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VINCENT O'SULLIVAN - is one of New Zealand's best known writers and critics. He is Professorof English at the Victoria University of Wellington and his most recent book is The Unsparing Scourge.JAN OWEN - is an Adelaide poet whose second book of verse, Fingerprints on Light, will bepublished by Angus & Robertson early in 1990.M.E. PATTI WALKER - is a member of the Youngstreet Poets, and works as a casual taxi driverin Sydney. She has had poems and a short story published in various Australian magazines.OLIVE PELL - was born in Kalgoorlie in 1903. She has had poems published in numerous journals,anthologies etc, and was President of FAW 1970171.DAVID REITER - is a lecturer in professional writing at Canberra CAE and has published in anumber of Australian journals and magazines.RON RUDOLPHY - is a poet and student at WACAE, Mt Lawley Campus, currently completinghis final undergraduate year of the BA English Studies course.CAROL SElTZER -American journals.is a poet from Massachusetts and has had her work widely published inANNE SEYMOUR - has worked as a wife, mother of four, teacher and counsellor. She lives inwestern Victoria, contributes stories to local anthologies and has edited community magazines.KNUTE SKINNER - divides his time between Ireland, where he inhabits a cottage in rural CountyClare, and the USA, where he teaches in a creative writing programme. His Selected Poems appearedin 1985.TRUDI TATE -UK.is a post graduate from UWA who works for Cambridge University Press in theANDREW TAYLOR's most recent books are Reading Australian Poetry (UQP 1987) and SelectedPoems 1960-1985 (UQP 1988). Barossa, an opera, with music by Ralph Middenway, was staged inAdelaide in 1988. He teaches at the University of Adelaide.RICHARD KELLY TIPPING -is a well known poet and film maker.GERRY TURCOTTE - has published prose and poetry (in both English and French), in Denmark,Canada and Australia. For the past two years he has been host of an ongoing writing series calledWriter's Choice.ALAN URQUHART -currently teaches Chemistry and English at East Sydney College of TAFE.JOHN WILLIAMSON - is a script writer and final year mature age student studying Media andEnglish at WACAE, Mt Lawley Campus.GRAHAM WILSON - was born in London and lives in Devon, England. He has published a numberof translations in Westerly.JOHN WINTER -teaches English literature at the University of Tasmania.WONG PHUI NAM - is one of Asia's best known poets. He works in banking in Kuala Lumpur,and has recently begun writing and publishing again after a quiet period of several years.WARRICK WYNNE - lives in Mt Martha in Victoria. He has been published in various literarymagazines and was a finalist in the ABC Bicentennial Poetry Awards last year.116 WESTERLY, No.2, JUNE, 1989

CENTRE FOR STUDIES INAUSTRALIAN LITERATUREDepartment of EnglishThe University of Western AustraliaThe Centre for Studies in Australian Literature (CSAL) was opened by the Vice­Chancellor of the University of Western Australia in September 1982. The Centreaims to stimulate and support significant research and publication in the field ofAustralian literature and culture.Associate Membership is open to all who are interested for a fee of $10 to covermailing and administrative costs. Associate Membership means you will receiveinformation about the Centre's activities (e.g. seminars, conferences) and asignificant discount on publications. Visiting Fellowships for study, research andconsultation with members of the Centre are also possible.CSAL PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE:* Colin Johnson, Dalwurra, the Black Bittern - a contemporary Aboriginalpoetry cycle, introduced by Colin Johnson with an Afterword by VeronicaBrady.$10.95 ($8 to Assoc. Members)* Vincent O'Sullivan (ed.), The Unsparing Scourge: Australian Satirical Texts1845-1860 - an edition of six satiric texts of early colonial Australia.$12.95 ($10 to Assoc. Members)* Bruce Bennett (ed.), A Sense of Exile: Essays in the literature of the Asia­Pacific Region - new essays in the literature of exile in our region.$12.95 ($10 to Assoc. Members)FORTHCOMING:* R.S. White, Furphy's Shakespeare. A complete guide to Joseph Furphy's useof Shakespeare in Such Is Life, Rigby's Romance and The Buln Buln andthe Brolga.* Susan Miller, compiler, a new Westerly Index covering the period 1984-1988.To become an Associate Member of CSAL, send $10 plus payment at discountrates for any of the above publications, to The Secretary, Centre for Studies inAustralian Literature, The University of Western Australia, 6009.

CENTRE FOR STUDIES INAUSTRALIAN LITERATUREDepartment of EnglishThe University of Western AustraliaThe Centre for Studies in Australian Literature (CSAL) was opened by the Vice­Chancellor of the University of Western Australia in September 1982. The Centreaims to stimulate and support significant research and publication in the field ofAustralian literature and culture.Associate Membership is open to all who are interested for a fee of $10 to covermailing and administrative costs. Associate Membership means you will receiveinformation about the Centre's activities (e.g. seminars, conferences) and asignificant discount on publications. Visiting Fellowships for study, research andconsultation with members of the Centre are also possible.CSAL PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE:* Colin Johnson, Dalwurra, the Black Bittern - a contemporary Aboriginalpoetry cycle, introduced by Colin Johnson with an Afterword by VeronicaBrady.$10.95 ($8 to Assoc. Members)* Vincent O'Sullivan (ed.), The Unsparing Scourge: Australian Satirical Texts1845-1860 - an edition of six satiric texts of early colonial Australia.$12.95 ($10 to Assoc. Members)* Bruce Bennett (ed.), A Sense of Exile: Essays in the literature of the Asia­Pacific Region - new essays in the literature of exile in our region.$12.95 ($10 to Assoc. Members)FORTHCOMING:* R.S. White, Furphy's Shakespeare. A complete guide to Joseph Furphy's useof Shakespeare in Such Is Life, Rigby's Romance and The Buln Buln andthe Brolga.* Susan Miller, compiler, a new <strong>Westerly</strong> Index covering the period 1984-1988.To become an Associate Member of CSAL, send $10 plus payment at discountrates for any of the above publications, to The Secretary, Centre for Studies inAustralian Literature, The University of Western Australia, 6009.

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