Minutes - National Institute of Nursing Research - National Institutes ...

Minutes - National Institute of Nursing Research - National Institutes ... Minutes - National Institute of Nursing Research - National Institutes ...


Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement. Briefly, Council members should determinewhether they have a tangible role in the proposal, a vested interest in the proposal (for examplefinancial gain), or an appearance of a conflict in deciding whether they should reviewapplications. To avoid conflicts of interest, or even the perceptions of such, Council membersshould leave the room during a discussion of applications submitted by their institutions, familymembers, close associates, or persons with whom they have had longstanding differences. TheConflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement also notes that material furnished for reviewpurposes and discussion during the closed session is privileged and can only be discussed withNINR staff under appropriate circumstances.Dr. Bryan added that she would provide additional instructions on conflicts of interest andconfidentiality during the closed session on May 16. She also reminded Council members oftheir status as special Federal employees while serving on the Council and that as specialemployees, Council members cannot engage in lobbying activities while receiving payment fromthe government.Minutes of the Previous NACNR MeetingCouncil members received the minutes of the January 17–18, 2011 NACNR meeting by email. Amotion to accept these minutes was forwarded, seconded, and approved unanimously.Dates of Future Council MeetingsCouncil members were asked to confirm their calendars for the following meeting dates and tocontact Drs. Grady and Bryan about any conflicts or expected absences.4

2012September 18–19 (Tuesday–Wednesday)2013January 22–23 (Tuesday–Wednesday)May 21–22 (Tuesday–Wednesday)September 17–18 (Tuesday–Wednesday)2014January 21–22 (Tuesday–Wednesday)May 20–21 (Tuesday–Wednesday)September 16–17 (Tuesday–Wednesday)II.REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR, NINR—Dr. Patricia Grady, Director, NINRThe Director’s report focused on the NIH and NINR budgets and on activities and newsoccurring within NINR, NIH, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) sincethe last Council meeting.Budget Update—Dr. Grady noted that budget hearings have been held but, it is not certain that abudget will be in place by the end of the fiscal year. In light of recent history and the currentfiscal situation, however, the budget is unlikely to have substantial increases. Dr. Grady pointedout that even though NIH has received very modest increases in recent years, the agency is stilldoing comparatively well.5

Conflict <strong>of</strong> Interest and Confidentiality Statement. Briefly, Council members should determinewhether they have a tangible role in the proposal, a vested interest in the proposal (for examplefinancial gain), or an appearance <strong>of</strong> a conflict in deciding whether they should reviewapplications. To avoid conflicts <strong>of</strong> interest, or even the perceptions <strong>of</strong> such, Council membersshould leave the room during a discussion <strong>of</strong> applications submitted by their institutions, familymembers, close associates, or persons with whom they have had longstanding differences. TheConflict <strong>of</strong> Interest and Confidentiality Statement also notes that material furnished for reviewpurposes and discussion during the closed session is privileged and can only be discussed withNINR staff under appropriate circumstances.Dr. Bryan added that she would provide additional instructions on conflicts <strong>of</strong> interest andconfidentiality during the closed session on May 16. She also reminded Council members <strong>of</strong>their status as special Federal employees while serving on the Council and that as specialemployees, Council members cannot engage in lobbying activities while receiving payment fromthe government.<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Previous NACNR MeetingCouncil members received the minutes <strong>of</strong> the January 17–18, 2011 NACNR meeting by email. Amotion to accept these minutes was forwarded, seconded, and approved unanimously.Dates <strong>of</strong> Future Council MeetingsCouncil members were asked to confirm their calendars for the following meeting dates and tocontact Drs. Grady and Bryan about any conflicts or expected absences.4

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