The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review


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42 Grammatical and Etymahigical Analysts of Genesis 1. 1-8.nolb. Nem and nemed (sanctuary) are referred by Windish tothe Skr. root nam (s'incliner, venerei'). Cf. Rev. Celt., iii, 330.Agus (and) is the modern form of the conjunction acus or ocus,which Ebel regarded, because of its power of aspirating, as adative locative. Other related <strong>Celtic</strong> woi'ds are W. ac (and),Gael, oc (at), now ag and aig, Gael. adj. acas or ocus (near), nowfagus or fogus, with prosthetic/. <strong>The</strong>se and several other wordswere connected by Ebel (cf <strong>Celtic</strong> Studies, p. 109) with Gr.ayx' (near), eyyyy (near), Lat. ango (I draw or press tightsqueeze), ang-ustiis (narrow), Goth, aggvus (narrow), O.H.Gangi, N.H.G. enge.Talamh (earth, the earth), O. Gael, talam, gen. talman, dat.talmain, is a fern, r/ian-stem (Z. G. C, p. 775), formed by thesuffix -man from a root connected ajjparently with Skr. tala(flatness, soil, ground), mahi-tala (the surface of the earth, theearth itself). Cf Slav, tilo (ground, soil). See tala in Williams'Skr. Dictionary and in Bopp's Glossarium." Talamh has nothingto do with Skr. dhanvan, which Kuhn (Beitr. I., 3G8-9) hasidentified with Lat. telliis = telvus." (Stokes' Glosses, p. 48.)Bopp and Williams connect both talamh and tellus with Skr.tala.2. "Agus bha'n talamh gun dealbh agus falamh; agus bhadorchadas air aghaidli na doimhne ; agus bha Spiorad Dea' gluasad air aghaidh nan uisgeacha."Bha II = hha (was) and an (the). <strong>The</strong> vowel of the article iselided because hha ends with a vowel. Bha, in O. Gael, ha androha (with verbal prefix ro), is the pret. ind. of the verb hi (bethou), of which the 1st per. sing. pres. ind. in 0. Gael, was bin,(I am). <strong>The</strong> aspiration of hha is explained by the loss of theparticle ro in the modern preterite. Biu is from the root hucognate with Skr. root hhil, Zend hiX (to be), Gr.

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