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Believing nothing, I could hopeto see, not a god, but a child,a place : sunrise : a whistle : bird on stem:a low sky, downy with rednesses.(XXV, 5)Systole and diastole, then, to use words Buckley took up in more than one poem,one thing passing rhythmically and naturally into another, and the poet replicatingthat, the rhythm of life in the rhythm of the voice that speaks it. Yeats, the strongestof his "singing masters", at the end of his life offered the advice that the best ofBuckley bears out: a passion for "the well made", an indomitability of race and itsexpression, not through chauvinism, and not through easy sentiment, but by meansof constant, lucid attention to events, and to how we speak of them.NOTESI. 'Persona : The Empty Mask", an exchange of views with Canadian scholar Robert Wilson, Quadranl, November 1975, p.93.2. See various chapters in the New literary Hislory of Australia, 1988: Bruce BeMett, 'Pen:eptions of Australia, 1965.19SS", pp. 444.445;Judith Brett, "Publishing, Censorship and Writers Incomes, 196s.1988", p.454; Brian Matthews, "Literature and Conflict", p.3IS;James Tulip, "Poetry since 1965", p.48S; Chris Wallace-Crabbe, "Autobiography", p.S69.3. Maslers in Israel, 1961, pp.27, 29.4. From an unpUblished interview with Vincent O'Sullivan in 1985.S. A remark made to Dr Frank McKay.6. "Specifying the Sacred", in Poelry and lhe Sacred, 1968, p.6.7. The World~ Flesh, 1954, p.46.8. O'Sullivan interview, 1986.9. "Vincent Buckley: an interview with Elizabeth Booth." The Bergson argument can be found in his L'Evolulion Crealrice, 1907.10. "Magic", in Ideas of Good and Evil, collected in Essays, 1924, p.33.II. Suzanne Langer, Philosophy in a New Key, 1942, p.lSI.12. Cited DaedoJus, Sprin~ 1959, p.231.13. Elizabeth Booth inlervlew, p.30.14. O'Sullivan interview.IS. Buckley in conversation expressed his agreement with Edward Said~ view that we cannot disregard a text~ claim on actuality, thattexts "are always enmeshed in circumstance, time, place. and society - in short. they are in the world, and hence are worldly," "'TheText, the World, the Critic", in Texlwl Slralegies, edited JosUe V. Harari, 1979, p.l6S.16. Poetry and lhe Sacred, p.II, p.W.17. Elizabeth Booth interview, p.28.18. Interview with Henry Rosenbloom, Mean;in QuDrterly, September 1969, p.32S.19.2a.Elizabeth Booth interview, p.31.Philosophicallnvesligalions, translated G.E.M. Anscombe, 1958, t, paragraph 43; On Orlainly, translated Dennis Paul and G.E.M.Anscombe, 1969, paragraph 249; both cited in Austin E. Quigley, "Wittgenstein~ Philosophising and Literary Theorizing", New literaryHislory, Vol. 19, No.2, Winter 1988, p.220, p.224.21. See "w'B. Yeats and the Sacred Company", Poelry and lhe Sacred, pp.J72·2U4.22. Frank KellIlOSle, Hisloryand Value, 1988, p.99.23. Samuel C. Wheeler III, 'Wittgenstein as Conservative Deconstructor", New literary Hislory, Winter 1988, p.2SS.24. O'Sullivan interview.25. "Day with its Dry Persistence", in Arcady and Other Places, 1966, p.S6.WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989 57

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