The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review


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:1. G3 :::290 Gaelic Orfhograplnj— Common Mistakes.Carthon. 1. 238 :" Tannas fooiu, do-n annsadh cliu,"for, Tannas faoin, ilo'n anusa cliu(Clerk's Tr., A phantom form, who loves [our]fame).2. Fo-n (with euphonic v) substituted for fo'n = fo an (underwhom, under which) :Carr.-Th. 1. 37 :" Fo-n lub geug dharaig nan torr,"for, Fo'n lub geug dharaig nan torr(Beneath which bends the oak-branch of the hills)..'i.Gu-n (with euphonic v) substituted for gii 'n =gu san (until,until that)Fing. v., 1. 220:" Cha-n fhada gu-m faiceam an seod,"for, Cha'n fhada gu'm [or gu sam] faiceam an seod(lit., It will not be long until I shall see the hero.)4. Le-n (with euphonic n) for Ic 'n = !e san (by whom)Vol. I., p. 233 :" Tannas fiioin le-n anns' ar cliu,"for, Tannas faoin le'n [or leis an] ann.s' ar cliu(A phantom form who loves our fame).5. Mu-n (with euphonic n) substituted for mu 'n = mu an.(about whom, about which)Oath.-Lod. I., 1. 38 :" 'An tir choigrich mu-n iadh an tonn,"for, An tir choigrich mu'n iadh an tonn(In stranger land around which winds the wave).Cath.-Lod. Ill ," Gu Gorm-mheall, mu-n iadh an tonn,"for, Gu Gorm-mheall, mu'n iadh an tonn(To Gormal, around which winds the wave).Gov. 1. 204 :for," 'Am faoghaid fasaich mu-n iadh sloigh,"Am faoghaid fasaich mu'n iadh sloigh(Around whom, in forest cha.se, the people throng).

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