The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review The Scottish Celtic review


';248 Ditan na Malruartaich.DUAN NA MUIREARTAICH.(Revised versiou of preceding.)L^ dhuinn air tulaich shoir,'S ag amharc Eireann in' a tiinchioll,Gu facas leiun air bhairaibh thonnAll fhuath-arrachd adhbhail, chrom.'Se 'b 'ainm do'n fhuath nach tiomA' Mliuireartach bhaodh,' ruadh, mhuing-fliiimn;chiich Lochlainn tighin air sail,Gu cis Eireann a throgail.-Bha claidheamli nmirgeach air a crios,'N am dhi clisgeadh, garbh, glas;'S bha da sldeagh fhada, chaol-chatha,Air an taohh eile do'n chaillich.Eudaa du'-ghorm air dlircach guailDeud charbadach cham, ruadh ;Aon shuil ronnach 'na ceann,'Bu luaithe ua reannag gheamhraidh.Bha greann ^ ghlas-liath air a ceann,Mar choille chrionaich * chrithinn;'Si 'g amharc na Feinn' fa dheas,Ghluais a' bheist gu 'n innis.Aig meud a mir' agus a h-air,Rinneas leatlia cin gun chomain;Mharbh i le 'tiibhachd ceud laoch,Agus gaire ami a garbh chraos." fhlath nan cuach thainig mi,"Thuirt am fuath diomasaeh deagh-dhan ;Geilleadh gach naoinear 'sa' mhagh,'Se a dh' iarr am fuath, no comhrag.' Several versions have maol (bald) ; but bhaodli (wild) or bhaobh (furiousrepresents more accurately the mhagh of Sage's MS.^ The last syllable was long, rhyming with sail.'The MS. crlii-flids or crlon-fhas (stunted growth or crop) makes goodsense ; but the greann ghlas (grey hair) of JNIac Nicol, Gillie.s, and Irvine's verhioiis,seems preferable.

;The Lay of the Maiirartuch. 249THE LAY OF THE MUIREARTACH.TRANSLATION.One day, when on an eastern hill,Looking on Erin all around.Wo saw, approaching on the waves,A sjiectral monster, huge, deformed.The name of the undaunted wraithWas the wild, red, white-maned Muireartach;From Lochlann's bounds .she came on sea.To exact from Erin tribute.A rusted sword was in her belt,When she started, stout and pale ;Two long and slender battle-spearsUpon the carlin's other side.Her face was blue-black, like to coal ;Her long jaw-teeth were crooked, red ;One soft bleared eye was in her head.Which quicker moved than winter star.Upon her head was short grey hair,Like unto stunted aspen brushwood;When to the .south she saw the Feinn,Advanced the monster to their camp.By reason of her wrath and slaughter.She wrought harm without returnA hundred men with might she slew.While in her rugged throat was laughter." From the prince of cups I come,"Said the proud and haughty spectre;That every nine in the plain should yield.The wraith demanded, or else combat.* The three versions referred to in the last note have coille chrlonaich. TheMS. " Mar chailleach cham cbas ghris-f hioun " (like bow-legged brindled hag)is evidently a corrujjtiou.'The last syllable was long, rhyming with h-dir.

';248 Ditan na Malruartaich.DUAN NA MUIREARTAICH.(Revised versiou of preceding.)L^ dhuinn air tulaich shoir,'S ag amharc Eireann in' a tiinchioll,Gu facas leiun air bhairaibh thonnAll fhuath-arrachd adhbhail, chrom.'Se 'b 'ainm do'n fhuath nach tiomA' Mliuireartach bhaodh,' ruadh, mhuing-fliiimn;chiich Lochlainn tighin air sail,Gu cis Eireann a throgail.-Bha claidheamli nmirgeach air a crios,'N am dhi clisgeadh, garbh, glas;'S bha da sldeagh fhada, chaol-chatha,Air an taohh eile do'n chaillich.Eudaa du'-ghorm air dlircach guailDeud charbadach cham, ruadh ;Aon shuil ronnach 'na ceann,'Bu luaithe ua reannag gheamhraidh.Bha greann ^ ghlas-liath air a ceann,Mar choille chrionaich * chrithinn;'Si 'g amharc na Feinn' fa dheas,Ghluais a' bheist gu 'n innis.Aig meud a mir' agus a h-air,Rinneas leatlia cin gun chomain;Mharbh i le 'tiibhachd ceud laoch,Agus gaire ami a garbh chraos." fhlath nan cuach thainig mi,"Thuirt am fuath diomasaeh deagh-dhan ;Geilleadh gach naoinear 'sa' mhagh,'Se a dh' iarr am fuath, no comhrag.' Several versions have maol (bald) ; but bhaodli (wild) or bhaobh (furiousrepresents more accurately the mhagh of Sage's MS.^ <strong>The</strong> last syllable was long, rhyming with sail.'<strong>The</strong> MS. crlii-flids or crlon-fhas (stunted growth or crop) makes goodsense ; but the greann ghlas (grey hair) of JNIac Nicol, Gillie.s, and Irvine's verhioiis,seems preferable.

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