The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review The Scottish Celtic review


260 Duan na Muireartaich.Agus ceud eile do mhacaibh nam fear,A bha 'n [taobli] thall do righ Lochlainn :Eadar na saoidhean ma seacliGu robh an t- Oscar gu creach^,Aeh na mharbhadh, an tiiigh an t-sluaigh,An righ air mheud onorachd.Dar 'chunnaic iad gn 'n thuit an rlgh,Aig meud am mire is an air,Leig le sruthaibh gu sail,'S blia 'chliar-chatha air an iomain.^Deich fichead mllidh righ Locldainn do shluagh,Air uchd catha Beinn-Eadair gu uair ;'S cha deachaidli adhbhar arm as,Ach aou mhilidli gu loingeas.An d^igh Ian leoir do 'n air,Chlthteadh gu'm bu chalp dha,Gu rachadh troimh thollaibh nan sleagliNa corran troimh dhruim Oscair.Nan tarladli tu an la sinBhith air uchd catha Beinn-Eadair,Cha chuala tu 'leithid do ghair,O bhas na PVinue ri aon la.'"gu creadiiach" (wounded) (?)' The last syllable was long, rhyming with " sail."

Thii Liij of the Maireartach. 261And a liuiiilied more of the meu's sons,Oil the further side of Lochlaiin'.s king :Amongst the warriors in turnWas the Oscar making spoil,Till in the thick of the host he slewriie king, though great was his renown.When they saw the king had fallen.Such was their fury and distress,That to the sea they fled in files,And the battle-troops pursuing.Ten score of Lochlann's ' warriors stoodUpon Ben Edar's battle-slope ;And no one bearing arms escaped,Except one warrior to the ships.When he had his full of slaughter,His recompense (?) was seen to be.That, through the spear-holes there might passSharp weapons (?) through the back of Oscar.If thou, perchance, hadst been that dayUpon Ben Edar's battle-slope,A shout such like thou hadst not heard,Since the Feiun's slaughter in one day.'Lit., "kiuf' of Lochlauu'b."

260 Duan na Muireartaich.Agus ceud eile do mhacaibh nam fear,A bha 'n [taobli] thall do righ Lochlainn :Eadar na saoidhean ma seacliGu robh an t- Oscar gu creach^,Aeh na mharbhadh, an tiiigh an t-sluaigh,An righ air mheud onorachd.Dar 'chunnaic iad gn 'n thuit an rlgh,Aig meud am mire is an air,Leig le sruthaibh gu sail,'S blia 'chliar-chatha air an iomain.^Deich fichead mllidh righ Locldainn do shluagh,Air uchd catha Beinn-Eadair gu uair ;'S cha deachaidli adhbhar arm as,Ach aou mhilidli gu loingeas.An d^igh Ian leoir do 'n air,Chlthteadh gu'm bu chalp dha,Gu rachadh troimh thollaibh nan sleagliNa corran troimh dhruim Oscair.Nan tarladli tu an la sinBhith air uchd catha Beinn-Eadair,Cha chuala tu 'leithid do ghair,O bhas na PVinue ri aon la.'"gu creadiiach" (wounded) (?)' <strong>The</strong> last syllable was long, rhyming with " sail."

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