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Page 10 The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010LETTERS TO THE EDITORContinued from page 9one way to truly protect ourselves inthe future: demand that Albany politicianspermanently ban the existence ofthese organizations. They are simply tootempting, too easy to hide behind and toooften, they are abused as taxpayer-fundedpersonal piggy banks for politicians.If our newly elected government inAlbany is serious about representing ourinterests above their own, they need toshow it by swiftly passing a bill that doesjust that.And in Leibell’s case, appropriatemeasures must be taken on behalf ofthe taxpayers. The authorities must takeover both of Leibell’s not-for-profitorganizations; the Putnam CommunityFoundation and the Hudson Valley trust.They must also immediately return allthe money to the taxpayers and establisha receivership for the property owned bythe trusts. This is only the first step on theroad back to legal and ethical behavior,but it’s an important first step.Michael B. Kaplowitz, J.D., CFPWestchester County LegislatorDear Editor:I am writing to express the tea partysupport for the Westchester Countybudget for 2011 that has been put forth914.426.0359... for beginners• Get Fit• Build Self-Confidence• Self DefenseJoin Our Classes NowMen,Women, Childrenbelmars.<strong>com</strong>5 PROSPECT AVE. • GROUND FL. • WHITE PLAINSBefore speaking to the police... callGeorge WeinbaumATTORNEY AT LAWby County Executive Rob Astorino. Hecampaigned on a pledge of lowering taxesand reducing county government andwon with overwhelming support fromWe the People. He is merely followingthrough on his promises and implementingthe will of the people by cuttingthe county budget by $33 million andreducing our property taxes by 1%. It’sa start at least and there is a long wayto go to cut taxes and government. Hehas protected the neediest and preservedessential services, including bus service,while giving tax relief and promotinglong-term financial health. We have thedubious honor of being the highest taxedcounty in America. More than 2 millionpeople have fled the state because theycan no longer afford to live here. Thatleaves even less of a revenue base uponwhich we can draw. Seniors are literallybeing forced out of their homes due to theinsane property taxes. Small businessesprovide 80% of the revenue needed to runthe state and the county. Businesses arebeing forced out of the state and countydue to onerous property taxes and nowanother tax, the MTA payroll tax. I’mcalling on the Westchester CountyLegislators to approve this budget. I’mcalling on you to call them and let themknow you support it. See http://tinyurl.<strong>com</strong>/38sxdpg or the budget at http://tinyurl.<strong>com</strong>/3ys9obh.Bill BongiornoSouth Salem, NYThe author is Co-founder ofthe Northern Westchester TeaParty PatriotsFREE CONSULTATION:Criminal, Medicaid, MedicareFraud, White-Collar Crime &Health Care Prosecutions. T. 914.948.0044F. 914.686.4873175 MAIN ST., SUITE 711-7 • WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601MOVIE REVIEWSEd Koch Movie ReviewsBy Edward I. KochMovie Review:“Burlesque” (+)An enjoyable and entertaining film but, regrettably,not as good as it could have been considering the talentedcast. For me Cher can do no wrong. She is an extraordinarilytalented woman: she can sing, dance and act, andshe is a wonderful <strong>com</strong>edienne. She was sensational in“Mask” and “Moonstruck.” Regrettably, there is far toolittle for her character to do in this picture.The setting is a burlesque club in LA owned by Tess(Cher) which provides great entertainment. Beautiful,lusty women dance and lip synch. Sean (Stanley Tucci),also a superb talent, is a gay man in love with Tess. Ali(Christina Aguilera) is a young dancer escaping fromIowa to LA looking to sing and dance her way to stardom.A club bartender, Jack (Cam Gigandet), looks like BradPitt of 20 years ago.Sans the dancing and singing and the WeimarRepublic environment of the cabaret, the plot,as it moves to the end, be<strong>com</strong>es a soap opera:Will the mortgage be paid? It all be<strong>com</strong>es ridiculous,but it is entertaining, and that’s what counts.Movie Review:“Black Swan” (-)The reviews of this film were excellent with ManohlaDargis of The New York Times writing: “A witchy brew ofmadness and cunning, Black Swan tells the story of aballerina who aches, with battered feet and an increasinglycrowded head, to break out of the corps. Playedby Natalie Portman in a smashing, bruising, wholly<strong>com</strong>mitted performance, the young dancer, Nina, looksmore like a child than a woman, her flesh as undernourishedas her mind.”You may enjoy the movie, but I was disappointed. Itintended to unite the ballet with a Freudian or HavelockEllis spin that would satisfy the audiences’ expectation ofgreat art and its carnal desires. Neither worked, at leastnot for me.The story involves Nina (Natalie Portman), a youngdancer in a ballet <strong>com</strong>pany at Lincoln Center who may beselected as its next star by the director, Thomas (VincentCassel). Thomas uses the power inherent in a director’s couchto take advantage of the beautiful women in the troupe.As the film progresses we meet Nina’s mother,Erica (Barbara Hershey), and a number of other deeplydisturbed personalities. While shocking, their stories didnot create an extraordinary interest for me, not even thesurprising revelation of Nina’s psychological conditionwhich caused her to engage in self-mutilation.Continued on page 11

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