The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review


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studies hi Gaelic Gruraviur— ihc Particle Ann. 297STUDIES IN GAELIC GRAMMAR—THE PARTICLE ANN.(Continued from 2). 238.)!». " Kiiui e mi 'nam athair ilo Phaiaoli, agiis 'nam thij^licarnaOS ccann a thighe uile " (he hath made me a fatlior to Pharaoh,and lord of all his house, lit., he hath made me into my father toPharaoh, and into my lord over all his house) = rinn (hath made)+ e (he) + mi (me) + 'nam for rt'?7i' (into my) + athair (father)+ do (to, uuto) + Pharaoh + ayus (and) + 'nam for am' (intomy) + thirjhcarna (lord) + os (over, above) + ceann for cionn(head) + a (his) + thighe (gen. of teach, house) + idle (all).Rinn is for riime = righne = rigne or rigni (cf. O'Donovan'sGramm., p. 228) = Old Gael, rogeni (fecit) and (with pref. do)dorig^ni = do-ro-geni (fecit), 3rd sing, reduplicated pret. of theverb do-gniu (I make), from the root gen = Indo-Europ. rootgan (to beget, to produce).E (he) and mi (me) noticed above.A'm' = ann mo (in my, into my).Ann = Old Gael. prep, inn or in^ (in, into) governing the dat.and ace.Mo (my) cognate with Skr. and Zend md (me), Lat. me (me),mens (my, mine).Athair, dat. or rather ace. of the masc. 7'-stem athair (father)= Old Gael, athir = *pater cognate with Lat. pater, Gr. iraTi'ip,8kr. pita from stem pitar, Zend inta - patur, Goth, fadar, A.S.faeder, Eng. father.Bo (to) pre]), governing the dat. and cognate with Eng. to, &c.Agiis (and) = Old Gael, ocus or occus. For etymology cf. p. 42.Thighearna (aspirated after mo) - Old Gael, tlgerne or tigerna(lord), from root teg (to cover) = Indo-Europ. stag (to cover), thesame from which teach, tigh, &c. are derived.Os = uas (above, over) = Old Gael. prep, us cognate with theSkr. root raksh whence vakshumi (I increase), Gr. av^dvio (I increase),Goth, vahs-ja (wax), A.S. tvaxan, Eng. uxix (to increase).Ceann is for cion n — Old Gael. eiimn, dat. (after os) of cenn =cend, referred bj^ Windisch (Beitr. viii. 33, 34) to a base cvinddfrom root kvi (to swell out), whence Skr. gvi, ^.vayati (to swell).A (his) noticed above.Thighe (aspirated after the masc. poss. prou. a) is the gen. of

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