The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review


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;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;20 lUastrations of the Application oj Grimm's Law.9. Indo-Europ. bh is represented in Sanskrit, Old Irish, Teutonic,Slavonic, and Lithuanian by b; in Greek by 0; and in Latin byf at the beginning, and b in the middle of a word.Examples.— (1) Indo-Europ. root *bhar, *bJtaratl (to bear),*bharti (to bear), *hhdra (burden)Skr. root *bhar (to bear), bluirati, bharti (to beai'), bhara'sbhdras (burden), bharma{n), maintenance ;Zend bar (bear, bring);0. Ir. ber-im (I bear, bring), as-biur (I sa.y) — as-biru, tabairt(giving), h'ith (birth), bert (bundle), bairgen (bread)Gr. root (pep, (pepoo (I bear), (pepixa (burden, produce)Lat. fero (I bear)Goth root bar, bairan (to bear), baurthei (burden), (ja-baarths(birth), barn (bairn, child), A.S. bcran (to bear), Eng. bearO.H.G. bara (bier)Slav, root bcr, bcra, brati (to bring)Lith. benias (child);(2) Indo-Europ. *bhrdhtar (bother), from root *bhrd=*bhar (tobear) ;Skr. bhrdtd (brother), stem *blu'dtarZend brdtar (brother)O. Ir. brdtldr (brother), Welsli brawd (brother)Gr. (ppaTijp (brother), stem *paTep ;Lat. frater (brother), fraternus (brotherly)Goth. brSthar (brother), A.S. brSdhor (brother), Eng. brotherO.H.G. bruodar (brother), Ger. briuler (brother)Slav, bratrd, bratU (brother)Lith. broter-elis (dim.), brdlis (brother)(3) Indo-Europ. root *nahh. (to veil, to cover), * nabhas (cloud,mist, atmosphere) ;Skr. nabhas (mist, vapour, cloud), vahhaKJas (misty)O. Ir. nel (a cloud)=*nebI, nimb (di'oj));. Gr. »/e^o?, ve(j>e\)] (cloud), ve^oco (to make cloudy);Lat. nubes, nebula (cloud)O.H.G. nehal (cloud)Ice. nifi (mist, fog), nifl-heimr (Hades)Slav, nebo (heaven), stem nebesLith, debesls (cloud), with d for n;(4). Indo-Europ. root *bhu, *bhA (to be, become), *bhida part,pass, of *bhu, *bhiiti, *bhAti (being), *bh4man (being, plant);;;;;;;

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