduring the Falklands WarFirst proof, first revise:Set flush left, flush right,Your prose moves neitherLeft nor right, but drivesStraight down the pageInto the world-river ofBlack on white.Tonight we print letterpress.Grey compromise of lithoThat keeps your meaning on the surface,Jumble of serifs forced byMagnetic impulse into hasty marriage,Do not suit your clarity.As the saw cuts deepTo mitre raised initials,Slits flesh-soft metalTo keep your line level(Your line that is level with life),Ravens fly blood-splashed andStick cracked beaks through crazedHeads of children gone sillyAs geese on an Atlantic green.Your Trakl holds steady -Scarce a change in the copy -But tells the horror in orderAs in disorder too.Quiet tap, tap tapOf type in the stick asFalklands voices fade and swell.A double, a missed phrase;Literals appear fast as Exocets or lies.It is time to put the press to bed.Tomorrow, with platen, ink, damped paper,Black art in three dimensions,We'll try to set things right.WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989 79

JOHN WINTERThe Bird ManIn wooded, pitted, Lawrence country,Our windows stayed always open:Robin, chaffmch, thrush and woodcockFed daily from our table.Our sideboard gathered droppingsAs proud neighbours' never gathered dust.No bathroom ever stank as oursWhen butcherbirds hung their prey.In twilight evenings you gathered friendsTo sit and talk of birds, always birds.Old Matt the poacher satWith Detective-Sergeant Brand -The lion and the lamb.(But who was lion, who was lamb,When each had lost an eye to shot?)I sat beneath the stuffed white owlsListening to Bevis read as slowAs all those birds must have died.I grew to hate your crueltyAs much as the love you gaveTo anything that flew.You gave nothing to our mother,Save intimations of life's meaningFound in pits of rooks' stomachs.Once only did I love you:High in rheumatic fever,Your collier's arms held meThree black shifts through.Now, forty pheasant-seasons later,Brought blind to this new landWhere every bird's accent puzzles you,Longing for the beat of wings under eaves,You let me carry you, child-light,In silence to your bed, your last kickA refusal to die on anything but feathers.78WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989

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