The Scottish Celtic review

The Scottish Celtic review The Scottish Celtic review


162 Ess-roygh.A reithzin hwUe gi royd, a neyn oyk is math dalweIn tosga fa dangis in gane, tawir is doyth pen gi darveMi cliomrych' ort mass tow finn, di rae rinii in makeayve m[naa]Daywis towrloyryth is di loye, gove mi chomre gi loyth traDerrit in reith fa math fiss, sloneich in niss ca ther a heeGoym rayd chomre a wen, er gi far za will in greithTay la feich a teeht er mvrri, leich is math gel er mi lorg...'''Mak re ni sorchir^^ is gear erme, is do fa hanm Dyr borliDi churris gessi no chenn, gi berri fin may er saylleIs nach bein aggi mir wnee, gar wath a znee is a awgheDi raye osgir gi gloir mir, far sin di chosk gi reithGin gar for finn di zess, ne rach tow less mir wneithDi chemyn teeht her stead, leich si wayd oss gi farSowle ni farga gi dane, si nwle chadin zoyve a wenClokghit tenn teyghne ma chenni, fa nar nar heme is nar. ..ey.. *Skaa zrwmnych zow er a zess, a drinlin cless er a claaClawe trome tortoyl nach gann, gi tenn er teive in ir vorA gymirt class ossi chind, is a teeht in genn tloyZa woneiss zasg gi moya, a sessow in gawlow skayEr nert, er ghask, er zelle ne elli fer mir ach sayNaill flath is rosk reith, in genn in ir fa keyve crowMath in noyth, fa ^ gall a zayd, is loayth a stayd no gi srowTanik in stead sin in deir, sin far nar weine riss in nayneKegit leich wemir ann, zonyth ra hynsyth gar narEr eggill in nir is a heyth, ne royve leich zein gan zraneDi twne mir hanik in deir, darrit in reith fa math clwIn nathin tow feyn a wen, in na sowd in fer a der towHanneym v'^ coulle a ynd, is fowir linn a zi tansTargi say mis wra less, ga math di thress a Inn aylleDerre oskir agis gowle, bi worb coskir lonn ni gathNane sessow in gar in tloyth, eddir in far mor si flaathHanik in leich bi wath tlacht, lay feich is lay nart no gennAggis foddeis woyn in ven, di we gar a zolin InnTuk m'= morn in turchir dane, gi croy no zey din tleyghNeir anni in turchir nar hay, za sky gin darny da wlyghDi crath oskir fa mor ferg, a chrissi zerg za layve chl[ai]Agis marweis stayd in Ir,moir in teaach a rinnyth lai' " chomryth " ] - One or two letters illegible after " lorg." ' " sorthir " ?* MS. indistinct. Miss Brooke's \'evsion has " bhi tren."» •' is" .seems to have been erased before " fa."

—''EfK-roy(jh. 163Nor hut in stead cr in lerg, zimpoe la ferg is la feichAgis fokgris, boi'be in teme, corik er in kegit leichIn teiwe moe zimsyth fene is dinn, kegit leich nar heim no z[aylle]Gar waath in cessow sin di'ost,di zyle in gosk la nyth laweVaiTit da willi gi marri, gl dane di gi far zew sinDe vemist wlli fa hur, mir hw ac coryk firChaj'will tre nenour gi moy, sin uirrill chi'oy solli di scurr -Ga eroy cay will ni dre cheill, er gi eine dew sin a churr^Di zrwt gowle in nagni vir, gow leddirt in ir in gor ro...*Ga bea chewith ead in sin, bi zarve in gell is in gloaHorchir m'= morn lai lawe, m'^re nyth sorchir skaylle morIs markg trayve in danik in ven, fa hut in far in gar [zi] ch[oyn]'Is er tuttwm in ir wor, in gar zi choyn, croy in kerneDi we neyn re heir fa hwne, bleyghin ac finn ansyth nanaFlann m'^ morn, croy in cass, hor bass fa mor in teachtNe rojnre leich a danik ass, zeive gin a chneit " lane di [chrecht]Mathirsyth feine bi wath tlacht, neach a wackyth reyve neir [er] '^In nis OSS derri dym zneith, er Inn is annit doth skaylle.Annit doth skaylle.The following stanza is written at the bottom of page 221 ofM.S. :—Do' zawe sea churre na o skay, leich na thiaa zor royve annNa gin dug ayr mor er ir wane, is gin dranik sea feyn fynn.The following stanzas are written at the bottom of page 222:Mir wee kegit leich garwe in daall in narm zo gi loorWemost gin choyvir fa smach, da goyvyss woyn in cor... *"Di weit in gly we gin tocht a clyith chorp agis skayCo math chorik sen a deiss, ne aykyth reiss er mi rayeElegir aggin ag in ess fer bi wath tressi is gneiweCurrir fay wrayth gi noyeir," fane 03'r in nanoyr mi reithDeych bleyin zoolle in narm naye in leich worb nar laycth in gathM"^ morn fa deyiss lamm, gai leygiss ac Finn ni fleygli.1 Indistinct. ' Indistinct. ^ Indistinct. ^ Indistinct.= Indistinct. 'Indistinct. "Chneitli? -Indistinct.s Illegible. "Di"? '"Indistinct.""noyeir," the word in the MS., may be a clerical mistake for "moyeir= " meiMr." Cf. Miss Brooke's version.

162 Ess-roygh.A reithzin hwUe gi royd, a neyn oyk is math dalweIn tosga fa dangis in gane, tawir is doyth pen gi darveMi cliomrych' ort mass tow finn, di rae rinii in makeayve m[naa]Daywis towrloyryth is di loye, gove mi chomre gi loyth traDerrit in reith fa math fiss, sloneich in niss ca ther a heeGoym rayd chomre a wen, er gi far za will in greithTay la feich a teeht er mvrri, leich is math gel er mi lorg...'''Mak re ni sorchir^^ is gear erme, is do fa hanm Dyr borliDi churris gessi no chenn, gi berri fin may er saylleIs nach bein aggi mir wnee, gar wath a znee is a awgheDi raye osgir gi gloir mir, far sin di chosk gi reithGin gar for finn di zess, ne rach tow less mir wneithDi chemyn teeht her stead, leich si wayd oss gi farSowle ni farga gi dane, si nwle chadin zoyve a wenClokghit tenn teyghne ma chenni, fa nar nar heme is nar. ..ey.. *Skaa zrwmnych zow er a zess, a drinlin cless er a claaClawe trome tortoyl nach gann, gi tenn er teive in ir vorA gymirt class ossi chind, is a teeht in genn tloyZa woneiss zasg gi moya, a sessow in gawlow skayEr nert, er ghask, er zelle ne elli fer mir ach sayNaill flath is rosk reith, in genn in ir fa keyve crowMath in noyth, fa ^ gall a zayd, is loayth a stayd no gi srowTanik in stead sin in deir, sin far nar weine riss in nayneKegit leich wemir ann, zonyth ra hynsyth gar narEr eggill in nir is a heyth, ne royve leich zein gan zraneDi twne mir hanik in deir, darrit in reith fa math clwIn nathin tow feyn a wen, in na sowd in fer a der towHanneym v'^ coulle a ynd, is fowir linn a zi tansTargi say mis wra less, ga math di thress a Inn aylleDerre oskir agis gowle, bi worb coskir lonn ni gathNane sessow in gar in tloyth, eddir in far mor si flaathHanik in leich bi wath tlacht, lay feich is lay nart no gennAggis foddeis woyn in ven, di we gar a zolin InnTuk m'= morn in turchir dane, gi croy no zey din tleyghNeir anni in turchir nar hay, za sky gin darny da wlyghDi crath oskir fa mor ferg, a chrissi zerg za layve chl[ai]Agis marweis stayd in Ir,moir in teaach a rinnyth lai' " chomryth " ] - One or two letters illegible after " lorg." ' " sorthir " ?* MS. indistinct. Miss Brooke's \'evsion has " bhi tren."» •' is" .seems to have been erased before " fa."

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