The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review


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;<strong>The</strong> Lay of the Mulrcartuch. 251" Accept the bribe,^ wince it is just,Ten hundred ap})les of red goklBetter thou should'st be chewing stonesThan combating the bloody Feinn."" Though I shoukl got all Erin's treasure,Her gold, her silver, and her fin dnune,I'd rather have, by my steel blade.<strong>The</strong> heads of Oscar, Raoin, and loUann."Said he- who never brooked reproach,Morna's son, whose name was Conan," Thy dry^ head's forelock thou shalt lose,Since thou hast asked the son of Ossian."" <strong>The</strong> strengthless steel (?) I would cut through,Uninjured by thy hideous brand ;[And for their sake, who keep the hounds],Do not insult us with thy threats."When they saw the monster's wrath.Uprose Finn, pi'ince of the Feinn,Uprose Ossian, prince of men.Uprose Oscar, uprose loUann.Uprose theson of dark-brown King Duinn,Uprose they and Luin O'Buidhn;Uprose the pair of fairest form.Uprose Raoin and Lugach's son.Uprose Mac-an-Leighe in haste,Uprose Cilaiseau in his might,Those uprose and noble Amhrag,Uprose Caoilt, uprose Conan.Uprose Diarmid O'Duiue,Those uprose and also Trenmor,Uprose the undaunted star.With Mac-Cunihall's Feinn around him.' Offer. - <strong>The</strong> MS. i.s " l.ioch " (hero). ^ Scrubby, withered.as an alternative to the corresponding line in tlie MS., " Sair sgiath chuileanachnan con," tlie meaning of which is not obvious.

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