The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review The Scottish Celtic review


;'—254 Duati na Muireartakh.Ged bhidlieadh sluagh an domhain uile ann,Eadar thuath is uaislibh,Fuath no duine cha vachadli asO'n t-sluagh alainn fhalt-bhuidli' [chas].Trogar thugam mo tlieaghlach coir,Righ na h-Easbaig is a slilogh,Righ na Greig', Righ Ghallia ghlain.[Righ na h-Easj)ainn is na h-Ind.]" 'S gu'n trogam deich mile barcachTriallaidli mis' an iar;Agus bheiream-sa mo mhiounan righ,Ma mharbhadh mo Mhuireartach mhin,An Eirinn nacli fhag mi clachAn allt, no'n torran, no'm fireach," Gun throgail an corraibh mo longEirinn choimhlionta, cho-thromBheirinn breabanaich air muir,Dh'a tarruing as a skmhchair."" Is mor spleadh do luingeis bhain,'Dheanadh Eirinn do throgbhail, ^'S nach robh do luingeas air bithNa throgadh dh' Eirinn coigeamh."'Deich fichead is deich mile longThrog an righ, is ba luchd* trom, *A1. fheachd.Gu crioch Eireann a chur as,Is dhitheachadh nam Fiann na'm faradh.Cha robh port no leth-phort ann,An cilig coigeimh na h-Eireann,Nach robh Ian do a luingeis bhain,Agus biorlainnean fo thighearnaibh.Chuir e teachdaireachd gu flath Fail,A' Mhuireartach thighin dachaidh sltln,Air neo'' barr-brigli Eireann uile,Eadar mhac righ agus ro-dhuine.From Mr. J. F. Campbell's version. See " West Highland Tales," vol.iii., page 133.The last syllable was long, rhyming with " bliain."

;——The Liii/ of the MuireartacJi. 265" Thoiigli all the meti on earth were there,Whether of low or high degree,Escape could neither ghost nor manFrom the fair race of yellow hair." Gather to me my worthy kin,The king of Easbag and his host,The king of Greece, fair Gallia's king,[The king of Spain and of the Inds]." That I may raise ten thousand bargemen (?),I shall journey to the westAnd I shall give my kingly oath,If my smooth Jluireartach be slain.That I in Erin leave no stoneIn stream, or hill, or mountain height," That on my ships' beaks I uplift notErin complete and equipoised ;My warriors I shall bring on sea.To drag her from her still repose."" Great is thy brag of thy white ships.That would Erin all upliftAnd yet all the ships on earthCould not uplift the fifth of Erio."Ten score and ten thousand shipsThe king raised, 'twas a mighty fleet.To lay waste the bounds of Erin,And, if he could, to slay the Feinn.There was not port nor half-port there.Within the whole five-fifths of Erin,That was not full of white-sailed ships.And of barges under lords.Message he sent to Erin's prince,To send the Muireartach home safe;Or else the best of Erin's treasureBoth her kings' and nobles' sons.'The MS. " cuig ceucl dhiubh," is evidently a corruption for "cdigeamh."' (If. fiillies' version.

;——<strong>The</strong> Liii/ of the MuireartacJi. 265" Thoiigli all the meti on earth were there,Whether of low or high degree,Escape could neither ghost nor manFrom the fair race of yellow hair." Gather to me my worthy kin,<strong>The</strong> king of Easbag and his host,<strong>The</strong> king of Greece, fair Gallia's king,[<strong>The</strong> king of Spain and of the Inds]." That I may raise ten thousand bargemen (?),I shall journey to the westAnd I shall give my kingly oath,If my smooth Jluireartach be slain.That I in Erin leave no stoneIn stream, or hill, or mountain height," That on my ships' beaks I uplift notErin complete and equipoised ;My warriors I shall bring on sea.To drag her from her still repose."" Great is thy brag of thy white ships.That would Erin all upliftAnd yet all the ships on earthCould not uplift the fifth of Erio."Ten score and ten thousand ships<strong>The</strong> king raised, 'twas a mighty fleet.To lay waste the bounds of Erin,And, if he could, to slay the Feinn.<strong>The</strong>re was not port nor half-port there.Within the whole five-fifths of Erin,That was not full of white-sailed ships.And of barges under lords.Message he sent to Erin's prince,To send the Muireartach home safe;Or else the best of Erin's treasureBoth her kings' and nobles' sons.'<strong>The</strong> MS. " cuig ceucl dhiubh," is evidently a corruption for "cdigeamh."' (If. fiillies' version.

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