The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review The Scottish Celtic review


22 Indu-Ewropean Routs, ivith Derivatives(to measure), meta (the measuring thing), mensa (a table, thatwhich is set on the table, food), mensura (measure), &c. Cf. Curt.Gr. Etym., p. 328. Gael, meidh (a balance; = meadh) is fromLat. vieta. Gael, mias (a dish) = Lat. mensa.2. Med ( = Europ. root 7nad) is an extended form of the root md.Cf. Tick's Wort. i. 706.To this root belong O. Gael, mess (estimate, judicium, nowTneas) = * med-tvu, coimdiu (lord, dominus, mod. form coimhdhe^= * Go-midiu, coimeas or coimheas (equality) = co-mes = *comedtu,dlmeas or dlmheas (contempt) = di-mes = *di-7ned-tu,irmadadar (intellegit) = ir-mad-adar, conammadarsa (utjiulicem) = conavi-mad-ar-sa, «fec.To the same root belong Gr. fieSw, fxeSofjiai (to think on),yut'^(yui/o? (measure) ;Lat. modus, modius, modestus ; Goth, mita(I mete), mitdn (consider), O.H.G. mezan (to measure), Ger.Tnessen (to measure), &c. Gael, nwdh (mode) is a loan from Lat.•niodus. Windish considers an Irish by-form, mid, probable.Cf Curt. Gr. Etym., p. 242.3 Mens = Indo-Eui-op. mans (moon, month). Cf Fick's Wort.i., 170.To the stem mens, which Curtius refers to the root via (tomeasure), belongs O. Gael, mi (month, now mlos). Gen. mis, ace.pi. inisa.iV before s is dropped in Gael, by rule.= *yU'?>'?.Other related words are Lat. mens-i-s (month), Gr. fxr/vIon. fxelf (month), /xi/vi; (moon), Skr. mas, indsas (month), ZendmdoTiha (moon), Goth, 'mena (moon), menoths (month). Cf Curt.Gr. Etym., p. 334..4. Gaelic mathair (mother ;= 0. Gael, mdtliir) is to be referredto Indo-Europ. *«i,a

(ind Anali/.siti nf Gaelic Cvnipound Wunlg.'Ilitaithmhead (remembrance, memorial) = 0. Gael, taithmet = *doaith-manta,ermitiu (perseverauce), gen. ermiten = * er-mintiu,of which -mintiu corresponds to Lat. nientlo, toimtiu (opiuion) =*do-fo-mintiu, ionmhuln (dear, beloved) = 0. Gael. inmain= *iaman-i,domuinur (I think) = du-mun-lar dumenar (putavi) =do-m^n-ar, a i-eduplicated form.To the same root belong also Skr. root man (to think), manas(thought, spirit), matls (devotion) ; Zend mayi (think), raanaTih,(thought, spirit) ; Gr. fievw (I remain), /xeVo? (spirit, courage),lxifjLvt} (remember), ^i/)//ia)i/ (mindful), fcc; Lat.7?iaJieo (to remaiu),memini (to remember), 7nentlo, mens, gen. mentis, Tnoneo, &c.;Goth, gamiuian (think, keep in mind), 0. H. G.minnia,min)in(love), meina (opinion) ; Lith. min-iu (keep in mind). Cf Curt.Gr. Etym.,p. 312.6. Indo-Europ. ma stem of the 1st pers. pron. sing. Cf. Fiek'sWort i., 164.To ma belong the first pers. pron. sing, ini (I, me) = 0. Gael,me, the infixed pron. -m-, the suffixed -m in do-rii (to me), nowdumh, and the pron. mo (my).The following are from the same :— root Ski-, ma, Zend ma, Gr.ixe and efxe(me), e/xo? (mine), Lat. m,e (nij) and ineus (mine), Goth.mi-s, mi-l; A. S. me, Eng. me. Cf Curt. G. Etym., p. 328.7. ludo-fiurop. rout iiiu, md (to bind, to fasten, to close). Cfficks's Wort. 179.To this root belong Skr. m^A (to bind, tie) ; Gr. Itfivvco (to wardoff), cifiwa (defence), a/uijvTwp (protector); Lat. moenia (that whichwards off, walls, iuclosure), munia (duties, function, official orprofessional duties), munus (office, employment), com-munis(common), &c.With moenia - munia = * muinia Stokes and Ebel compare OGael, main, main, now maoin (wealth). Gael, comain (obligation,debt ; = * com-main) corresponds to Lat. communis iovcommoinis, with which also comaineachadh (communicating) isconnected, if it be not, like comunn (communion), a loan-word.Cf Curt. Gr. Etym., pp. 324-5, and Stokes' Goid., p. 178.8. Indo-Europ. root smar, smarati (to think, keep in mind, remember).Cf. Fiek's Wort i. 254.To this root, which retains .s only in Sanksrit, belong the Gael,words mair (last, remain), O. Gael, marait (manent), meraid(will remain), mair in ni mair (lives not), maireann andmaireannach (lasting, everlasting).

(ind Anali/.siti nf Gaelic Cvnipound Wunlg.'Ilitaithmhead (remembrance, memorial) = 0. Gael, taithmet = *doaith-manta,ermitiu (perseverauce), gen. ermiten = * er-mintiu,of which -mintiu corresponds to Lat. nientlo, toimtiu (opiuion) =*do-fo-mintiu, ionmhuln (dear, beloved) = 0. Gael. inmain= *iaman-i,domuinur (I think) = du-mun-lar dumenar (putavi) =do-m^n-ar, a i-eduplicated form.To the same root belong also Skr. root man (to think), manas(thought, spirit), matls (devotion) ; Zend mayi (think), raanaTih,(thought, spirit) ; Gr. fievw (I remain), /xeVo? (spirit, courage),lxifjLvt} (remember), ^i/)//ia)i/ (mindful), fcc; Lat.7?iaJieo (to remaiu),memini (to remember), 7nentlo, mens, gen. mentis, Tnoneo, &c.;Goth, gamiuian (think, keep in mind), 0. H. G.minnia,min)in(love), meina (opinion) ; Lith. min-iu (keep in mind). Cf Curt.Gr. Etym.,p. 312.6. Indo-Europ. ma stem of the 1st pers. pron. sing. Cf. Fiek'sWort i., 164.To ma belong the first pers. pron. sing, ini (I, me) = 0. Gael,me, the infixed pron. -m-, the suffixed -m in do-rii (to me), nowdumh, and the pron. mo (my).<strong>The</strong> following are from the same :— root Ski-, ma, Zend ma, Gr.ixe and efxe(me), e/xo? (mine), Lat. m,e (nij) and ineus (mine), Goth.mi-s, mi-l; A. S. me, Eng. me. Cf Curt. G. Etym., p. 328.7. ludo-fiurop. rout iiiu, md (to bind, to fasten, to close). Cfficks's Wort. 179.To this root belong Skr. m^A (to bind, tie) ; Gr. Itfivvco (to wardoff), cifiwa (defence), a/uijvTwp (protector); Lat. moenia (that whichwards off, walls, iuclosure), munia (duties, function, official orprofessional duties), munus (office, employment), com-munis(common), &c.With moenia - munia = * muinia Stokes and Ebel compare OGael, main, main, now maoin (wealth). Gael, comain (obligation,debt ; = * com-main) corresponds to Lat. communis iovcommoinis, with which also comaineachadh (communicating) isconnected, if it be not, like comunn (communion), a loan-word.Cf Curt. Gr. Etym., pp. 324-5, and Stokes' Goid., p. 178.8. Indo-Europ. root smar, smarati (to think, keep in mind, remember).Cf. Fiek's Wort i. 254.To this root, which retains .s only in Sanksrit, belong the Gael,words mair (last, remain), O. Gael, marait (manent), meraid(will remain), mair in ni mair (lives not), maireann andmaireannach (lasting, everlasting).

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