The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review


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44 Gramnudical and Etymolugicul Analijsia vf Geneais I. IS.for Dubnorix, Cogidumnits for Cugiduhivxs, and Samnltes fortiahn'des in Z.G.C., p. 40. Dubn is connected by Gluck (Kelt.Namen, p. 72) with Goth, divp from (/u^), O.H.G. tiof, Eng. (iee^j.Spiorad (spirit), in 0. Gael, spirut, is borrowed from Lat.spiritus.D4 is gen. sing, of Dia compared above.A' = ag (at) = 0. Gael, ae, which is connected with the conjunctionocits compared above. Ag is contracted into a' beforeinfinitives beginning with a consonant. Ag governs the dative.Gluasad (moving) is the inf. dat. after a' of the verb gltiais(move), referred by Nigra to "a njot gval, Gr., Lat., and Celt.gvol (duere, jacere)." Cf. Rev. Celt., ii., p. 448. Nigra alsocompares Lat. volare, volucer, Gr. jSoXo^, ^oXi'i, Skr. gula, glau,O. Grer. quella, cliwiva, cJdiuwa, cliuivi (glomus).Nan (of the) gen. plur. of the article, in O. Gael, innan andinna.TJisgeacka (waters), gen. plur. of uisge (watei-), a mas. nouniudecl. in the sing. Umje was in O. Gael, tiisce and usee = *ud-ce.For change of d to s before c, cf mesce (now misge) = *med-cefrom root med cognate with Gr. /neOu (wine), Skr. madhu (honey),Lith. medus (lioney), A.S. medo (mead), Eng. mead, and also Lat.esca = *ed-ca. <strong>The</strong> root ud of tisce is identical with the Skr.root vd, from which come und-ami (to gush forth), zid-am anduda-kam (water), ud-an (wave, water), Lat. und-a (wave), Gr.vS-iep (water), v&ap6ean languages.Biodh (let be), in 0. Gael, biel, biid, biid, bi'ith, biith (cf Z. G. G,p. 495), is the 3rd sing, imper. of the verb bi, from the root bu,compared above.Solus (light) = *svulas-tu, from root sved connected with Skr.scar (to shine), siirjas (sun) for »vcn-jas, Zend hvare (sun), Gr.o-eXas (brightness), o-eXj/i/ij (moon), Lat. serenus, sol (sun), Goth.

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