CIVIL WORK - Government of Himachal Pradesh

CIVIL WORK - Government of Himachal Pradesh

CIVIL WORK - Government of Himachal Pradesh


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10.2 Any addendum thus issued shall be part <strong>of</strong> the bidding documents and shall be communicated inwriting or by cable to all the purchasers <strong>of</strong> the bidding documents. Prospective bidders shallacknowledge receipt <strong>of</strong> each addendum by cable to the Employer.10.3 To give prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account inpreparing their bids, the Employer shall extend as necessary the deadline for submission <strong>of</strong> bids, inaccordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 below.11. Language <strong>of</strong> the Bid : EnglishC. Preparation <strong>of</strong> Bids11.1 All documents relating to the bid shall be in the English language.12. Documents comprising the Bid12.1 The bid submitted by the bidder shall comprise the following:(a) The Bid (in the format indicated in Section 2).(b) Bid Security;(c) Priced Bill <strong>of</strong> Quantities;(d) Qualification Information Form and Documents;and any other materials required to be completed and submitted by bidders in accordance withthese instructions. The documents listed under Sections 2, 4 and 7 <strong>of</strong> Sub-Clause 8.1 shall be filledin without exception.12.2 Bidders bidding for this contract together with other contracts stated in the IFB to form a packagewill so indicate in the bid together with any discounts <strong>of</strong>fered for the award <strong>of</strong> more than onecontract.13. Bid Prices13.1 The contract shall be for the whole works as described in Sub-Clause 1.1, based on the priced Bill<strong>of</strong> Quantities submitted by the Bidder.13.2 The bidder shall fill in rates and prices and line item total (both in figures and words) for all items<strong>of</strong> the Works described in the drawings and specifications and listed in the Bill <strong>of</strong> Quantitiesalongwith total bid price (both in figures and words). Items for which no rate or price is entered bythe bidder will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by theother rates and prices in the Bill <strong>of</strong> Quantities. Corrections, if any, shall be made by crossing out,initialing, dating and rewriting.13.3 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the contractor under the contract, or for any othercause shall be included in the total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder.Note:“Bidders may like to ascertain availability <strong>of</strong> excise/custom duty exemption benefits available in India to thecontracts financed under World Bank loan/credits. They are solely responsible for obtaining such benefitswhich they have considered in their bid and in case <strong>of</strong> failure to receive such benefits for reasons whatsoever,the employer will not compensate the bidder (contractor). Where the bidder has quoted taking into accountsuch benefits, he must give all information required for issue <strong>of</strong> certificates in terms <strong>of</strong> such notifications asper form attached to the Qualification Information in the bid. To the extent the employer determines thequantity indicated therein are reasonable keeping in view the bill <strong>of</strong> quantities, construction programme andmethodology, the certificates will be issued and no subsequent changes will be permitted. No certificate willbe issued for items where no quantity/capacity <strong>of</strong> equipment is indicated in the statement. The bids which donot conform to the above provisions will be treated as non responsive and rejected. Any delay in procurementContractor EE 13

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