Regional development strategy - RDA South

Regional development strategy - RDA South Regional development strategy - RDA South
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4DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY4.DevelopmentStrategyREGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE ECONOMIC REGION SOUTHBefore embarking on the process offormulating the strategy, the regionaldevelopment partners agreed on aset of principles and values that setthe overall context for the strategy.The fundamental principles that are expressedin the REDS of the Economic RegionSouth are:• Keep the number of priority areas limited tothree to enable for a better focus of the strategicefforts on the issues that are drivers ofthe development of the region.• Concentrate on economic development issuesand regional competitiveness ratherthan addressing a wider range of social issues.• Treat key social issues as cross-cutting issuesthat influence the sustainability of developmentand pervade the business environment.These include the principle ofequal opportunities for disadvantagedgroups (youth, women, ethnic minoritiesand handicapped) as well as improved educationfor workforce skill base.• Environmental issues are also of cross-cuttingcharacter. They have been consideredwithin the business environment area butas a rule, they are taken into account acrossthe entire programming cycle.• Creation of wealth. Strategic efforts areconcentrated on jumpstarting the economyof the region or, in other words, on the responsiblecreation of wealth and prosperity.The primarily focus of the strategy, particularlyin early stages, is not on wealth redistribution.Stakeholders in the development process ofthe region perceive the regional vision to be astatement of common interest and a commitmentto co-operate toward common, agreedstrategic priorities that are identified in thestrategy document. After working throughthe regional profile, the socio-economic needsanalysis and the SWOT, the following clear visionstatement has emerged:Economic Region South is an area wherethe strategically planned sustainabledevelopment, cooperation and successfulpartnerships have led to increasedcompetitiveness of the economy basedon the region’s strengths, created a favourableenvironment for investing andprovided for the well-being of the citizen.As a result of preliminary analysis and inline with the adopted strategy principles, theregional development partners selected threePriorities that the Regional Economic DevelopmentStrategy is addressing. These prioritiesare seen as having the best potential forleading the change in the region. They havebeen identified as:1. Development of the Business Environment;2. Development of agriculture and foodprocessing industry; and3. Development of tourism.The last two priorities are of vertical or sectoralnature. While there is inevitably someoverlap between all three, they still have thebenefit of being easily identifiable which contributesto the recognition of associated objectivesmeasures.26

DEVELOPMENT STRATEGYPriority 14PRIORITY 1: Developmentof the Business EnvironmentThe overall goal of this Priority is tocreate better business environmentin the region through improvedhard and soft business infrastructureand so increase: the competitivenessof regional enterprises; the quality ofthe workforce; and the environment.MEASURE 1.1:Support for improving conditions forstarting and conducting business inthe region.Expected Result: Economic Region South has6 municipal Business Support Centres whichare networked, specialized and offer highquality services as well as at least two fully developedand managed industrial/economiczones with adequate infrastructure.Rationale: This measure has been identifiedprimarily through a combination of twoSWOT/SENA elements: the lack of proper infrastructurefor business development andthe readiness of local government to supportestablishing of business support centres andindustrial/economic zones as well as invest intheir development.MEASURE 1.2:Increasing the competitiveness ofregional enterprises.Expected Result: Region’s enterprises becomemore competitive in domestic and internationalmarkets through innovation, developmentand support of regional brands, developmentof value chains and improvement ofdistribution systems (domestic and internationaltrade).Rationale: This measure has been identifiedprimarily through a combination of SWOT/SENA elements: the low number of well developedregional brands, inadequate developmentof value chain approach, insufficientaccess and lack of good relationships with exportmarkets, as well as some strengths likepresence in the region of high quality professionalsin the areas of technology, advanceddesign and marketing.MEASURE 1.3:Developing a competitive workforcewith skills that match current andfuture market needs througheducation, training and re-trainingExpected Result: Region’s job availabilitygrows as the workforce becomes more competitive,better trained through improved deliverysystems (including training offeredthrough unemployment centres and new curriculain secondary and tertiary education).Rationale: This measure has been primarilyidentified through a combination of SWOT/SENA elements: lack of qualified work forcewith appropriate skills as required by the labourmarket, lack of proper curricula for vocationaleducation and training, low level of opportunitiesfor women, handicapped and youth.REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE ECONOMIC REGION SOUTH27

DEVELOPMENT STRATEGYPriority 14PRIORITY 1: Developmentof the Business EnvironmentThe overall goal of this Priority is tocreate better business environmentin the region through improvedhard and soft business infrastructureand so increase: the competitivenessof regional enterprises; the quality ofthe workforce; and the environment.MEASURE 1.1:Support for improving conditions forstarting and conducting business inthe region.Expected Result: Economic Region <strong>South</strong> has6 municipal Business Support Centres whichare networked, specialized and offer highquality services as well as at least two fully developedand managed industrial/economiczones with adequate infrastructure.Rationale: This measure has been identifiedprimarily through a combination of twoSWOT/SENA elements: the lack of proper infrastructurefor business <strong>development</strong> andthe readiness of local government to supportestablishing of business support centres andindustrial/economic zones as well as invest intheir <strong>development</strong>.MEASURE 1.2:Increasing the competitiveness ofregional enterprises.Expected Result: Region’s enterprises becomemore competitive in domestic and internationalmarkets through innovation, <strong>development</strong>and support of regional brands, <strong>development</strong>of value chains and improvement ofdistribution systems (domestic and internationaltrade).Rationale: This measure has been identifiedprimarily through a combination of SWOT/SENA elements: the low number of well developedregional brands, inadequate <strong>development</strong>of value chain approach, insufficientaccess and lack of good relationships with exportmarkets, as well as some strengths likepresence in the region of high quality professionalsin the areas of technology, advanceddesign and marketing.MEASURE 1.3:Developing a competitive workforcewith skills that match current andfuture market needs througheducation, training and re-trainingExpected Result: Region’s job availabilitygrows as the workforce becomes more competitive,better trained through improved deliverysystems (including training offeredthrough unemployment centres and new curriculain secondary and tertiary education).Rationale: This measure has been primarilyidentified through a combination of SWOT/SENA elements: lack of qualified work forcewith appropriate skills as required by the labourmarket, lack of proper curricula for vocationaleducation and training, low level of opportunitiesfor women, handicapped and youth.REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE ECONOMIC REGION SOUTH27

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