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Westchester's Most Influential Weekly - WestchesterGuardian.com


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The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010Page 3HEZITORIALThat Which Was Said Has Been IntolerableContinued from page 2issue as it came to light. Mayor Amiconechose not to contend with anything thatmay have been construed as derogatory tohis administration.The WikiLeaks episode has exposeddisgust of those dismissed by an allpowerful, power elite who dismiss ThePeople despite the U.S. Constitutionaffording The People “inalienable rights.”Yonkers has alluded to GeorgeOrwell’s 1984 concepts be<strong>com</strong>ing partof our reality. There are no longer “free”EYE ONmen and women within Yonkers border.There are only those with power andthose without.I am pessimistic about a goodout<strong>com</strong>e.Yonkersites have been weaned on acity notorious for telling its public thenews its leaders wanted to tell - and for thecontempt with which the public treatedsuch news. Yonkers Mayor Amiconeshould be the last leader to threaten tohang the honest messenger.THEATRERosmersholm, Haunted,and That Time of the YearBy John SimonRosmersholmJohannes Rosmer, from an ancientaristocratic family at the titularRosmersholm (House of Rosmer), hasinnocently fallen for Rebecca West, theradical firebrand his wife, Beate, haspicked for housekeeper. It now seems thatRebecca may have, consciously or not,driven Beate to suicide by drowning.Norway has recently turned froma conservative monarchy to a liberaldemocracy, and the two parties are at eachother’s throats. Rosmer has somehow losthis faith and resigned his ministry, butwithout the cloth he is of no use eitherto his brother-in-law, the headmaster Dr.Kroll, leader of the ultraconservatives,or to the shady, opportunistic newspapereditor, the unprincipled liberalMortensgaard.Ibsen balances two guilt feelingsoppressing Rosmer. Was his pure affectionfor Rebecca, widely mistaken foradultery, still somehow his fault? Is hisloss of faith and withdrawal from politicsalso a moral failure?Ibsen himself, a recent convert alreadydisgusted by the liberals, is in many waysthe Rosmer who proclaims, “Nobodysurvives long without peace of mind.” Butis there salvation in political engagement?“A slogan for every base thought—thatis the key for success in politics.” WhenRosmer and Rebecca finally acknowledgetheir love, it is what dooms them.Elinor Redfield has stagedRosmersholm effectively. <strong>Most</strong> of it ispolitical or moral debate in the parlor, butto prevent it from be<strong>com</strong>ing mere talkingheads, she has her characters in constantmotion, literally embodying conflict inmovement, posture, and occasional frozenstasis, along with powerful changes oftempo and dynamics.Bradford Cover is a large, foursquareRosmer, which makes his headstrongnessbelievable; but he also lets protrudeContinued on page 4

Page 4 The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010EYE ON THEATRETHURSDAY, APRIL 8, 2010Rosmersholm, Haunted, and That Time of the YearContinued from page 3a sensitive soul crushed by overwhelmingguilt feelings, whether or not deserved.He gives good despair.Rebecca West, who became a symbolof and inspiration to feminism—aneminent British writer assumed RebeccaWest as her pen name—is vividlyportrayed by Margot White, who, evenbanking her fire, conveys the arduous selfcontrolin tormented facial play. But hereruptions, when they <strong>com</strong>e, are volcanicand her very love is lava.Austin Pendleton is a both dignifiedand demonic Dr. Kroll—I only wish hisaffluence were not restricted to a singlecostume over several days. He wields hisrhetoric as forcefully as he brandisheshis silver-tipped cane, and is unsettlingeven in his silences. Dominic Cuskern’sMortengaard aptly balances a slick façadewith inner sleaze, and Dan Daily’s Brendelis indeed a former philosopher gone to fatand rags through drink and dissoluteness.As the superstitious housekeeperMrs. Helseth, who mutters about mythicalwhite horses portending doom,Robin Leslie Brown rounds out a fineMission Statementensemble cast. Henry Feiner’s set andNiki Hernandez-Adams’s costumes aremodestly satisfactory, though an abstractwash in the background does not quitesuggest the cold outside, even if adroitlylighted by Stephen Petrilli.Mike Poulton’s persuasive adaptationdoes not mitigate Ibsen’s gloomand doom, but instead of alienating theplay cannily suck us in. I still get pleasurableshivers thinking back on it.HauntedManchester England’s RoyalExchange Theatre, in association withKarl Sydow, presents Haunted, a playby the distinguished Irish fictionist andplaywright Edna O’Brien. The charactersare Jack Berry, an elderly unemployedgardening expert and scion of the hautebourgeoisie; his wife, Gladys, a factoryworker of blue-collar heritage, their solesupport; and Hazel, a young elocutionteacher who chances upon Mr. Berry inpursuit of a garment his wife may have forsale, as she tends to get rid of her usedclothing.The Westchester Guardian is a weekly newspaper devotedto the unbiased reporting of events and developmentsthat are newsworthy and significant to readers living in,and/or employed in, Westchester County. The Guardianwill strive to report fairly, and objectively, reliable informationwithout favor or <strong>com</strong>promise. Our first duty will beto the PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO KNOW, by the exposureof truth, without fear or hesitation, no matter where thepursuit may lead, in the finest tradition of FREEDOM OFTHE PRESS.The Guardian will cover news and events relevant toresidents and businesses all over Westchester County. As aweekly, rather than focusing on the immediacy of deliverymore associated with daily journals, we will instead seek toprovide the broader, more <strong>com</strong>prehensive, chronological step-by-step accountingof events, enlightened with analysis, where appropriate.From amongst journalism’s classic key-words: who, what, when, where,why, and how, the why and how will drive our pursuit. We will use our moreabundant time, and our resources, to get past the initial ‘spin’ and ‘damagecontrol’ often characteristic of immediate news releases, to reach the veryheart of the matter: the truth. We will take our readers to a point of understandingand insight which cannot be obtained elsewhere.To succeed, we must recognize from the outset that bigger is not necessarilybetter. And, furthermore, we will acknowledge that we cannot be allthings to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentation of relevant,hard-hitting, Westchester news and <strong>com</strong>mentary, with features and columnsuseful in daily living and employment in, and around, the county. We muststay trim and flexible if we are to succeed.Out of this there emerges a case ofplatonic adultery, as Mr. Berry and Hazelget warmly but nonsexually involved, whatwith his pretending that his wife is deadand selling some of her clothes on the sly,so as to support unneeded elocution lessonsfrom Hazel. When Gladys discovers thetwo together, hell breaks loose.It is a well-written play that manages toinfuse a less than original story with vibrantnew life. O’Brien writes more or less realistically,but with some fetchingly idiosyncraticturns of phrase that inject poetry into theproceedings, as does Braham Murray’ssomewhat stylized staging.I usually question characters speakingdirectly to the audience, but when Mr.Berry acts as narrator, Ms. O’Brien hasgiven him such arresting words, and thecharismatic Niall Buggy takes us into hisconfidence so expertly in a high aristocraticaccent, that the device works wonders.Conversely, the renowned BrendaBlethyn (you’ve seen her in sundry films)affects a rollickingly lower-class accentto go with her cozily roly-poly figure ina performance bursting with puppy loveuntil it switches to wonderfully stingingacrimony.As Hazel, the appealing Beth Cookespeaks with an elocutionist’s crispnesswithout any class characteristics, andgives a charmingly naïve performancethat makes you root for her and Quincy(as Jack likes to be called) Berry.Constrictions of the small stagelimit the carousel scene to a long-visiblesuspended hobbyhorse making a briefdescent, but nothing else is shortchangedin a satisfyingly taut, steadily involvingtheatrical experience.That Time of YearThe White Plains Performing ArtsCenter is offering That Time of the Year,a Christmas and Hanukkah show withconcept and lyrics by Laurence Holzmanand Felicia Needleman, and music bySanford Marc Cohen, Nicholas Levin,Donald Oliver, Kyle Rosen, Brad Ross,Mark Wherry and Wendy Wilf.It is a user-friendly, unassuming showwith likable songs suitable for the entirehappy family and dedicatedly performedby five young enthusiasts: ZacharyClause, Leslie Henstock, Emily Jenda,Ryan Malyar and Hanley Smith.Not intended to set the world on fire,it nevertheless warms the heart with aptContinued on page 5

The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010Page 5EYE ON THEATRE COURTRosmersholm, Haunted, and That Time ofthe YearContinued from page 4music direction by Darren R. Cohen onpiano, ably assisted by Jerry DeVore onbass and Chris Pagano on percussion, andspunky stage direction and choreographyby Annette Jolles. It augurs well for thetheater and its enterprising management.The Pearl Theatre Company atCity Center--RosmersholmTickets: (212) 581-1212, or online: www.nycitycenter.org.Royal Exchange Theatre at59E59th--The HauntedTickets: (212) 279 4200 or onlinewww.59E59.orgWhite Plains Performing ArtsCenter—That Time of the YearTickets: (877) 548-3237 oronline www.wwppac.<strong>com</strong>.Child Health Plus is a New York State-sponsored health insurance program offered by Fidelis Care.John Simon has written for over 50 yearson theatre, film, literature, music and finearts for the Hudson Review, New Leader,New Criterion, National Review, New YorkMagazine, Opera News, <strong>Weekly</strong> Standard,Broadway.<strong>com</strong> and Bloomberg News.He reviews books for the New York TimesBook Review and Washington Post. Hehas written profiles for Vogue, Town andCountry, Departures and Connoisseur andproduced 17 books of collected writings.Mr. Simon holds a PhD from HarvardUniversity in Comparative Literatureand has taught at MIT, HarvardUniversity, Bard College and MarymountManhattan College. To learn more, visitthe JohnSimon-Uncensored.<strong>com</strong> website.Local Youth Court Sworn In ByAssemblyman-elect KatzCarmel, NY -- Wednesday night, december 8, 2010, at the historic Putnam CountyCourthouse, Assemblyman-elect Dr. Steve Katz administered the Oath of Office for thenew class of youth officers in the Putnam County Youth Court. More than three dozenhigh school students graduated from the juvenile justice program.“The Putnam County Youth Court program plays a vital role in deducing the rate ofyouth crime by giving both volunteers and offenders alike a real responsibility with bonafide consequences. I am very proud of the work the youth court has done and of each ofthe new officers graduating here tonight,” said the assemblyman-elect.The Putnam County Youth Court is one of 100 youth court systems in the stateand part of the Association of New York State Youth Courts, one of just 19 youth courtassociations in the nation.It’s Our Mission.Quality Health CoverageChild Health Plus with Fidelis Care• Free or low-cost health insurance coverage for children upto age 19 in New York State.• Checkups with your child’s doctor• Immunizations (shots)• Hospital and emergency care• Prescription drug coverage• Dental and vision care• Speech and hearing services• More than 42,000 quality providersProof of age, in<strong>com</strong>e, and address necessary to enroll.Some children who had employer-based health insurance coverage within the past six months may be subject to a waiting period before theycan enroll in Child Health Plus. This will depend on your household in<strong>com</strong>e and the reason your children lost employer-based coverage.To find out if you are eligible for one of our government-sponsored health insurance programs, call Fidelis Care at:1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547)(TTY: 1-800-421-1220) • fideliscare.org1-866-435-9521

The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010Page 9MAYOR Marvin COLUMN GOVERNMENTDepartment of Public WorksBy Mary C. MarvinWhen you moveto Bronxville, the firstVillage employeesone is likely to meetare our multi-skilledmembers of ourDepartment of PublicWorks (DPW). TheDPW is truly the face of the Village andthe majority of the staff has been with theVillage twenty plus years. The departmenthas a staff of 19 – down from 21 just twoyears ago. The Department is ably led byRocco Circosta, a civil engineer and thirtyyear veteran of the industry who joined theVillage six and a half years ago. The workday is 7AM to 3:30PM with one fifteenminute morning break. <strong>Most</strong> of the mentake vacation in summer allowing us to hireVillage students to supplement the staff.With leaf season almost over after a 10week pick-up cycle, the crews are focusingon preparation for snow removal. TheVillage has to be proactive and purchasesalt eight months in advance to benefitfrom the discounts offered by participationin a State bulk purchase contract program.In a normal year, the Village uses 800tons of salt per season with the remainderstored in the shed behind the Bronxvillefire house.In the past several years, the departmentstarted using a salt brine to pre-wetthe streets in anticipation of a snowstorm.The brine’s content is 23% salt andproduces the shiny lines you see on ourdry roads prior to a storm. Once snowbegins to fall, the salt trucks are deployed,followed by the plows if the accumulationis two inches or more.The biggest problem for theDepartment of Public Works is thedisposal of the snow after large accumulations,especially in the business district.For many years, the snow has been depositedon the Maltby Field, adjacent to theformer Girl Scout Cabin. However, sincewe are planning to restore that area to apark setting, we need to find alternativelocations for the snow. The departmenthas been evaluating the purchase of a snowmelting machine but as yet, they have notfound one that meets the particular needsof the Village. Since this machine is quiteexpensive, the department is weighing theoptions carefully.The Department of Public Worksoperates very efficiently especially in lightof the lean staffing. However, there aremany challenges going forward to keep thedepartment efficient and environmentallyprogressive and cost effective.The biggest hurdle is the conditionand location of the department itself. Ouroperation is housed in a structure built in1942 which has never been remodeled.There is only one bay for vehicle repairsand no room for indoor storage of vehiclesor machinery. Hence, the need for parkingour entire fleet outdoors on Palumbo Place.The larger trucks must also be repairedoutside even in sub-freezing weather.Due to the space limitations, some repairsmust be outsourced at a higher cost to theVillage. It is estimated that the life of someof our equipment is diminished due to the24/7 outdoor storage. Since garbage truckscost $180,000, this is no small item to haveto replace at an accelerated rate.There is also no space for a <strong>com</strong>pressedgas terminal or a charging station for electricvehicles. Both of these facilities willbe required to progress to more energyefficient and environmentally friendlyequipment which must be the future forthe department in lieu of relying on gasand diesel powered vehicles.With energy costs ever more expensiveeach year, in the not too distant future, wemust address the lighting throughout theVillage. Many of our older streetlights use189 watt incandescent bulbs. Not only willthese bulbs be extinct in up<strong>com</strong>ing years,they are extremely energy inefficient andfragile as well. As a result, the Departmentof Public Works replaces on average 20bulbs per week throughout the Village duenot only to their short life span but filamentsdamaged by wind, rain or snow.We also need to get a better handle onthe location and condition of our Villageassets such as sanitary sewers, catch basins,municipal trees and power poles. Themaps and data currently at Village Hall areantiquated and in<strong>com</strong>plete. The County ofWestchester, as I mentioned in a previouscolumn, is embarking on a GIS/aerialphotography program to assist municipalitiesin locating their infrastructure. We willneed to spend the resources to customizethe data for our Village. Going forward,this would allow us to be much more effectivein locating problems and expeditingrepairs, as well as having a <strong>com</strong>plete recordof Village inventory.It has amazed me that the same nineteengentlemen who pick up trash also cleanthe streets, maintain our parks, clean theLETTER TO THE EDITOR sewers, plow the roads, replace the streetsigns, repair our vehicles, plant the treesand maintain the lights. Much of the workac<strong>com</strong>plished by DPW is supported byMaryann Urrico who does double duty assecretary for both the DPW and the VillageBuilding Department. We are so fortunateto have a veteran department of gentlemenand a lady who know and love our Villageand care for it as if it were their own.Mary C. Marvin is the Mayor of the Villageof Bronxville.The editor wel<strong>com</strong>es and shamelessly solicits your perspective. Let everyone knowwhat is on your mind. Please submit your Letter to the Editor electronically, that is bydirecting email to WHYTeditor@gmail.<strong>com</strong> Please confine your writing to between350 and 500 words. Your name, address, and telephone contact is requested for verificationpurpose only. A Letter to the Editor will be accepted at the editor’s discretion whenspace permits. A maximum of one submission per month may be accepted.Dear Editor:The news of the downfall of formerState Senator Vinnie Leibell is both sadand, unfortunately, not surprising. I firstvoiced serious concerns about Leibell’suse of public office for personal profitwhile campaigning against him in 2006.Unfortunately, this type of unethicalbehavior from Albany politicians has beenfar too <strong>com</strong>mon for far too long. Thesepoliticians can “legally” direct taxpayerdollars - in the form of (often secret)member items - to personal, quasi-privatenon-profit organizations. And with littleto no oversight, this has be<strong>com</strong>e <strong>com</strong>monpractice.In fact, Leibell has directed well over$10 million of OUR money to his twonon-profits for over ten years. Leibell hasnow admitted to using these funds illegally-but he isn’t the first to have beenaccused of doing so. Two recent SenateMajority Leaders, Republican Joe Brunoand Democrat Pedro Espada, have facedlegal inquiries concerning similar use ofsuch organizations.To prevent such illegal activities andsafeguard the public’s purse, there is onlyContinued on page 10

Page 10 The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010LETTERS TO THE EDITORContinued from page 9one way to truly protect ourselves inthe future: demand that Albany politicianspermanently ban the existence ofthese organizations. They are simply tootempting, too easy to hide behind and toooften, they are abused as taxpayer-fundedpersonal piggy banks for politicians.If our newly elected government inAlbany is serious about representing ourinterests above their own, they need toshow it by swiftly passing a bill that doesjust that.And in Leibell’s case, appropriatemeasures must be taken on behalf ofthe taxpayers. The authorities must takeover both of Leibell’s not-for-profitorganizations; the Putnam CommunityFoundation and the Hudson Valley trust.They must also immediately return allthe money to the taxpayers and establisha receivership for the property owned bythe trusts. This is only the first step on theroad back to legal and ethical behavior,but it’s an important first step.Michael B. Kaplowitz, J.D., CFPWestchester County LegislatorDear Editor:I am writing to express the tea partysupport for the Westchester Countybudget for 2011 that has been put forth914.426.0359... for beginners• Get Fit• Build Self-Confidence• Self DefenseJoin Our Classes NowMen,Women, Childrenbelmars.<strong>com</strong>5 PROSPECT AVE. • GROUND FL. • WHITE PLAINSBefore speaking to the police... callGeorge WeinbaumATTORNEY AT LAWby County Executive Rob Astorino. Hecampaigned on a pledge of lowering taxesand reducing county government andwon with overwhelming support fromWe the People. He is merely followingthrough on his promises and implementingthe will of the people by cuttingthe county budget by $33 million andreducing our property taxes by 1%. It’sa start at least and there is a long wayto go to cut taxes and government. Hehas protected the neediest and preservedessential services, including bus service,while giving tax relief and promotinglong-term financial health. We have thedubious honor of being the highest taxedcounty in America. More than 2 millionpeople have fled the state because theycan no longer afford to live here. Thatleaves even less of a revenue base uponwhich we can draw. Seniors are literallybeing forced out of their homes due to theinsane property taxes. Small businessesprovide 80% of the revenue needed to runthe state and the county. Businesses arebeing forced out of the state and countydue to onerous property taxes and nowanother tax, the MTA payroll tax. I’mcalling on the Westchester CountyLegislators to approve this budget. I’mcalling on you to call them and let themknow you support it. See http://tinyurl.<strong>com</strong>/38sxdpg or the budget at http://tinyurl.<strong>com</strong>/3ys9obh.Bill BongiornoSouth Salem, NYThe author is Co-founder ofthe Northern Westchester TeaParty PatriotsFREE CONSULTATION:Criminal, Medicaid, MedicareFraud, White-Collar Crime &Health Care Prosecutions. T. 914.948.0044F. 914.686.4873175 MAIN ST., SUITE 711-7 • WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601MOVIE REVIEWSEd Koch Movie ReviewsBy Edward I. KochMovie Review:“Burlesque” (+)An enjoyable and entertaining film but, regrettably,not as good as it could have been considering the talentedcast. For me Cher can do no wrong. She is an extraordinarilytalented woman: she can sing, dance and act, andshe is a wonderful <strong>com</strong>edienne. She was sensational in“Mask” and “Moonstruck.” Regrettably, there is far toolittle for her character to do in this picture.The setting is a burlesque club in LA owned by Tess(Cher) which provides great entertainment. Beautiful,lusty women dance and lip synch. Sean (Stanley Tucci),also a superb talent, is a gay man in love with Tess. Ali(Christina Aguilera) is a young dancer escaping fromIowa to LA looking to sing and dance her way to stardom.A club bartender, Jack (Cam Gigandet), looks like BradPitt of 20 years ago.Sans the dancing and singing and the WeimarRepublic environment of the cabaret, the plot,as it moves to the end, be<strong>com</strong>es a soap opera:Will the mortgage be paid? It all be<strong>com</strong>es ridiculous,but it is entertaining, and that’s what counts.Movie Review:“Black Swan” (-)The reviews of this film were excellent with ManohlaDargis of The New York Times writing: “A witchy brew ofmadness and cunning, Black Swan tells the story of aballerina who aches, with battered feet and an increasinglycrowded head, to break out of the corps. Playedby Natalie Portman in a smashing, bruising, wholly<strong>com</strong>mitted performance, the young dancer, Nina, looksmore like a child than a woman, her flesh as undernourishedas her mind.”You may enjoy the movie, but I was disappointed. Itintended to unite the ballet with a Freudian or HavelockEllis spin that would satisfy the audiences’ expectation ofgreat art and its carnal desires. Neither worked, at leastnot for me.The story involves Nina (Natalie Portman), a youngdancer in a ballet <strong>com</strong>pany at Lincoln Center who may beselected as its next star by the director, Thomas (VincentCassel). Thomas uses the power inherent in a director’s couchto take advantage of the beautiful women in the troupe.As the film progresses we meet Nina’s mother,Erica (Barbara Hershey), and a number of other deeplydisturbed personalities. While shocking, their stories didnot create an extraordinary interest for me, not even thesurprising revelation of Nina’s psychological conditionwhich caused her to engage in self-mutilation.Continued on page 11

The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010Page 13POLITICSLatino Community Rallies for Support from State GovernorBy Bary Alyssa JohnsonNew York-basedLatino groups acrossthe state have <strong>com</strong>etogether to create alist of re<strong>com</strong>mendationsto help Governor-Elect AndrewCuomo and Lt. Governor-Elect RobertDuffy implement policies to help alleviatethe current living and working conditionsin the Latino <strong>com</strong>munity.The re<strong>com</strong>mendations came in theform of a letter signed by GuillermoA. Martinez, President of the LatinoSociety of New York and co-signed byfifteen additional Latino group leaders.It outlines twelve steps that this groupof exemplary individuals feel should bemade policy under the in<strong>com</strong>ing Cuomoadministration. The letter was madeavailable to the public today.“The future of New York’s Latino<strong>com</strong>munities is inextricably tied to thesuccess of your administration,” Martinezwrote in the letter. “The Latino <strong>com</strong>munityis anticipating systematic andstructural changes that will allow thetalent in our <strong>com</strong>munities to participatein meaningful and important roles in youradministration.”Following are just a few of the majorhighlights that the Latino <strong>com</strong>munityseeks help to implement and uphold:• “It is imperative to have Hispanicsnamed to agencies as Commissioners,Deputy Executive Commissioners,Counsels, Government Affairs Liaisonsand Department Heads.”According to Martinez, the Cuomoadministration is urged to avoid theappointment of a few “token” Hispanicsto <strong>com</strong>missionerships of agencies, asthat has lead to minimal impact on ahealthy Hispanic economy in the past.Prior Latino leaders holding these titlesremained impotent in policy changes, asthey didn’t have their own teams to helpin managing state agencies.• “The Cuomo administration mustappoint Hispanics to high-level positionson the staff of the Governor andLt. Governors Office.”Martinez elaborates that in the pastsixteen years only two high-level Latinoappointments were made to state government.Aside from that, Hispanics haven’thad the opportunity to hold significant orinfluential positions in New York’s executivebranch of government.• “The Cuomo administration must…require that the Office of MinorityHealth report directly to theCommissioner of the Department ofHealth and the Governor’s DeputySecretary for Health and HumanServices.”Additionally, Martinez re<strong>com</strong>mendsthat this Office is well-fundedand well-staffed to meet the needs of the<strong>com</strong>munity. Currently Martinez describesthe role of the Office of Minority Healthin the New York State Department ofHealth as operative in relative obscurity.• “The Cuomo administration mustmove to strengthen diversity effortsat the State University of New York(SUNY) by creating the position ofVice-Chancellor for Diversity andrequiring SUNY to hire an AffirmativeAction Officer.”According to Martinez, SUNY is thelargest system of higher education in ourcountry without these positions beingheld. Additionally he warns that with onlyten in one hundred Hispanics graduatingcollege, the economic impact in terms oflow wages, low tax collection and costlysocial services may prove a danger to NewYork’s long-term economic stability.• “The Cuomo administration must…assess the quality of programsfunded through state allocations…offunds targeted to English LanguageLearners (ELL) and LimitedEnglish Proficient (LEP) students.”Martinez went on to say that our educationsystem is simultaneously strugglingand failing when it <strong>com</strong>es to teaching ELLand LEP students. He calls the educationalout<strong>com</strong>es of these failures “horrific,” with70 percent of New York ELL studentsnever graduating high school.• “The Cuomo administration needsto use the resources and powers of theState Police to…investigate patterns ofcivil rights violations and bias-relatedcrimes throughout New York State.”RADIOLatino press conference leaders.Martinez shed light on a recentfederal investigation of claims that NewYork’s Suffolk County Police Departmenthas violated the civil rights of Hispanicresidents. He goes on to elaborate thatwith the current anti-immigrant situationgrowing worse in our state and country, itis critical that State Police are used to helpaddress and investigate similar crimes.Martinez holds the support of severalLatino-oriented organizations whoco-signed his letter to the Governor.Among them: The National HispanicChamber of Commerce on Health,Grand Council of Hispanic Societiesin Public Service, The Greater CapitalRegion Minority Business Association,Hispanic Heritage Month Committee,The New York Latino Democrats andmany, many more. These groups holdhigh hopes that Governor-Elect Cuomoand Lt. Governor-Elect Duffy act ascatalysts for all of the re<strong>com</strong>mendationsstated in the above-referenced letter.Regarding the Latino <strong>com</strong>munity andcall for equal rights in school, governmentand all other areas of living, Martinezquotes Cuban poet Jose Mart, who wrote“Like stones rolling down hills, fair ideasreach their objectives despite all obstaclesand barriers. It may be possible to speed orhinder them, but impossible to stop them.”Local resident Bary Alyssa Johnson coversLarchmont, Mamaroneck, Rye, and RyeBrook, as well as the evolving world of electronicsand technology.On the Level with Narog and ArisNew Rochelle, NY -- Joan Gronowski,Yonkcers City Councilwoman representingthe 3rd District is Richard Narog’s and HeziAris’ guest this Tuesday, December 14th, from10 am through 11 am, on WVOX-1460 AMon your radio dial and worldwide on www.WVOX.<strong>com</strong>. The Hon. Nick Spano with betheir guest on December 21st.Listeners and readers are invited to senda question to WHYTeditor@gmail.<strong>com</strong> for possible use prior to any shows’ airingand even during the course of an interview.Wednesday mornings at 8:37 am when he and Bob Marrone discuss issues onthe Good Morning Westchester radio program hosted by Bob Marrone.LETTERS TO THE EDITORPlease submit your Letter to the Editor electronically, that is bydirecting email to WHYTeditor@gmail.<strong>com</strong> Please confine your writingto between 350 and 500 words. Your name, address, and telephonecontact is requested for verification purpose only. A Letter to theEditor will be accepted at the editor’s discretion when space permits. Amaximum of one submission per month may be accepted.

Page 16 The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010SPORTS TECHNOLOGYWomen’s and Girls Hockey in New York StateContinued from page 15USA Hockey also has state andnational championships at the girls tier 1and 2 level up to women’s at the A, B andC levelIn order to advance to nationalsyou must win the state championships,Nationals can be held anywhere in the statesaccording to who is hosting it that year.Mr. Eppolito made one point veryclear, that is, under the organizations’ rulesyou are required to go to the nationals ifyou win on the state levels,How does a player continue on tothe national level?There are evaluations tryouts everyyear open to the 14u, 15u and 16u level inorder to select players for training camps.At the training camps, a player is evaluatedfor the 18u and 22u national teamsand these team are at the elite level andinclude the top college playersHow do the women stay <strong>com</strong>petitiveif they are no longer playing in college?In order to stay <strong>com</strong>petitive USAHockeyJoe continues to help grow the sportfor girls and believes with hard work,training and education, he will succeedin creating many more opportunities,especially for those althetes who desire tocontinue to play at higher levelsWhat is your title, Mark DeSimone,for New York State and what are therequirements for the job?I am in charge of helping Joe Eppolitowho is Head Girls and Women’s Hockeyin NY State .I guide teams and individualsin the East Zone of the State, Ialso run the zone camps for girls that areheld in March at the Westchester SkatingAcademy in Yonkers,When did you get started in hockey?I started at the age of 7 in New Yorkplaying roller hockey and moved on toice hockey at the age of 12, playing in theMetropolitan junior hockey association.When did you start to coach andwhen did you start coaching girls /women’s ice hockey:I started coaching around 1994 andstarted coaching a senior women’s teamin 2000 which won the national championshipsin 2003. I started coaching girlsyouth hockey when my daughter Rachelmoved from the boys teams totheWhat girls or women’s teams are youcoaching and give us an overview of theteams.I am coaching the Sound ShoreWarriors who play out of the Ice Hutch inPelham; they are a 19u tier 1 tournamentteam who travel and play tournaments inorder to get exposure to college coacheswho scout for talent at these tournaments.This is where players are recruited.How does a player qualify for tryoutswith a team from which they may berecruited; and at what level must aplayer be proficient for consideration asa player?I don’t hold tryouts, I go by re<strong>com</strong>mendationsand known players who needa place to play.Its a highly <strong>com</strong>petitiveteam so I try to maintain that level whenI look for a playerWhat tournaments do you attend?Our tournamentsinclude theRhode Island PanthersThanksgiving tournament;the polar bearsChristmas tournamentas well as the NY statechampionshipsHow has girls icehockey grown?I have seen girlsand women’s ice hockeygrow by a tremendousamount in the last 10years. I believe any girlor women that wantsto play at the collegedivision 1level to thewomen’s recreationalcan find a place to play.There are plenty ofopportunities that haveopened up.Overall, themost important thingis to have fun and enjoythe process. Its what brings the foundmemories of the sport that we love.Tryouts for national camps are afterstate championships and before thenational championships. USA Hockeyposts dates on their website. I willpost dates for boys and girls.Anyonewho would like to be<strong>com</strong>e a coachUSAHockey.<strong>com</strong> websiteSince the 1992-93 season, when justover 10,000 girls and/or women registeredwith USA Hockey, the sport hasenjoyed great growth spurts. In 2008-09,the number of registered female playerscrossed the 59,500 mark.Albert Caamano has coached ice hockey for 15plus yearsUtica CollegeOffers Programsto PrepareStudents forOnslaught ofCyberwarBy Bary Alyssa JohnsonUtica Collegeannounced this weekthe emergence of anew threat to ournation’s cyber security.The collegereports that groupsof “hacktivists” have been openly wagingretaliatory attacks on businesses andgovernment agencies in a bid to wreakhavoc on their web sites, weakeningnational security.With businesses facing million-dollarlosses from these attacks and governmentin preparation for heightenedthreats to cyber security, the College hasacknowledged the need for trained cyberprofessionals as vitally important assets.Utica College, with its focus on economiccrime education, is now offering onlineprograms that will train students to fillthese important roles.“We here at Utica College have twoprograms in the Economic Crime andJustice Studies Department focused oncyber security,” Jennifer Trost, executivedirector of said Department at UticaCollege told the Westchester Guardianin an interview. “It’s really important topromote these programs through highereducation. We train students to be on thefront lines of protecting information andpreventing hacking issues.”The programs consist of The Bachelorof Science in Cyber Security and theMaster of Science in Cyber Security –Intelligence and Forensics.Continued on page 17

Page 18 The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010TRAVELThe Boulders Resort,Carefree, ArizonaContinued from page 17gazed with amazement at the spectacular architecturaldesigns of Arizona’s state tree, the Palo Verde. The name isSpanish for green stick, and in autumn, its chlorophyll-filledbranches punctuate the desert sky.On The Boulders property, there’s a magical placedcalled Promise Rock, a one-of-a-kind romantic outdoorvenue where fairytale weddings unfold. I was told it’s alsoa divine place to renew one’s vows. I had to see it! Createdby nature but discovered only recently by the resort, PromiseRock opened this spring for those entering life’s most importantunion – marriage. The site draws upon the strength androck-solid foundation of the surrounding boulders and theonly sound I heard was that of a cascading waterfall nearby.I was particularly taken with the rock art that The Boulders<strong>com</strong>missioned of a couple holding hands, done in the style ofan ancient petroglyph. The icing on the wedding cake: a “his& her” pair of saguaro cacti that presided over the venue – alovely symbol of partnership.The Boulders Resort is the recipient of countless awards,including Conde Nast Traveler’s “Gold List, Top Resorts ofthe World,” Arizona Bride Magazine’s “Best Wedding NightHotel,” and Zagat’s “#1 Resort in the Southwest Region.”If You Go:The Boulders Resort is located 33 miles from PhoenixSky Harbor International Airport, and transportation can bearranged in advance through the resort concierge. For moreinformation or reservations, contact The Boulders at (866)397-6520 or (480)488-9009 or visit www.TheBoulders.<strong>com</strong>.Photos courtesy of Sloane PhotographyTravel Editor Barbara Barton Sloane is constantly globe-hoppingto share her unique experiences with our readers; from the exotic tothe sublime. As Beauty/Fashion Editor she keeps us informed onthe capricious and engaging fashion and beauty scene.TRUTH AND JUSTICEIncreasing Awareness of Prosecutorial MisconductDiscipline and Accountability Hampered byProsecutorial ImmunityBy Jeff DeskovicLast Thursday evening, CNN’sAnderson Cooper ran a segmenton prosecutorial misconduct, aphrase that is finding its way into public consciousnesswith ever increasing frequency. His guests were BarryScheck, co-founder of The Innocence Project and wellknown author and former prosecutor Jeffrey Toobin.Their discussion centered around a recent study bythe Northern California Innocence Project, whichidentified more than 700 California cases involvingmisconduct from 1997 to 2009, from which only 6prosecutors (fewer than 1%) were officially disciplined.In fact, judges who were supposed to be referring prosecutorsfound to have been engaged in prosecutorialmisconduct to the state bar for investigation were inalmost every instance failing to do so.USA Today ran a two-part series in Sept. of 2010on prosecutorial misconduct by federal prosecutors thatreviewed 201 cases of misconduct in which a judgepublicly reprimanded the prosecutor, and found only 1prosecutor “was barred even temporarily for practicinglaw.”In August of 2010 The Innocence Project releasedits own study that found in 25% of 255 DNA exonerationsto that point, prosecutorial misconduct wasa factor. Of the various types of misconduct engagedin, more than 38% involved withholding exculpatorymaterial (Brady Violations) - often involving knowledgeof alternative suspects and forensic evidence. 37%involved multiple instances of misconduct-usually apairing of Brady violations with improper argumentsor questioning.The above studies are merely emblematic of theincreased public and media awareness of a heretoforegenerally unrecognized and clearly unpunished blightwithin our criminal justice system. It is be<strong>com</strong>ingincreasingly more apparent that the traditional conceptof prosecutorial immunity has in fact been a major catalystin the shameful number of wrongful convictionsbeing exposed to a large extent by highly refined DNA,and other technologies.The bugaboo defense most frequently offeredfor the perpetuation of immunity- a legal doctrinestating that prosecutors cannot be sued personallyno matter how egregious their conduct if it happensafter an arrest has been made- is that prosecutorsneed to be free to do their job without fear of legalvulnerability, and that their time should be spentprosecuting cases, not defending themselves fromcharges of wrongful conduct.As I see it, law abiding prosecutors would havelittle to fear, and could do their jobs just as effectivelyas others in law enforcement who do not enjoy suchimmunity. Given the umbrella of such immunity, it isnot surprising that unscrupulous prosecutors continueto break the law and violate the civil rights of accusedindividuals in an all out misguided effort to win convictionsat any cost, often resulting in the conviction ofinnocent targets of opportunity.Another catalyst for such wrongful behavior andegregious out<strong>com</strong>es resides in the fact that thosedistrict attorneys running the office are most oftenelected and frequently point to high percentages ofconviction thereby creating an incentive to those prosecutorsunder their supervision to bring about as manyconvictions as opposed, thus ensuring their re-election.All too often as these unfortunate elements workingin tandem continue to produce wrongful convictions,bar associations and judicial tribunals fail to hold themaccountable and to punish them.As this grievous circumstance both at the stateand federal level has moved into the public conscience,spurred by mounting media coverage, it is be<strong>com</strong>ingmore and more evident that we need the formulationof meaningful policy and legislation to stem this tide.We can no longer ignore the need to hold prosecutorspersonally accountable for both their civil and criminalviolations of individual civil rights. Therefore, the timeis at hand to bring about meaningful and effective legislationthat will bring an end to such abuses.Specifically, I propose legislation to end prosecutorialimmunity from civil lawsuits in clear cut instancesof intentional misconduct. I am further proposinglegislation that will impose incarcerative penalties forthe same.After all, police officers who daily place themselvesin harms way are not accorded such immunity, andfurther, if they violate a civilian’s civil rights, they aresubject to arrest and federal prosecution. Why shouldprosecutor’s be any different? In fact, as a society, do wereally need to maintain this class of individuals who areabove the law, who in effect by their conduct proclaim,“Do as we say, not as we do?”Jeffrey M. Deskovic is a Criminal Justice Advocateand Exoneree. To learn more, visit his website: www.JeffreyDeskovicSpeaks.org.

The Westchester Guardian THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010Page 19LEGAL NOTICESKim Schwartz LCSW PLLC Articlesof Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)9/3/2010. Office in Westchester Co.SSNY design. Agent of PLLC uponwhom process may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of processThe PLLC 380 Route 202 Somers, NY10589. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Erica Chambers LCSW PLLC Articlesof Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)9/3/2010. Office in Westchester Co.SSNY design. Agent of PLLC uponwhom process may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of processThe PLLC 380 Route 202 Somers, NY10589. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Dano Associates, L.P. Articles ofOrg. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)9/22/2010. Office in Westchester Co.SSNY design. Agent of LLC uponwhom process may be served. SSNYshall mail copy of process The LLC97 Fanevil Place New Rochelle, NY10801. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Anne L. Boffoli Bentzen LCSW PLLCArticles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State(SSNY) 9/24/2010. Office in WestchesterCo. SSNY design. Agentof PLLC upon whom process maybe served. SSNY shall mail copyof process The PLLC 380 Route 202Somers, NY 10589. Purpose: Anylawful activity.Northern Westchester CounselingAssociates LCSW PLLC Articles ofOrg. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)10/15/2010. Office in WestchesterCo. SSNY design. Agent of PLLCupon whom process may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of processThe PLLC 380 Route 202 Somers, NY10589. Purpose: Any lawful activity.NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIM-ITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME:Sasha’s Place Property Management,LLC. Articles of Organizationwere filed with the Secretaryof State of New York (SSNY) on10/14/10. Office location: WestchesterCounty. SSNY has beendesignated as agent of the LLC uponwhom process against it may beserved. SSNY shall mail a copy ofprocess to the Corporation ServiceCompany, 80 State Street, Albany,New York 12207. Purpose: For anylawful purpose.Simply Diamond Music LLC Articlesof Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)8/31/2010. Office in Westchester Co.SSNY design. Agent of LLC uponwhom process may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of process TheLLC 208 Pound Ridge Road Bedford,NY 10506. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Registered Agent: Rosanne LaBlanc 208 Pound Ridge Road Bedford,NY 10506.Cindy Smith-Menchin LCSW PLLCArticles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State(SSNY) 9/3/2010. Office in WestchesterCo. SSNY design. Agent of PLLCupon whom process may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of processThe PLLC 380 Route 202 Somers, NY10589. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Notice of formation of Curuzu RealEstate, LLC filed with Sec’y of State(SSNY) on 9/30/10. Office location:Westchester County. SSNY designatedas agent of LLC upon whomprocess against it may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of process to:Curuzu Real State, LLC at 17 SunnyRidge Rd. New Rochelle, NY 10804.Purpose: any lawful activity.Wells Park Drive, LLC Articles ofOrg. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)9/7/2010. Office in Westchester Co.SSNY design. Agent of LLC uponwhom process may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of processCorporation Service Company 80State Street Albany, NY 12207. Purpose:Any lawful activity. RegisteredAgent: Corporation Service Company80 State Street Albany, NY 12207.LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYKGM AUTO DETAILING, LLC Filed8/23/2010 Westchester County, 200Main Street, New Rochelle, NY, NYSec of State desig agent and mailcopy to Bus Filings Inc. 187 Wolf Rd.,Ste 101, Albany, NY 12205 for anyprocess served. All lawful purposes.315 Coster Street, LLC Articles ofOrg. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)7/19/2010. Office in WestchesterCo. SSNY design. Agent of LLC uponwhom process may be served. SSNYshall mail copy of process The LLC44 Fenimore Road New Rochelle, NY10804. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Gravino Group, LLC Authority filedwith Secy. of State of NY (SSNY)on 11/2/2010. Office location: WestchesterCo. LLC formed in Delaware(DE) on 6/4/2010. SSNY designatedas agent of LLC upon whom processagainst it may be served. SSNY shallmail process to The LLC 45 FieldstoneDr Katonah, NY 10536. DE addressof LLC: 3411 Silverside Rd RodneyBldg #104 Wilmington, DE 19810.Arts. Of Org. filed with DE Secy. ofState, PO Box 898 Dover, DE 19903.Purpose: any lawful activity.DJL, LLC Articles of Org. filed NYSec. of State (SSNY) 9/1/2010. Officein Westchester Co. SSNY design.Agent of LLC upon whom processmay be served. SSNY shall mailcopy of process to Corporation ServiceCompany 80 State St. Albany,NY 12207. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Registered Agent: CorporationService Company 80 State St.Albany, NY 12207.DJLS, LLC Articles of Org. filed NYSec. of State (SSNY) 9/1/2010. Officein Westchester Co. SSNY design.Agent of LLC upon whom processmay be served. SSNY shall mailcopy of process to Corporation ServiceCompany 80 State St. Albany,NY 12207. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Registered Agent: CorporationService Company 80 State St.Albany, NY 12207.Perkins Realty LLC Articles ofOrg. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY)10/27/2010. Office in WestchesterCo. SSNY design. Agent of LLCupon whom process may be served.SSNY shall mail copy of process TheLLC 21 Union Avenue Tarrytown, NY10591. Purpose: Any lawful activity.SRCP GROUP, LLC, Art. Of Org. filedwith NY Secy. of State on 7/7/10.Office located in Westchester Co.Secy. of State designated as agentupon which process may be served.Secy. of State shall mail a copy ofany process against it served uponhim/her to: 260 Worthington Road,White Plains, NY 10607, principalbusiness location of the LLC. Purpose:any lawful business activity.Notice of Authority of ValBacher,LLC; Application for Authority to dobusiness in the State of New Yorkwas filed with the Department ofState on November 3, 2010; OfficeLocation:, Westchester County;SSNY has been designated as agentof LLC upon whom process againstit may be served; SSNY may mail acopy of service of process to, 119North Road, White Plains, NY 10603.Purpose: Any lawful Purpose.White Plains Homeowners Coalition,LLC Articles of Org. filed NYSec. of State (SSNY) 10/8/2010.Office in Westchester Co. SSNYdesign. Agent of LLC upon whomprocess may be served. SSNY shallmail copy of process to The LLC 980Broadway, Ste. 225 Thornwood, NY10594. Purpose: Any lawful activity.Notice is hereby given that a license,number 1249920 for beerand wine has been applied for bythe undersigned to sell beer andwine at retail in a restaurant underAlcoholic Beverage Control Law at279 N Broadway, Sleepy Hollow, NY10591 for premises consumption.--WASABI JAPANESE SUSHI, INCNOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIM-ITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME:AKT LLC Articles of Organizationfiled with the Secretary of Stateof NY (SSNY) on 11/09/2010. Officelocation: Westchester County. TheSSNY is designated as agent of theLLC upon whom process againstit may be served. The SSNY shallmail a copy of process to the LLC,201 W.89th St., #11G, New York, NY10024. Purpose: Any lawful act oractivity.NOTICE OF FORMATION of ApostleManagement LLC. Arts of Org filedwith the Secy of State of New York(SSNY) on 10/01/10. Office location:Westchester County. SSNY designatedas an agent upon whom processmay be served and shall mail acopy of any process to the principalbusiness address: Gelfand, Rennert& Feldman, 360 Hamilton Ave., Ste100, White Plains, NY 10601. Purpose:any lawful act.NOTICE OF SALESUPREME COURT COUNTY OFWESTCHESTER, US BANK NATION-AL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEEOF CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOANTRUST, ASSET BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES2006-FX1 UNDER THE POOLINGAND SERVICING AGREEMENTDATED OCTOBER 1, 2006, WITHOUTRECOURSE, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN C.ALLEVA, ET AL., Defendant(s).Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale duly filed on April 22,2010, I, the undersigned Referee willsell at public auction at the WestchesterCounty Courthouse, Lobby,111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard,White Plains, NY on January11, 2011 at 9:00 a.m., premisesknown as 104 Washington Avenue,White Plains, NY. All that certainplot, piece or parcel of land, with thebuildings and improvements thereonerected, situate, lying and being inthe Town of North Castle, County ofWestchester and State of New York,Section 6, Block 7 and Lot 49 f/k/a49, 50. Approximate amount of judgmentis $530,843.83 plus interest andcosts. Premises will be sold subjectto provisions of filed Judgment Index# 1091/08.W. Whitfield Wells, Esq., RefereeKnuckles, Komosinski & Elliott, LLP,565 Taxter Road, Ste. 590, Elmsford,NY 10523, Attorneys for Plaintiff

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