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6. FIH Strategic Plan6.1 FIH Strategic Plan update - FIH Strategic Directions 2009-2012 tabled for information.6.2 CC Operational PlanCompetitions Committee Operational Plan amended and submitted to Strategic Task Force.Noted the new direction concerning number of objectives for each Committee and how theyare to relate directly to FIH Strategic Directions. Deferred for further discussion at nextmeeting of CC.6.3 CC Terms of Reference - Draft Terms of Reference tabled:• Recommended that 3.1 be amended to include that nominations come from CFsand NAs.• Discussion re ‘guidelines’ – when do they become ‘rules’? Agreed that reference toguidelines remain in the document.Agreed:(i)(ii)That paper be published on FIH websiteExplanatory Paper to be referred to the Executive Board for information.6.4 CC Budget 2009-2010• Budget for 2009 – no further discussion (already agreed by Executive Board)• Budget 2010 – Development of Technical Officials (project based) to be included in2010 budget with view to this being an ongoing project for the future.The Competitions Committee expressed its extreme concern concerning the humanresources currently available to deliver the CC objectives and KPIs. Noted no additionalresources made available to service the additional 85% events that have been approved bythe Executive Board in the 4-year cycle.6.5 Brain storming ideas including breathtaking hockeyIn principle it is agreed that the current product is excellent, but the major issue to beaddressed is congestion and safety Other issues discussed:• Goal to be scored from anywhere• Result for each game –reduction of players in extra time + penalty shoot out• Shoot out during the game• Minor changes to rules (eg obstruction, foot rule)• Time out each half (1 per team)• Number of defenders inside 23 metre• Self pass• Retain penalty corner but look at ways to make it safer.Agreed that these issues be referred back to the Task Force dealing with Rules v.Regulations.7. Executive Board/Office Bearers7.1 CC Report to Executive Board – November 2008 – tabled for information7.2 CC Report to Executive Board – August 2008 – tabled for information7.3 Outcomes of Executive Board Meeting – August 2008 – tabled for information8. Olympic Games8.1 De-Brief from Beijing 2008 – FIH submission to IOC/ASOIF - Report tabled for information2

8.2 Feedback from IFs – Beijing 2008 – major issues identified by IFs.• Failure of NOCs to respect IF qualification criteria. Strong recommendation that forfuture Olympics that any athlete / team that qualifies under the qualification criteriacannot be refused participation by its NOC.• Ticketing – issue of all tickets being sold but not full stadia. This will not be an issue forLondon 2012.• IF recognition – recommended that it be treated on a sport by sport basis dependingupon size/nature of venue, etc.• Issue of Competition Management v. Venue Management. LOCOG advised that allefforts would be made to ensure there was compatibility between the two for 2012.• Transport – recommendation that all IF staff and Medical Officers have T3 transport forfuture Olympic Games.• FIH highlighted problems with television broadcasting of hockey and failure of BOB tocooperate with our experts, particularly in relation to video umpire decisions. FIH tomake a separate submission to IOC requesting that for future games we will be allocatedan experienced hockey specific television broadcaster for our competition.• P Accreditations. FIH highlighted the problems we experienced with P accreditations.FIH has made a separate submission to the IOC for the quota of athletes to be increasedfor London 2012 to allow 18 players per team (as for all FIH events). The IOC ExecutiveBoard to decide on any modifications of events, quotas and competition formats forLondon 2012 at its December 2008 meeting. [Note: IOC Executive deferred thismatter until after IOC Session, October 2009 when decision made on sports for 2016.]8.3 Update re London 2012(i)Match Schedule (draft schedule tabled for information)• All matches to be on one pitch• Stand-alone matches for semi-finals and medal matches(ii) Test Event – 06-11 September 2011• FIH has agreed with LOCOG that the event be delayed until earlySeptember. IOC/FIH requirements are that event be held 12 months beforethe actual Olympics. This is not possible as Great Britain does not formagain as a team until after EuroHockey Nations Championships. EHF hasbeen requested to ensure its dates for EuroHockey Nations Championshipis at least 2 weeks prior to the dates agreed for the Test Event.(iii)Venue / location• Current plan is for the venue to be completely temporary and for it to beshifted about ½ kilometre after the Olympics.• FIH has requested LOCOG to investigate possibility of venue to be locatedat its permanent spot also for the Olympics.(iv)Legacy for England Hockey• Major legacy for Hockey will be a hockey stadium (approximately 3,000seats), with all necessary off-field facilities to stage a major world event inthe future. In addition, it will serve as a community hockey venue on anongoing basis for teams in the immediate region.(v)Future planning meetingsFIH/LOCOG meetings to commence in March 2009.3

8.4 Application for increase in athlete quota numbers – London 2012Formal application has been made to the IOC for an increase of quotas from 16 players to18 players. Decision to be made by the IOC Executive Board at its meeting 10-11December 2008.8.5 Youth Olympic Games 2010(i)Qualification criteria• IOC Executive Board to approve the qualification criteria for all sports at itsmeeting 10-11 December 2008.• It was noted that the period for qualification tournaments is from(ii)Match format / schedule• Traditional CTT format – round robin with classification matches(iii)Venue• Proposed venue currently under construction. Will be used as the venuefor the men’s Junior World Cup, June 2009. Considerable constructionwork has to take place to make the venue suitable for both tournaments.(iv)Legacy for Singapore Hockey• Significant legacy for Singapore Hockey. Both competition pitches willremain and a permanent structure incorporating change-rooms, medicalfacilities, office accommodation, etc. will remain for the use of theSingapore Hockey Federation.8.6 Review of number of appointments for Olympics / FIH world level eventsThe Committee reviewed the number of appointments for the recent Olympic Games andagreed that there should be a change in the number appointed, but still within the numberallowed by the IOC, namely 69 ITOs (International Technical Officials). In particular thethree areas of concern identified were:(i)(ii)(iii)Two medical officers are insufficient. Both medical officers were required to bethere full time to service 2 competition venues. Some extremely late nightsbecause of dope testing requirements. Agreed that there should be 2 medicalofficers allocated to the respective men’s and women’s competitions.Number of umpires are insufficient. Currently 15 umpires are appointed for eachcompetition. However, with video umpire requirements there is little flexibility withappointments. Agreed there should be one additional umpire on the respectivemen’s and women’s panels.Umpire Video Management – currently only one person allocated to this task.Again, it is not possible for one person to current out these duties for 14 days, 2pitches per day. Agreed there should be at least one additional person allocated tothis task.To allow for the additional appointments identified above, it was agreed that the number ofjudges appointed be reduced to 12 (6 judges for the respective men’s and women’scompetitions) and that the jury of appeal be reduced to 6 persons (only 5 or 10 used inBeijing on Appeal Jury Panels that were formed).Recommendation to Executive BoardThat the number of appointments for the Olympic Games 2012 be as follows:Technical Delegates: 2 (2)Assistant Technical Delegates 6 (6)Judges 12 (14)FIH Medical Officers 4 (2)4

Umpire Managers 5 (5)Umpire Video Management 2 (1)Umpires 32 (30)Jury of Appeal 6 (10)* Current number shown in brackets9. Qualification Criteria – FIH World Level Events9.1 Qualification System Olympic GamesThe Committee reviewed the qualification system for the Olympic Games and unanimouslyagreed that the new system was a great success. Recommendation that the system shouldbe retained and further reviewed following the World Cup 2010 Qualifiers.Agreed that final day be retained for future qualifiers.It was also unanimously agreed that the format should not be changed to provide for semifinalsin the 6 team format.9.2 Qualification System for Champions TrophyThe issue of whether the qualification system for the Champions Trophy should be changedto provide for 8 teams instead of the current 6 teams to make it consistent with the numberof teams for the Champions Challenge I and II was discussed.The unanimous recommendation of the Committee was that the Champions Trophy shouldbe retained at 6 teams.9.3 Qualified teams for men’s and women’s Junior World CupsMen (20 teams):Africa:Asia:EuropeOceania:Pan America:RSA / EGYMAS / SIN / IND / KOR / PAK / JPNESP/ NED / GER / BEL / ENG / POL / RUSAUS / NZLARG / CHI / USAWomen (16 teams):Africa: RSA / EGYAsia: To be determined at Asia Junior Cup– 13-21 December 2008Europe: GER / NED / ENG / BLR / ESP / LITOceania: AUS / NZLPan America: USA / CHI / ARG9.4 World Cups 2010 – Qualification CriteriaThe new qualification criteria for the World Cups 2010 as approved by the Executive Boardhas been published and is available on the FIH website.9.5 Men’s World Cup 2010 – CF Quota allocationBased upon the updated FIH world rankings following the Olympic Games the CF quotaallocation for the men’s World Cup and World Cup Qualifiers is as follows:Direct qualification (9 teams):HostContinental Qualification:1 team to qualify8 teams to qualify5 Continental ChampionsIf host (India) is not Continental Champion – 3 Quotas for EuropeIf host (India) is qualified as host and Continental Champion – 3 Quotas for Europe+ 1 Quota for Oceania5

Second Round Qualification via World Cup Qualifiers (3 teams):If host (India) is not the Continental Champion:CF Quotas: Africa 1; Asia 4; Europe 9; Oceania 1; Pan America 3If host (India) is also the Continental Champion:CF Quotas: Africa 1; Asia 5; Europe 9; Oceania 0; Pan America 39.6 Women’s World Cup 2010 – CF Quota allocationBased upon the updated FIH world rankings following the Olympic Games the CF quotaallocation for the men’s World Cup and World Cup Qualifiers is as follows:Direct qualification (9 teams):HostContinental Qualification:1 team to qualify8 teams to qualify5 Continental ChampionsIf host (Argentina) is not Continental Champion – 2 Quotas Europe; 1 Quota AsiaIf host (Argentina) is qualified as host and Continental Champion – 3 QuotasEurope + 1 Quota AsiaSecond Round Qualification via World Cup Qualifiers (3 teams):If host (Argentina) is not the Continental Champion:CF Quotas: Africa 0; Asia 3; Europe 10; Oceania 1; Pan America 4If host (Argentina) is also the Continental Champion:CF Quotas: Africa 0; Asia 3; Europe 9; Oceania 1; Pan America 59.7 Qualification Criteria – CTT / CCh I / CCh IIThe revised qualification criteria for the Champions Trophy, Champions Challenge I andChampions Challenge II as approved by the Executive Board has been published and isavailable on the FIH website.9.8 CTT/ CCh I / CCh II – Qualified Teams 2009Based upon the rankings of the Olympic Games and Olympic Qualifiers the qualified teamsfor the Champions Challenge I and Champions Challenge II are as follows:Men’s Champions Trophy:Women’s Champions Trophy:Men’s Champions Challenge I:Women’s Champions Challenge I:Men’s Champions Challenge II:Women’s Champions Challenge II:AUS / GER / ESP / NED / ENG / KORAUS / NED / ARG / CHN / GER / ENGNZL / PAK / BEL / CAN / CHN / RSA / ARG / INDESP / USA / KOR / JPN / RSA / NZL / AZE / ITAJPN / MAS / FRA / RUS / IRE / POL / AUT / CHIBEL / IRE / CHI / AHO / IND / UKR / CAN / RUS10. World Ranking SystemIt was noted that the Executive Board adopted the recommendations of the Competitions Committeefor the revision and update of the FIH World Ranking System. An updated explanatory Noteconcerning the system has been published on the FIH website.The world rankings updated September 2008 tabled for information.11. Bid Evaluation Committee11.1 Report to Executive Board, August 2008 – copy of report tabled for information.11.2 Schedule of Events Awarded / Bids Received 2009-2012The Bid Evaluation Committee met in Los Angeles and considered bids for tournaments in2009-2011. Recommendations submitted to the Executive Board for approval.11.3 Methodology for awarding tournamentsThe Bid Evaluation Committee has agreed that expressions of interest be called fromNational Associations to host the various events from 2011-2014. Expressions of interestreceived from NAs can then be submitted to potential sponsors for the period 2011-2014.6

12. FIH Calendar12.1 Updated calendar 2009-2012FIH Calendar updated as at 14 November 2008. Further update to be made when eventsfor 2009-2011 allocated by Executive Board.12.2 Schedule of tournament dates FIH/CF events 2009-2010A yearly calendar setting out FIH/CF events tabled for information. To be further updatedand circulated to the Committee when further events allocated by Executive Board.13. Tournament Regulations13.1 Update – Rules v. RegulationsOngoing discussions with Task Force. Subjects currently being discussed include:- timing a match: including time-outs, four quarters, time stopped at pcs- discipline: including green/yellow cards, breaking at pcs- playing: including indirect attacking free hits in the 23 (already agreed by EB for 2009Champions Trophies), auto/self pass- extra-time: including duration, silver goal, penalty shoot-out- umpiring: including each umpire may make any decision anywhereReport to be available at next meeting.13.2 Outdoor Regulations(i)Appeal Jury• The regulations concerning powers/procedures of the Appeal Jury wereamended specifically to apply only at the Olympic Games.• The Committee reviewed these provisions, and also conducted half dayseminar on Code of Conduct / Disciplinary issues.• Consultation to take place with members of Appeal Jury from Beijing to gettheir feedback concerning the regulations applicable at the Olympics.• Recommendations for amendments, if any, for general outdoor tournamentregulations to be considered by the Committee at its next meeting.(ii)Goalkeepers – a suggestion was tabled that teams should be required in allinternational matches to nominate 2 goalkeepers per match (similar to FIFAregulations).• Agreed that no change should be made to current situation – the number ofgoalkeepers should be left to coach to decide.• Agreed that no change is warranted to increase the number of players to 18per match but that the status quo should remain, namely, 18 players insquad, with 16 players selected from squad for each match.• Recommended that rules be amended to provide for no time out fordressing of goalkeeper. Agreed that this should be referred to the HRB.(Note: HRB are currently working on redraft of this section of rule book)(iii)Classification matches World Cups (5 th to 12 th ranked)The current regulations for the Olympic Games and Indoor World Cups provide foronly cross over finals in the top 4 places. For consistency across all 12 nationtournaments, it was agreed that the regulations should be amended to apply also toOutdoor World Cups.Recommendation to Executive BoardThat the Outdoor Tournament Regulations be amended as follows:7

‘CLASSIFICATION MATCHES1.1 The semi-finals will be as follows:1 st Pool A v. 2 nd Pool B1 st Pool B v. 2 nd Pool AThe winners of these matches will play for 1 st and 2 nd places (the final) and thelosing teams will play for 3 rd and 4 th places.1.2 Classification matches for 5 th and 6 th places will be as follows :3 rd Pool A v. 3 rd Pool B1.3 Classification matches for 7 th and 8 th places will be as follows :4 th Pool A v. 4 th Pool B1.4 Classification matches for 9 th and 10 th places will be as follows :5 th Pool A v. 5 th Pool B1.5 Classification matches for 11 th and 12 th places will be as follows:6 th Pool A v. 6 th Pool B’(iv)Team managers (multi sports / mixed event)The current regulations do not specifically cover a ‘stand-alone’ manager per teamin a multi-sport event such as the Olympic Games.During the recent Olympics the Chinese team chose to have 1 manager for themen’s and women’s team – the same person. This, of course, caused enormousproblems off field, particularly when they became involved in a disciplinary hearing.The hearing could not be scheduled because the men’s team was playing at thetime it was proposed to have the disciplinary hearing for the women’s team.The TDs recommend that the tournament regulations be amended to provide thatfor every mixed event (i.e. when men’s and women’s teams are competing in thesame event) that each team must have one manager who cannot be the managerof any other team.Recommendation to Executive Board:That the Tournament Regulations be amended to provide that during a mixed event(multi-sport or joint men’s women’s event) that each team must have a stand-alonemanager who is not the same person.(v)Penalty stroke competition – access to ground by players/officialsThe current Tournament Regulations provided that only the team managers,defending goalkeepers and nominated stroke takers may enter the field of playduring a penalty stroke competition. These persons are to remain outside the 23meters area unless a player is authorised by an umpire or technical official on dutyto take or defend a penalty stroke.During the Olympic Games the coach of one of the teams entered the field of playbetween the break from the first set out penalties and the start of the sudden deathpenalties top enable him to decide, during the sudden death penalty strokecompetition, who would be the next player to take a stroke.To allow this would not seem unreasonable, namely, that a coach is allowed toenter the field of play at this stage to organise the tactics, order of play, etc. once inthe sudden death situation.Recommendation to Executive Board:That the Tournament Regulations be amended to allow all on the team bench to beon the ground at 23 metre line during penalty stroke competition.8

(vi)Medical approval for extra equipmentThe current tournament regulations are not definitive enough concerningrequirements re approvals for equipment to be worn subject to an appropriatemedical justification.Recommendation to Executive Board:That Regulation 6.9 (third dot point) be amended to read:‘In relation to any requirement in the Rules of Hockey related to ‘medical reasons’provide the Tournament Director with a medical certificate setting out nature ofequipment to be worn and medical reasons to justify it and obtain the writtenapproval of the Tournament Director prior to wearing of equipment .’(vii)Appeal to CAS for future Olympic Games Tournament RegulationsDuring an Olympic Games, in addition to any appeal rights an athlete may haveunder the FIH Tournaments, they also have access to the ad hoc CAS Tribunalwhich is set up especially during the Olympics.It is therefore necessary that we incorporate this provision in the TournamentRegulations for the next Olympic Games. (Section 18). This proposal also has thesupport of the FIH legal advisor, Mr Phillipe Verbeist.Recommendation to Executive Board:That the tournament regulations for the Olympic Games be amended to provideathletes with access to the ad hoc CAS Tribunal which is set up especially duringthe Olympics.13.3 Guidelines for technical officials / umpires re giftsCommittee agreed that guidelines are needed to assist technical officials (including umpires)when participants offer them gifts. These ‘gifts’ may be innocent or may be offered atinopportune times. They may also be so elaborate as to suggest undue influence.Recommendation to Executive Board:That a new regulation be drafted for inclusion in the Tournament Regulations and the Codeof Conduct.13.4 Non Compliance with Tournament RegulationsThe Committee was concerned with the ongoing breaches that occur at all tournaments inrelation to compliance with tournament regulations, FIH Anti-Doping Regulationrequirements, etc.Further draft discussion paper to be prepared by Competitions Manager for consideration ofthe Committee.13.5 Match Schedule protocols: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 team competitionsThe Committee the successful implementation of the set match schedule protocols for theOlympic Qualifiers and the Olympic Games.Recommendation to Executive Board:That for consistency across all tournaments that the following protocols for the order inwhich matches be played (based upon rankings of teams) be published as a separateAppendix in the Tournament Regulations.9

Round14. Technical OfficialsSAMPLE MATCH SCHEDULES – 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 AND 16 TEAM <strong>COMPETITIONS</strong>4 or 16 teams1 pool x 4 teamsOR4 pools x 4 teams(3 teams: 4 = Bye)Round 1 1 v 32 v 4Round 2 3 v 42 v 1Round 3 1 v 43 v 26 or 12 teams1 pool x 6 teamsOR2 pools x 6 teams(5 teams: 6 = Bye)1 v 62 v 53 v 41 v 52 v 46 v 36 v 24 v 53 v 1Round 4 4 v 62 v 15 v 3Round 5 1 v 45 v 63 v 28 or 16 teams1 pool x 8 teamsOR2 pools x 8 teams(7 teams: 8 = Bye)1 v 82 v 73 v 64 v 51 v 72 v 63 v 54 v 81 v 62 v 53 v 47 v 81 v 52 v 43 v 86 v 71 v 32 v 84 v 75 v 6Round 6 1 v 23 v 74 v 68 v 5Round 7 1 v 42 v 35 v 76 v 814.1 FIH Responsibility ChartThe FIH Responsibility Chart has been updated to include:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)Requirements for 20 team men’s Junior World CupAdjustment to number of umpires required at tournaments to take account ofappointment of video umpires at tournamentsAppointment of only neutral umpires for Olympic and World Cup Qualifyingtournaments.Adjustment to require Technical Officers to arrive at tournament 3 days before start(consistent with TD, UM and Umpires). Other technical officials still to arrive 2 daysbefore start of tournament.Agreed that it was necessary to develop a Job Description for the Assistant TournamentDirector position (as will be used in men’s Junior World Cup)14.2 Update of Feedback Report Form for technical officialsThe current feedback report form used by TDs for technical officials was reviewed by theCommittee. The issues raised included:• Are the questions asked in the form the correct questions?• Is it meaningful feedback (both for the FIH, CF and individual)?It was agreed that the form needs to be amended to be more meaningful. Janet Ellis andGuido Braco to prepare draft amended form for review by the Committee.10

14.3 FIH List of TDs and TOsUpdated list of Technical Officials received from Continental Federations (with exception ofOceania). These lists were reviewed with representatives of the various CFs.Competitions Manager to prepare new draft list based upon feedback from CFs. Agreedthat when final list agreed that it be published on the FIH website.14.4 CF List of TDs and TOsRevised lists submitted by Asia, Pan American and Africa. Information contained in theselists have been taken into account in updated the FIH List of TDs and TOs.14.5 EducationAgreed that Competitions Manager to make further inquiries re production of DVD for TDeducation.14.6 Update of FIH website15. Indoor HockeyAgreed that it was necessary that a full review of all tournament/competition documents onthe FIH website be undertaken and that, where necessary, documents be updated. Inprinciple, all documents should have a reference date of January 2009 to indicate, eventhough there may not have been changes, they are the current document.This project was identified as a possible project for an intern should the FIH engage anintern during 2009.15.1 Report of Indoor Working Group• Working Group has not met since meeting in Lausanne 2006.• Suggest that next meeting be held in Europe in 2009.• Willard Harris has become a member of the Indoor Working Group• Pan American Indoor Cup recently completed• Asia to stage its first Indoor Cup in December 2008.• Problems in Oceania and Africa – request for update report on indoor hockey inthese two CFs.15.2 Indoor Regulations16. Appointments• Draft prepared to make regulations consistent with outdoor regulations.• No need for Appeal Jury in Indoor Hockey unless specifically required by ExecutiveBoard.• Agreed that there should be no requirement for video umpire at indoor hockeytournaments.Agreed that the amended regulations be posted on the website prior to end of year so theybecome applicable for all indoor events in 2009.16.1 Updated list of FIH / CF Appointments – 200917. CompetitionsAppointments Committee to meet in Los Angeles. Draft of all appointments for 2009 to beprepared and published by late December 2008-mid January 2009.17.1 Barcelona World Club Hockey ChallengeEHF has advised that competition will no longer proceed.11

17.2 Review of Events 2008(i) Olympic Qualifiers – verbal report given by Competitions Manager(ii)(iii)Women’s Champions Trophy (Monchengladbach) – verbal report provided byCompetitions ManagerMen’s Champions Trophy (Rotterdam) – verbal report provided by CompetitionsManager(iv) Olympic Games (refer to Item 7.1)(v)Tournament Directors’ Reports – following areas identified in TD Reports• Attendance of coach at pre-tournament meeting:Agreed that regulations be amended to provide that it be optional for coachto attend without necessity to sign off if a coach does not attend.• Player equipment – non compliance:Agreed that this be included in the discussion paper re penalties for noncomplianceof FIH regulations / requirements.• Ranking at end of one pool competition.Agreed that no amendment required for teams that finish equal at end ofpool competition in one pool competition, where teams would play each onthe final day of competition.• TUEs for Junior TournamentsAll athletes, no matter what age, are subject to compliance with WADACode and FIH Anti-Doping Regulations – therefore compulsory for athletesto produce TUEs if necessary.Also essential that all athletes (no matter what age) individually sign theCode of Conduct and Anti-Doping Regulations Acknowledge andAgreement Form – again a requirement of the WADA Code and the FIHAnti-Doping Regulations.• Appointment of Umpires’ Manager for 4 nation tournaments.Agreed that host organisers should not be required to fund an UM at a 4nation tournament, but encouraged to second a local UM if available toassist.Current Appointments Committee policy for joint 4-nation events that onlyone TD be appointed for both men’s and women’s tournament on the basisthat an UM is appointed for both events (rather than just 2 separate TDs) –cost implications same for an organising Committee.• Hosting Contracts17.3 Update re 2009 eventsCurrent policy of FIH is to make available to a TD a copy of the hostingagreement between FIH and the host NA. TDs should request if they donot receive.(i)Men’s Junior World Cup (Malaysia/Singapore)The Competitions Manager made a venue inspection visit for the proposed venuesfor the men’s Junior World Cup to be played in Johor (Malaysia) and Singapore.Both venues are well advanced in construction and will be ready in time for theevent.12

Johore, Malaysia venueNot the original venue proposed in the bid document. However, it is potentially anexcellent facility but currently lacks many essential requirements off field. Only twochange rooms have been provided in the design (total of 8 required if 2 competitionpitches are to be used). There are no other facilities (except a large media centre atthe top of the main grandstand). All other change rooms, offices, etc. will need tobe temporary for the event.The synthetic turf for Pitch 1 is already on site and ready to the laid (Polytan). Thevenue owners have requested advice from FIH whether they can install a lessexpensive turf on Pitch 2. In accordance with the hosting contract, the organisingCommittee has been advised that both turfs should be identical.However, since the visit, advice received that second pitch will not be built for theJWC. The alternate proposed is to use a 3 rd ground for the event located at astadium in the centre of Johor.The Bid Evaluation Committee has recommended that under no circumstances 3venues be permitted. The Competition Committee agrees and supports thisrecommendation.Singapore venueAgain, only two change rooms have been provided (total of 8 required), with noother facilities. This venue will be the one used for the Youth Olympic Games andthere is excellent cooperation with SYOGOC concerning the venue. They are usingthe Junior World Cup as a ‘test event’ for the Youth Olympic Games.The construction of Pitch 1 is well advanced (it was originally designed as a soccervenue). However, the real concern relates to Pitch 2 where significant constructionwork needs to be done to prepare the site for a hockey pitch. Approximately 25% ofthe pitch does not exist and will need to be backfilled and stabilised before the pitchcan be installed. It is unclear whether SYOGOC really appreciate how significantthis work will be and whether the second pitch will be constructed in time.It is proposed that all additional change rooms, offices, etc. will be installed on atemporary basis between Pitch 1 and Pitch 2. This part of the project will besupervised by SYOCOG.Follow-up MeetingsA follow-up meeting will be held with the organising Committee in January 2009.The logistics of organising a 20 team competition in two countries will be involvedand complex and many of the organisational issues are still to be finalised by thejoint organising Committee. The FIH will be required to provide considerable inputto assist in the organisation of this event.(ii)Women’s Champions Trophies (Sydney and Melbourne)An official site inspection was conducted mid-October. Events Director, Hans-Jochen Erb and Competitions Manager, Dennis Meredith held extensive meetingswith Hockey Australia and discussed all technical, marketing and media relateditems for both tournaments.There seems to be great experience and precise planning by Hockey Australia froman organizational point of view. However, in terms of Event Promotion and TicketSales Strategies, there is a need for action in order to make significantimprovements compared to previous events hosted in Australia. Therefore, HockeyAustralia will submit an elaborate marketing plan and FIH will assist in deliveringknowledge and advice whenever necessary. It is crucial to establish a close andcontinuous working relationship between FIH and Hockey Australia in that respect.13

Bid Evaluation Committee has recommended that further meetings be held withHockey Australia to ensure that the events will be promoted properly with a view tohigh spectator attendance. In the event that no satisfactory outcomes from thesemeetings, further consideration to be given to whether the events will go ahead inAustralia as scheduled.(iii)Women’s Junior World Cup (Boston)The Competitions Manager travelled to Boston in November. Site visits made atboth competition venues (Harvard University and Boston University). Allorganisational plans in hand. Various issues concerning ground lighting,accommodation, transport, etc. still be finalised to the satisfaction of FIH.(iv)Men’s World Cup Qualifiers x 3 tournaments (not allocated – to be playedOctober/December 2009)Recommendations of the Bid Evaluation Committee will be considered by theExecutive Board at its meeting on Sunday, 30 November 2008.17.4 Update re CF Championships (senior and junior)• Dates for CF Championships for 2009 now fixed with exception of Africa. These CFChampionships will be qualifying events for the 2010 World Cups. [Note: Since themeeting dates and venue agreed for Africa]• All junior CF Championships completed in 2008 with exception of Junior OceaniaCup and Junior Women’s Asia Cup (both to be played in December 2009). Theseevents are qualifying tournaments for Junior World Cups.17.5 Fixed venues for major tournamentsDiscussion re possibility of fixed venues for major tournaments (World Cup / ChampionsTrophy). Agreed in principle that at this time the FIH is not really strong enough to haveonly fixed venues, but should continue to enable the major events to be played on a globalbasis.17.6 Intercontinental ranking tournament for NAs ranked + 30 category18. Committee Reports• Should this be a joint project with the DCC?• If tournament is within CF it must be part of Olympic /World Cup qualifier process.• Intercontinental tournaments (eg minimum 3 continents)Agreed that a draft model for this type of event be prepared for the consideration of theCommittee at its next meeting.18.1 Equipment Committee• Report tabled – no issues for this Committee to deal with.• For information, a new measuring device being developed for measuring of stickbow.18.2 Hockey Rules Board• Report tabled – no issues for this Committee to deal with.• For information – recommendations re rule changes will be put to the ExecutiveBoard at its meeting in Los Angeles.18.3 Medical Committee – no report18.4 Umpiring Committee(i)The report of the Umpiring Committee was tabled for information.14

(ii)(iii)Travel costs to Tournaments – new terms and conditions of hosting agreementhave been included to provide that a NA is responsible for any travel costs to mainairport of departure + visa/vaccination costs, if any. All appointments will be subjectto NA agreeing to these terms and conditions.Video Umpire – the Committee in-depth various issues identified with the use of thevideo umpire, including:• Problems with some umpires not able to be appointed as video umpire.• Is there justification in continued use of video umpireo Cost benefit analysiso Number of decisions overturned by video umpireo Impact upon game (flow of game / tv spectator / live spectator / player /image of game)However, on basis that the video umpire is to continue the following aspects to beconsidered:• Who can refer? Umpire (in the short term)o How many – recommend no change• Only goals – recommend no change• Only in the circle - Modification / review needed – decisions leading to agoal within the 23 metre• Who takes the decision? - Field umpire only• Time limit – recommended maximum of 3 minutes in briefing to umpires• Minimum equipment required – as per current FIH specifications• Specialist video umpire or panel umpire – recommended that maintaincurrent system (on the basis that there has been a change to the Chart ofResponsibility re number of umpires)• Which tournaments: Olympic Games, World Cups, Champions Trophy –compulsory. Olympic Games / World Cup Qualifiers and ChampionsChallenge I if television requirements meet FIH specifications. Partial notpreferred but acceptable.• Pitch 1 only or both pitches (if 2 pitches) – no change19. Other business19.1 FIH web-site – live match commentary / live web-streaming• The Committee discussed the issue of whether the FIH website should continuewith live match commentary. It was the unanimous opinion of the Committee thatthere is currently still an ongoing requirement from a customer service point of viewto provide live match commentary, with further development of web-streaming inconjunction with live match commentary. It was further noted that many of ourcustomers would not have access to live web-streaming.19.2 Review Feedback Report from NAs for FIH world level eventsThe pro forma feedback report was discussed. It was suggested that the current feedbackreport of the TD could be amended to incorporate a number of the matters currentlycontained within this feedback report.Agreed that Committee Members would consider the report and provide recommendationsconcerning possible changes to the pro forma report, together with suggested amendmentsto the TD Feedback Report to FIH/CFs/NAs.19.3 Schedule of pre-tournament briefing meetingSample pre-tournament briefings (for FIH world level events) accepted in principle. Agreedthat sample be available on the FIH website.15

20. Technical WorkshopA half day mini- Technical Seminar was held on 25 November 2009. The specific topics coveredwere:• Disciplinary procedures / guidelines / penalties• Appeal Jury provisionsVideo footage was shown of recent disciplinary matters (Olympic Qualifiers and Olympic Games).Each working group made recommendations re updating of the wording of the procedures. Newdocument to be prepared by Competitions Manager taking account of the recommendations of theworking groups. To be circulated to the Committee for discussion at next meeting.The Chairman thanked Ken Read and Janet Ellis for preparing and conducting the seminar.21. Next meetingThe date for the next meeting will be finalised by the Chairman and Secretary after consultation. Itwas anticipated that the next meeting will be in Lausanne.22. Close of meetingThe Chairman indicated that Stephanie-Martens Hodges had not been re-nominated for theCommittee. He thanked her for her contribution to the Committee. He thanked her for hercontribution, sacrifices made and the wonderful support. He then said that regrettably not everyonewould be reappointed and that he thanked the Committee as a whole for the excellent work doneand camaraderie. Over the past 8 years the Committee had done superb work and significantlyenhanced the professionalism of competitions.The Chairman thanked the Secretary, Dennis Meredith for his dedication and preparation for themeeting.The Chairman closed the meeting complimenting the members for their constructive input.Steve JaspanChairmanDennis MeredithSecretary15 December 200916

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