The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review


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—;238 Studies in Gaelic Grammar— the Particle Ann.place is to give an emphatic assurance that it exists; and hencethe localising statement has become the statement of existence."Instead of saying " a road is " or " exists," we say " there is aroad."In English, there, in this sense, always precedes the verbbut, in Gaelic, the verb always precedes the adverb ann.In the four following expressions, 'n = an or ann (in), and,therefore, they should have been placed by Stewart under hisfirst head or division :7. " Tha 6 'na dhuine ionnraic" (he is a just man, lit., he is inhis just man) = tha (is) + e (he) + 'n for an or ann (in) + a(his) + dhuine (man) + ionnraic ]\viX,.Tha is a common modern form of la or aia explained above.E is the 3rd pers. pron. masc. = Old Gael, e and he, fem. si,neut. ed, cognate with Goth. masc. i's, fem. si, and neut. ita (cfBeitr. ii. 188).'N = a« = Old Gael, in (in) cognate with Lat. in, &c.A (liis) cognate with Skr. a,sya (his).Duine (aspirated because the poss. pron. ended originally witha vowel) is the dat. sing, of the masc. ?'a-stem divine, plur. danine(in Old Gael, doini), connected by Stokes (cf Beitr. viii. 332) withGr. dvfxoi (the soul, feeling, thought), Lith. ditmds (thought, mind,feeling), from Indo-Europ. root dhu (to agitate, to fan into a flame).Ionnraic is the dat. sing. masc. (agreeing with duine) of theadj. ionnraic = Old Gael, indraic (pure, honest, just) = inrica(worthy, dignus).8. " Tha i 'na bantraich " (she is a widow, lit., she is in herwidow) = tha (is) + i (she) + 'n for an or ann (in) + a (her) +bantraich (widow).Tha explained above. / = si cognate with Goth, si (she).'N = an or ann (in) explained above.A is the poss. pron. fem. agreeing with Skr. asijds (her), and,therefore, not followed by aspiration.Bantraich is the dat. sing, of the fem. noun bantrach (widow)= ban-treabhach = Old Gael, ban-trebthach, compounded of ban(woman, female) cognate with Boeot. ^nva = Gr. ywi'i, Slav.zena, Goth, qvens, Eng. queen, from Indo-Europ. root gan (tobeget) and trebthach = treb-thach formed by the suS". thach fromtreb (dwelling, abode) = Welsh treb, cognate with Lat. tribua,Goth, thaurp, N.H.G. dorf, Eng. thorp, from root trab (to dwell,to possess). Cf Stokes' Ir. Glosses, p. 68.{To be continued.)

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